Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Very dear children. I am the "Virgin of the Most Sacred Rosary", I am the "Virgin of the Most Sacred Rosary of Peace"! I want you to continue praying the Meditated Rosary that my son Marcos makes every day. It is obligatory to pray this Meditated Rosary that he makes and not another one, because this one that he makes is the best ROSARY that exists and that was already made for My honor and glory!
To this MEDITATED ROSARY that my son Marcos makes with MY MESSAGES and SAINT MEDITATIONS, I give all the blessings of MY IMMACULATE HEART. And those who love and pray these ROSARY MEASURES equally will also be blessed and loved with Special Love for ME.
I want you to have true love in your hearts! Have true love in you, for My Messages, for GOD and for My Immaculate Heart.
Exceed in yourselves!
Go beyond your own measure!
Go beyond your own will!
Exceed your attachments and pleasures!
Exceed your corrupted self!
So that your softness, lukewarmness, vices, self-love, attachment to your own way of thinking, attachment to your own desires, to your own will and to creatures may be replaced by holy and even heroic deeds! I call you to the heroism of faith! I want you to practice virtues to a heroic degree! So that you form around My head a Crown of many beautiful stars of holiness!
I do not want you to be just ordinary Catholics! I want you to be 'holy Catholics'! I want you to be holy children! That's what I came down here for and that's what I called you for!
The 'First Message' I gave here was about holiness, it is the difficult way, but its end is real and glorious." -You must sanctify yourself!" I said to my son Marcos at the 'First Apparition'. This is the purpose of My coming here! To raise up and form great saints! And I cannot allow a soul to come here and ask for my graces and not want to be sanctified!
I want everyone who comes here to become saints, surpassing themselves! Overcoming the self! For LOVE! To rise higher and higher in holiness.
Think about it, think about the HOLY ROSARY and see that he is a true mold of holiness. In the ROSARY the soul is molded in my own mold and in the mold of JESUS and so it takes Our own form and becomes Our Image and Similitude. So pray the ROSARY, seek in the ROSARY the means of your sanctification and you will find them!
The ROSARY is My 'Heavenly Pattern of Holiness'. Whoever prays it, whoever prays my MEASURED ROSARY that Marcos makes is placed by Myself in 'My Pattern of Holiness' and becomes a living image and copy of My own holiness.
Peace My children! I give you My blessing!