Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Message from Angel Manuel

(Report-Marcos) Today, the Angel Manuel appeared to me again. He is so beautiful, so bright. After the initial greetings, the Angel said to me:
Angel Manuel
"Marcos, write down what I am about to say and announce it: only We, the Holy Angels, can take you to the Heart of St. Joseph and introduce you into Him. Only We can keep them obedient and faithful to the Heart of St. Joseph. Only We can lead them to St. Joseph, so that He will take them to the Mother of God and She will take them to the Lord Jesus and the Father. Only We can keep them in faithfulness to the Lord and the Mother of God in these bad times in which they live. For this, a true devotion to Us, the Holy Angels of God, is necessary. For a soul to have true devotion to Us, it must first of all believe firmly in Our existence, love Us as brothers and sisters, respect Us as their ambassadors before the Lord, and pray fervently. Then her love and devotion to Us must be pure, that is, unselfish, tender, constant, gentle, deep and holy. The soul who wants to possess true devotion to Us must want to have Our Holy friendship above earthly friendships so that it can unite with Us in life and grace. Happy is the soul who possesses Our Holy friendship, for it will feel and have at all times our loving presence, our comfort and our help, which will give peace and protection in life and death. Peace, Marcos. See you soon".
(Report-Marcos) "Then the Angel spoke to me, blessed me and disappeared.