Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dearest children, today May 13th, commemorate the 90th anniversary of My First Apparition in the poor Cova da Iria in Fatima, to My Three Little Shepherds Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. My Immaculate Heart came to earth in 1917 to begin and follow My Plans, the designs of My Immaculate Heart composed of My Secrets of La Salette. And that since then, from the year 1917, they should enter their conclusive phase that will lead to the Great Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
The invitation I made ninety years ago in the Cova da Iria, to conversion, to return to the Lord, to penance, to prayer, to fulfill the commandments of the Lord, was not answered. The world continued on the path of sin, violence, rebellion against GOD, indifference, disaffection, hatred, atheism, materialism, hedonism, paganism and so many other sins that offend GOD OUR LORD!
That is why I kept appearing in many other places on earth, until I finally appeared here in Jacareí for this My beloved son who is a pearl of My IMMACULATE HEART!
I tell you little children:- After Fatima there was Beauraing, Banneux, Monchichiari, San Damiano, Garambandal, Umbe, El Escorial, Medjugorie, Naju, Akita, Kibeho and so many other places that I appeared until I arrived here in Jacareí. But after my apparitions here there will be no other apparitions, because the 'time of mercy' and the 'visitation of the LORD' will be over for the men of these times.
I invite you therefore to conversion sincerely, not for fear, not for fear of punishment, but for LOVE the LORD! Because you no longer want to hurt them, hurt them, hurt the Father to the Son, the Holy Spirit. Because you don't want to offend him anymore! Because you don't want to fill the LORD with sadness anymore, but you want to give the LORD love, joy, contentment!
I desire that your conversion be sincere so that GOD may receive from you the True Love that is due to Him and that He deserves to receive from all creatures of all that He has created and made.
My IMMACULATE HEART will surely triumph! But until then My little children must spread My Messages so that the number of those who pray and those who live as My wishes please GOD!
There is not even a third of humanity converted yet! You must fight my children! May you continue praying and carrying My Messages ever further! For those who are far from GOD and do not pray. For among them there are many who are souls of good will and who do not know GOD because no one has revealed Him to them.
If you bring to them My Messages, My Meditated Rosaries and all that I have given you here, through this My most dear son! Many souls will be converted, they will come into My arms and overflow this place of prayer, penance and love!
Do not be discouraged! I am with you. I know that you suffer because of me. I know you all by name, I know what you do...I know what you suffer...I hear what you pray and I know your life better than you do! And of everything My children, of everything I know! And the solution of everything I will provide. Just pray and do not despair! Put all your sufferings into my hands and you will see how I will take care of everything! I only want you to obey My Messages, to take My word to all souls and the rest of Me I will take care of...Do the best you can!
Give the best of yourself and I My children will act on your behalf!
For your cause is My cause...and My cause is your cause!
Because you have consecrated yourselves to Me, you have given yourselves totally to Me!
You Obey My Messages!
You do all that I say and therefore your life is Mine, Mine is yours! Your cause and Mine is yours!
Your sufferings are Mine and Mine is yours!
I will ask the LORD to make you JUSTICE and to give you PEACE and SALVATION. And to My supplication the LORD refuses nothing because He loves Me infinitely! You can be sure that all that I ask Him to give Me! So little children, you live every day under my sweet gaze, under my mantle and under my HEART which is the sun that illuminates you and then you will live in Peace.
Continue to pray all the prayers that we have given you here.
Continue to dry Our Tears with your prayers.
At this moment I give You all PEACE".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"-My children. I, the SACRED HEART, bless you once again today and give you Peace!
Be faithful to My MOTHER. My MOTHER appeared in FATIMA and was neither obeyed nor heard. And for this reason I have punished the world by allowing the 'Second World War' and so many hundreds of other wars that have devastated humanity throughout the 20th and early 20th century!
If the world does not attend to My Mother in the 'Last Apparition of humanity' which is this one, I will again make JUSTICE to Her and to ME even allowing new punishments to the world!
Human beings are many ingrate My children!
They pay MY LOVE with sins, offenses and persecutions!
