Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children I call you 'PERFECT LOVE', which is pleasing to GOD! Without LOVE you cannot please GOD nor ME. So I ask you, for LOVE and not for fear of punishment or hell Renounce sin, and return to GOD who loves you so much! And to MY HEART that has so much LOVE for you and that LOVE has already shown you!
Surely you have seen how much LOVE the cow has for her calf. the cat for her kitten. If a little animal has that much LOVE for his son that is yours! How much more MY KIDS THAT I AM THE "RAIN OF HEAVEN AND THE EARTH"! THE "IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION" I love you and I have for you a LOVE simply burning! When I lose a child to sin, I suffer such acute pain that it would be enough to give me a thousand deaths.
So I ask you My children! May you no longer make MY HEART suffer with sin, with evil, and with your refusal, your rebellion to the Will of GOD! If I could die the pain I feel for the loss of only one child of Mine, it would be enough to give Me a thousand deaths in a row!
So I ask you:- "Renounce sin! No longer resist the LOVE and the WILL of GOD upon you! WE know you by name and on each one of you we draw a special, singular and unique plan. If you do not want it with much pain I will let you go with the devil, with the world and with the evil and I will call others to put in your places. But that is not my will! It is My will that you My children never turn away from Me because of your rebellion, your rebellion, and your disobedience to My will, My messages, and My desires.
What I want from you little children is LOVE. The docile LOVE. The pure LOVE. Only when you have LOVE, the beauty of GOD can reflect in you! Oh, yes! I AM beautiful because I LOVE, because I LOVE I AM beautiful! And when you, My children, also love GOD with pure and sincere LOVE, and love your neighbor with charity for LOVING GOD! Then you too become very beautiful, that is; your souls shine and reflect the beauty of GOD Himself! And My beauty.
So, seek LOVE!
Wish for LOVE!
Open your hearts to LOVE!
MAKE AN EFFORT! So that you have, live the LOVE. the 'TRUE LOVE'!
My children time is running out! Time is passing fast! MY IMMACULATE HEART will surely triumph! But not everyone will triumph with HIM! Because not everyone obeys My Messages and does what I command.
If you, My children, do not yet listen to My repeated and distressing call to do all that I tell you! You will not make it to the end My children! For for the good, for the just, the road is tight and difficult. And only those who have a 'True and Solid LOVE' will make it to the end!
That is why I say to you: "Pray all the prayers I have given you with LOVE! And not for duty and obligation! Pray them with 'SOLID LOVE' and asking for 'SOLID LOVE'!!! So that then, My children, you may receive the Grace and the strength necessary to overcome all for LOVE to GOD and ME.
Who has the DIVINE LOVE in himself, wins the world and has already won the world. It is the LOVE that wins the world! I won the world through LOVE and with LOVE.
Continue to dry MY LANGUAGES with all the prayers that I gave You, tomorrow I will return with MY MOTHER ANA as it was promised you and SAINT CECÍLIA. We will come to bless all Our children. And to give to all of you My children once again the revelation of the LOVE, the WOND and the TRUTH of GOD...THE PEACE".