Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Message of Saint Apolonia


Dear Brothers. I, Apollonia, servant of JESUS and VIRGIN MARIA, give you peace and bless you again today.

Behold. How great is the love of the Lord, who called you here at His feet, who has filled you with so many lights and benefits and transformed you into true children of His Light and of His Grace!

Be true children of the LORD and of IMMACULATE MARY. living according to their desires, in a deep and total Consecration of yourselves to His Love, so that in your lives and in the lives of your neighbors; the holy will of GOD be done and the LORD see His designs fulfilled and fulfilled in you!

Be you, true children of the LORD and of IMMACULATE MARY. seeking to have in you the same feelings that they have, the same desires, the same loves, the same intentions. So that then, in perfect communion with them, your life may be a continuous act of glorification to GOD and to His MOTHER and also a perfect witness and proof of their love for all men.

Seek to arrive at this communion of feelings, desire and love with GOD and His Holy Mother; through a life of deep prayer, meditation, reflection and conformity of your will to their will.

If you follow this path that I indicate to you, you will reach the Perfect Supernatural Union with GOD and then you and GOD will be one in love, you will be one in Supernatural Love. When the fire of Divine Love is lit in a soul that receives it well, this fire spreads throughout its whole being and transforms it into a true living flame of love. And this soul, like a burning torch of charity, goodness and holiness, ignites this fire of the LORD in other souls, and then; that fire spreads more and more until it takes the whole world, making it burn in the flames of the Divine Goodness' charity!

Be you, the true children of the LORD and of IMMACULATE MARY. seeking at all times and in all things to cast the mystical and supernatural light of the LORD, who desires through you to reflect and expand to the whole world; until all souls see the light, know the truth, free themselves and save themselves!

If you are the true transmitters of the Light of GOD, of the light of IMMACULATE MARY, of His Grace, of their truth and goodness to all humanity. you will truly see this immense desert of selfishness, violence, evil and sin transforming itself. into a lush and fragrant garden of goodness, love, holiness, happiness, charity and peace!

If you are the true children of GOD and of IMMACULATE MARY, you will be recognized among the ANGELS of GOD as such, as His true children and His worthy heirs, and then; you will reign with them for all eternity, in perpetual happiness that will never end!

Be, therefore, the true children of GOD and of IMMACULATE MARY so that in your souls light may always triumph from darkness; good may always triumph from evil; peace may always triumph from hatred and violence; love may always triumph from selfishness and evil.

In this way your hearts will already foretell Heaven on earth and then your passage will be a gentle one. a gentle ascent and change to a much more beautiful place that awaits you, where you will be happy for all eternity!

I was a true daughter of GOD and of IMMACULATE MARY and therefore I can help you a lot, because I know how to reach this perfection of holiness.

I have already walked this path and I know how to bring you to it, I know how to lead you to GOD and to his holy Mother without error, without fall or weariness.

Come, then, to Me! And I will give you all the necessary graces so that you may reach that eminent holiness to which you are called!

Let yourselves be led by Me, accepting all the good graces and help that I want to give you, through deep prayer. If you love Me and if you are truly willing to follow Me, you will feel My presence, My visit in prayer giving you good and holy purposes; good ideas; good motions, which will lead you to follow rightly and without error the path of perfection and holiness.

I love you very much and I pray for you in Heaven without ceasing.

I now bless you all and leave My Cloak upon you to cover you, to guard you and defend you always!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Peace marks. See you soon! Soon I will return. I love you, my favorite."