They pay for MY GRACES and BENIES with indifference and evil plans against ME!
Human beings are very ungrateful!!!
From the day I was born on earth until today they live only to offend and hurt Me! They live only to oppose my will and to follow their disordered desires!
Human beings live only for themselves! And when they approach Me it is with some interest to achieve some benefit and nothing more!
There is NO LOVE!!
There is NO HEART these men of today!!!
There is NO LOVE neither for MY MOTHER, nor for MY FATHER, nor for MY WORD!
That's why MY HEART is saturated with so many ingratitude and offenses!"And I will make JUSTICE! But. If today you truly convert and open your heart accepting MY LOVE and loving ME with a sincere, pure and unselfish heart! Then very soon I will send the world to PEACE!
What I want is LOVE!
What I want in you is LOVE!
I look at many souls, but LOVE I only see in very few! Most have their hearts occupied only with the things of this world thinking that they will live here forever! And that they will never have to leave all this behind to one day appear before Me, be judged and go to what they deserve. Or HEAVEN or Hell!
In most hearts I find only thirst for pleasures! Of amusements! Of own well being! Of self-indulgence! Of luxury! Greatness! Wealth and Power!
In the hearts I see only this. In very few souls I see LOVE. In very few souls I find the 'True LOVE'! The LOVE of the CROSS! The LOVE even in the midst of suffering.
The LOVE that does not seek itself, but rather, seeks to please Me, to love Me, to give Me contentment and to make MY NAME and MY GOODNESS shine and be known and loved by all men!
That is the LOVE I seek! This is the LOVE I want!
If today you open the doors of your hearts to MY LOVE I will come in, I will dwell with you, I will unite with you! And we will be one! Just as I entered into the hearts of the 'PASTORS of FATIMA' when MY MOTHER opened Hands and communicated the LIGHT to them! There I joined them and WE became one heart in LOVE!
If you today open your hearts to MY LOVE, I will do this for you!
I will live in you and you will live in ME and we will be one in the LOVE of MY FATHER.
THE PEACE My children!"
Message of Saint Joseph
"Little children! I end today's Message by asking you to continue doing the HOUR OF PEACE, the MEDITATED ROSARY, the TREZENA, the SETENA and MY HOUR THE HOUR OF SAINT JESUS every Sunday!
May you continue to dry our tears with all these 'most sacred prayers that WE have given you here! And that above all, My children, during this year, you spread the news of the "Apparitions of JACAREÍ more, spreading those brochures that contain information about the apparitions and the existence of this Holy Place.
I desire, little children, that you be missionaries of Our Messages!
Go throughout the world delivering and spreading Our Messages!
Don't worry if many souls refuse and reject the Messages! Worry more and more about going forward, taking Our Messages to other new souls!
For in the world there are souls of good will who have not yet met Us, and so are still far from Us. And there are many sinners who need to be converted My children!
Bring them the LIGHT! The LIGHT has been given to you! The LIGHT is in your hands and that LIGHT is 'OUR MESSAGES'! Take this LIGHT to the whole world! Spreading 'OUR WORD' so that the darkness is overcome by the LIGHT and the world can finally see the LIGHT of GOD! The LIGHT of LOVE, the LIGHT of HOLINESS, of GRACE and of PEACE!
To all of you today, My children, I bless you and I say:-
Meditate on all that WE have already given you!
The thousands of Messages that WE have given you here are not to be forgotten or just in books and pamphlets! They are to be kept and meditated upon and in your hearts, and promptly obeyed with perfection and without delay!
Therefore, dedicate more time to reading, to rereading, to listening, to meditating Our Messages.
I tell you, "The soul that does not devote time to meditate on Our Messages, is in great danger of losing not only faith, prayer and LOVE but also of losing Sanctifying Grace and falling into sin."
So I say to you:- "Dedicate time to OUR MESSAGES. They are the GREATEST TREASURE WE have given you! Venerate this TREASURE! Love this TREASURE! Honor this TREASURE! Dedicating time and attention to HIM.