Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Message of Mary Most Holy

My beloved children. today, when you commemorate My Appearance in LA SALETTE in 1846 to My little children MAXIMINO and MELANIE, I thank you and again call you to continue following the road that I pointed out to you on that occasion!
With my eyes pouring out Tears without ceasing, I spoke to My two little children, calling the whole world through them to hear My Mother's cries and return to the Lord of Peace and Salvation. MAXIMINO and MELANIE became two true handkerchiefs, wiping My Sorrowful Tears.
Be you also, the tissues that wipe my tears. for a life of prayer, of penance, of deep desire to fulfill the will of the Lord and give Him Glory for a life completely consecrated to Him.
Be the handkerchiefs that wipe My Tears of Sorrow. through your always ardent, vigorous and profound faith; so that with it you may also make all this humanity burn with faith. that has moved away from true faith; that has plunged into apostasy and now lies dead in the midst of so many errors, so many false doctrines, so many sins and so many deceits and illusions!
Be the tissues that wipe my tears. through your love always and ever deeper, ardent, strong, generous, detached, unlimited, unconditional, unrestricted and supernatural. to help this poor humanity to see in you the immense and true love of the LORD; that it may be healed from the wounds of selfishness, hatred, violence, evil, wars, discord, disunity and so many evils that plague this humanity; that it has built for itself a civilization without GOD and therefore without love, and now drinks the bitter cup that it has filled for itself.
Be the tissues that wipe my tears. through your hope; always firmer, always more vibrant, always deeper. May it make you increasingly hope and trust in the promises of the Lord, certain that He will never abandon those who declare Himself before men and that He will come with His power and His glory, to establish in this world His Kingdom of Love, which is already in a way begun and prepared by your hands. when you work with Me, when you pray with Me, when you collaborate with Me in My plans for the salvation of the world.
Be the handkerchiefs that wipe my tears. through the exercise of all virtues; so that your souls may be a florid and varied garden, where flowers of all kinds and colors are born, to please my LORD and my IMMACULATE HEART, who sends me to you as 'Heavenly Gardener', to cultivate you all, plucking the weeds from your hearts, to the roots, that is. your attachments, your self-love your sins in order to transform you: into beautiful and vivid and fragrant flowers that spread everywhere the sweet smell of holiness, of love, of divine grace.
Be you the handkerchiefs that wipe away my tears. through your soul, more and more identical to me, more and more my image and likeness; so that I may reflect, through you: my love, my mercy. .who wants to save everyone, who wants to rescue everyone, who wants to lead everyone to Heaven, so that everyone may see My Face in you. always gentle, merciful and loving; always open to forgive and to receive all those who wish to return to Me!
Be you the handkerchiefs that wipe my tears. seeking to be in all things obedient to me, as my little children MAXIMINO and MELANIE were, and also as my son Marcos is, so that through your littleness, through your weakness, I may show my strength, so that where Satan wounded I may heal. where satan has overthrown, I lift up. where satan has dominated, I take the ground he has conquered and give it back to the LORD, the one and only victor of the whole universe, so that His glory may be full and complete in all mankind!
Be you the handkerchiefs that wipe My Tears. seeking at all times and in all places that you can, to transmit My Messages by word, by writing, by example and by all forms that you can invent, to transmit them and make them loved and obeyed by all.
Be you the handkerchiefs that wipe My tears. being My true apostles of recent times, living as true consecrated My own, dependent in all things on Me, entrusting everything to Me, expecting everything from Me, not relying on themselves. but living totally supported in My maternal love that never forsaken nor confounded anyone!
Thus, My children, you will be the true mystical handkerchiefs that dry My tears. You will be the sweet and loving song that replaces My cry with a smile of joy and consolation of the Mother who sees herself loved, obeyed, listened to, imitated and followed by Her little children.
In this way My HEART can make and break, unleash in the world the Flame of My Love; which will consume all humanity and transform it into a true fire of mystical love for the LORD Our GOD, then it will be the TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART!
Continue to say all the prayers that I have given you here, with true thirst and love for GOD, in the spirit of true desire to be His beloved children, who love Him, who obey Him, who honor Him and make Him loved, honored and glorified by all!
My children. to all of you I now bless, with love, the intercession of My little children MAXIMINO AND MELANIE".