Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Message of Our Lady


(Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady to Saint Catherine Labouré)

Message of Mary Most Holy

"My dear children! Today, when you are already celebrating My Appearance to My little daughter SANTA CATARINA. I again bless you and give you peace!

From that My Appearance to My present ones, I have not ceased to show the world My Love and My immense desire to hold all my children to My Heart. But. the souls have not understood My Love, because they have no love. If they were like my little daughter SANTA CATARINA, who had love for me, they would understand the value of my apparitions and my messages and how much happiness and wealth there is in serving me, despising the world with its vain and illusory things!

Without love it is impossible to understand My Messages.

Without love. it is impossible to know the secret of My apparitions.

Without love. it is impossible to penetrate and immerse oneself in the merciful plan of my Heart.

Only through love and with love can a soul penetrate the membrane of the Mystery that is My Mother's Love; manifested in so many places on earth for the salvation and sanctification of so many souls!

This is why I am a 'stumbling block' for some and a 'building block' for others. For those who love Me I am the cornerstone, for every good building block. For those who do not love Me, I am a stumbling block; because by not loving Me they cannot understand My Love and even seeing it they cannot love it, nor reach it.

Only in My Love does the soul understand the Love of GOD and can reach the True and Perfect Love for GOD.

My children. It was out of love that I gave you my MY MYLAGROSE MEDAL.

It was out of love that I appeared to my little daughter CATARINA LABOURÉ in Paris in 1830. For love of her in the first place and for love of you too!

It is out of love. First of all to My son Marcos that I appear here in Jacaré and then out of love for you, that I keep appearing here for so many years; to lead you and guide you to Heaven, to salvation, to eternal happiness!

It is out of love that I have appeared in every place on earth. Every Apparition, every Message of Mine is a message, an act of love that I give to you!

I will continue to speak! I will continue to show you my love until you accept me, until you love me.

I am with you every day, believe in it and you will have peace, serenity and light to solve your problems with balance, good census and more accuracy!

I am with you! Believe in this and nothing will disturb you. Nothing will steal your peace!

I am with you and if I am with you nothing is lacking!

I bless you all with Love and ask you to continue with all the prayers that I have given you here, for they will make you great saints".



