Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

My children. I, JESUS, bless you today with all the graces of my most Sacred and Beautiful Heart!
I wish you perfect love. The love that I want and that I expect from you is pure love; that leads you to live deeply united with Me, loving what I love, doing what I do and also deploring what I deplore.
I desire from you the respect of the creature for its creator, but the love of the friend for his dear friend. Only when your hearts come to this true friendship with Me can you truly say: that you live in Me and I in you, that you already live a true life in GOD!
To find Me man has to depose outside his heart, every trace or seed of disordered love to the creatures and things of this world; that compete with My Love and lead him away from Me.
Only when man empties himself completely can he then receive My visit into his soul, to flood it with the knowledge of Me and My Love, and with the Blessings of Wisdom, Understanding, Science and Holy Fear that I have to give him. Only when man dies to himself will he be born to Me and to heavenly things.
See My children that the world offers you only illusion and lies; passing goods; that as soon as you reach them, you are sick of them and already dissatisfied again. And for the world you work with ardor and without rest, no matter if you suffer discomfort day and night! And I offer you eternal things, sublime goods, which will endure for all eternity, an endless happiness after a brief period of trial in this life. And you are not able to take a step towards My Hands. This is why My HEART is pierced with such painful and sharp thorns, because it does not find in you: more than bad will, more than laziness, more than hardness and indifference to My Love!
Do you not understand the signs of the times My children?
When a King is approaching a city, he sends his servants, his subjects, in front of him to warn the city of the arrival of the King and prepare it to receive him.
If I am sending My Mother, My Saints, My Angels and if I myself come here to send these Messages to the world, it is for you the clear sign that I am already at the doors! Love is returning to you as Love and for Love!
Soon My children, you will see on the clouds of Heaven Him whom you crucified and mocked. And I will see beside Him My MOTHER; who is so despised, so denied, disobeyed and offended by the men of this time.
Yes My children! You can even hear the beats of My HEART, so close I am to you. I am at your doors.
Pray, live in holiness so that your life may be a lamp, whose flame is never extinguished nor diminished.
May your souls be my living Tabernacle, where I can rest and truly dwell forever!
I desire to rest in you. That is why I asked you through My Mother " THE TIME OF MY SACRED HEART", so that every Friday for at least 1 hour I may rest in your souls!
Give Me rest by praying this Hour of Prayer with love and fidelity!
Give Me rest and lodging, welcoming me for at least 1 hour!
Give Me love, like that sinner who washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. In My HOLY TIME every Friday, do this to Me. Unpreach Me from the Cross for a few moments, so that I may rest in you, as I rested in the lap of My MOTHER descended from the Cross.
May your souls be to Me a new cradle where I can enter and rest!
And I tell you, My children, that your reward will be an increase in the life of union with Me, which will grow day by day until it reaches fullness in eternity.
Peace! I now bless you with my MOTHER and my Father HOLY JOSEPH".