Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children. My LOVE HEART is your Holiness School! Come My little students, learn from My HEART the lessons of Perfection and Love, so that your souls may be formed in that True and Supernatural Love that GOD desires from you!
Fill your hearts with the Supernatural Love, this Love that surpasses and overcomes: the vain, illusory and passing affection of creatures. With this Love My children, your souls will love supernaturally, above matter and created things; and then your heart like a pure flame will rise to Heaven like a true fire of Love that will touch the HEART of the Omnipotent and incline it benevolently to all of you.
With Supernatural Love, you will be able to overcome all the limitations and inner and outer obstacles of your lives; because this Love will give you the strength to overcome yourself, the world and matter, and in this way your souls will always be masters of themselves and will not be dominated by anything or anyone.
With this Supernatural Love you will become, the image and perfect copy of My LOVING HEART, which has always burned with the Flames of Pure and Supernatural Love.
Behold more often the Image of My Appearance here, with My HEART on fire with Supernatural Love! Ask My HEART to communicate these Flames to you and He will not deny them to you.
Keep on doing My HOUR of prayer every Sunday; through it I will teach you and you will communicate this My Supernatural Love!
You will receive more who open more. and whoever is better disposed to receive My Love! Therefore, My children, dispose your hearts, well, to receive My Love in a large scale and abundant measure! Peace".