Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 21, 2006
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

(Report-Marcos) Today, Our Lord came dressed in light purple. His face was serious. He sent me to write:(Report-Marcos)
Our Lord Jesus Christ
"-My Sacred Heart is filled with bitterness and sadness for what was done with the Apparitions of my Blessed Mother in Montichiari. Yes, because of the bishops, priests and religious who persecuted the Apparitions in Montichiari, the Messages of my Mother did not become known worldwide. Many souls were lost because the Messages of my Mother, who appeared in Montichiari to my daughter Pierina Gilli, were not made known to them. My Mother's most loving Heart was pierced with pain at seeing Her Messages, Her appeals, Her Tears and Her lamentations being fought, despised, denied and discredited by the clergy, without anyone rising up to defend Her! How soft, cowardly and languid the apparitions of My Mother in Montichiari surrounded them! How sloppy and relaxed! What a weak and uncompromising faith towards the Apparitions of my most beloved Mother in that place! My Mother and Pierina were left alone, with almost no one to defend them after that Hour of Grace in 1947. Only after 20 years of unjust silence and loneliness, could my Mother manifest herself again at Fontanelle, thanks to an extraordinary action of mine that provided everything for this to happen. And here, will it be the same? Will there be only cowardly, languid and soft souls who will not defend My Mother until the end? What will happen? Will faith be lacking here, as it was in Montichiari? I want souls made of the pure fire of My Holy Spirit, who will defend My Mother and the truth of the Messages with the strength of true faith. Happy the soul that will be so, for I myself will be its strength and reward; but woe to the cowardly soul that does not come out in defense of My Mother and Her apparitions, for I myself will cross out the name of this cowardly and soft soul from the Book of Life. Woe to the traitorous soul of My Mother! It would be better not to have been born to her! Son, remain in your unique and exclusive obedience to My Mother, for thus you obey Me fully and perfectly. Marcos, my favorite, peace! I bless you and your loved ones".
(Report-Marcos) "Then the Lord blessed me and left. The face of the Lord had a mixture of sadness and indignation today. I did not even dare to ask Him anything. The wrath of Jesus against the enemies and traitors of His Most Holy Mother is holy and terrible!".