Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, November 28, 2008
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, I am the Second Advent Mother!
Live with me this time in preparation for the glorious return of JESUS. living in PRAYER, in PENITHENESS, in SANTITY so that; when the LORD returns he will find Love on the EARTH!
I am with you and I come to form you in holiness. For this it is necessary that your hearts follow Me without hesitation or looking back.
So do it now. My dear children, the renunciations I have so often asked of you, so that your hearts free from the weight of the attachments, vain worries and illusions of this world may finally rise to the highest and highest things and thus savor the Treasures of GOD's Grace!
I want each one of you to be holy. And that is the plan GOD has outlined for you! In the Saints I want to produce here, I will give the world the greatest proof of the truth of My APPARITIONS. So pray, meditate, exercise the virtues, fight your defects and try to achieve perfection and perfect imitation of My IMMACULATE HEART.
To all today. with love. I bless".