Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children. Today, on the Feast of my LOVING HEART, I desire again to flood your souls with my grace, my peace and my love.
Your hearts belong to Me and you should seek to resemble My HEART.
The son who truly loves his father, if he truly loves him, will be like the Father; he will look to his father, see his good examples, his virtue, see his remarkable qualities and seek to be like him. If you love Me as true children, you will seek to be like Me, imitating all My Virtues, copying My examples and above all, letting yourself be docilely guided by Me!
I wish that My own Face may shine in you, for the Glory of the OMNIPOTENT and for His joy.
Be careful also, to treat my Messages as a common thing, for many have already fallen into this error and been lost forever!
See that every Message that comes out of my Heart, that comes out of my Mouth in this place; it is a good that many Saints wished to possess and did not have. wished to hear and did not listen. And to you this gift has been given by the LORD; from you the LORD expects much more than he expected from many generations past.
To you He has given much and expected much. Do not frustrate, do not disappoint the LORD, who has poured out so much good and favored you more than enough to save entire past generations!
May your love for the LORD be pure, be firm, be full, be unconditional.
Know that the LORD has loved you so much. And He expects great love from you too.
Forward! Go forward, excited, joyful and happy to know that you are so loved by the FATHER of HEAVEN, by VIRGIN MARIA and also by ME; that I love you very much and if necessary I would return to Earth and suffer all that I have suffered for you, for your salvation.
I bless you all today".