Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 1, 2009
All Saints' Day of God
Message of Saint Veronica Giuliani

Marcos, I am VERONICA GIULIANI, servant of God and of the Virgin Mary.
My soul was always burned with the purest and most intense fire of love for the Lord and His Mother while I was still living here on earth. My love was so intense that it earned me the grace to receive in my body the stigmata of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, by the supernatural union of My soul with His Heart, with His will and His divine blessing, I became another Christ, another Crucified Christ. I have become a perfect copy of the Lady of Sorrows with Her Heart pierced by arrows of pain. In my soul the fire of pure and supernatural love that consumed me was such that I could not stop consuming myself at every moment in this furnace of love, without ever stopping giving myself to the Lord, nor consuming myself like wax in the heat of fire on the altar of the divine Father. When the soul is full, it is possessed by such a love, similar to the one I had, it also does not know how to live but by consuming itself with desires to love the Lord even more, and this desire that consumes it, makes it find no rest in anything else outside of its Beloved. Therefore, the soul that loves the Lord and His Mother with all its heart finds no rest, no relief, no joy, no joy, and no full satisfaction in anything other than in them, in any other love outside of their love. Therefore, the soul that is consumed by the fire of divine love has no other rest than the Heart of Jesus, but His wounds, His adorable Will, but the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph with His sorrows.
The soul that loves like this, finds no peace anywhere but in the arms, in the lap, of His beloved Lord, our Lord Jesus Christ. The soul seeks Him, the soul seeks Him and for it there is no work that is great, painful or arduous enough to make it stop in the search for its Beloved, in the search for its Lord, in the desire to know Him, to find Him, to embrace Him, to unite with Him forever with bonds made of pure fire, fire of pure love. And even if the soul has to search to the ends of the earth for its Lord, it seeks Him, it does not rest, and when it finds Him then the soul rejoices, the soul rejoices, the soul finally rests in the peace of the possession of the Good it so searches for, of the Supreme Good so longed for by its heart. For this reason the soul enjoys when it meets its Beloved, and another love no longer wants, nor desires outside of that. but that, and in everything it does it imprints the very distinctive seal of this love, the indelible seal of this love, which is erased neither by time, nor by pain, nor by suffering, nor even by hellish spirits, nor by any creature, for as the Apostle said: "love is strong as death. Yes, its strength is such that when it imprints itself on a soul, nothing can stop it anymore, nothing can make it stop, and in everything it does it imprints eternal value, therefore everything that the soul that loves the Supreme Good, that loves the Lord with all its heart, in everything it does, sees, feels, tastes the seal, the sign of true love. true love. love that the saints, whom We, the blessed, wanted above all things, seek above all things, and who renounce everything in order to possess it. divine love, love of God. eternal and supernatural love. very immeasurable. (Note: Saint Veronica spoke as if she were thinking out loud or speaking to herself) very incomparable that nothing, no treasure, love or thing in this world can compare to it, or overpower it in value. Love that if the soul possesses it has everything, nothing lacks it. It has achieved success, reached the palm of triumph, conquered the crown of supreme happiness that the human being desires and seeks, unfortunately, in this world of fleeting, illusory, lying and outdated things.
Blessed is the soul that opens itself to this love, that accepts this love within itself and gives it the throne of its heart and life, because in this soul the love of God will go from triumph to triumph, from victory to victory, from work to work, from fruit to holiness and in this soul the love of the Supreme Good will be pleased, there it will rest, it will pitch its tent and live with it forever!
To all of you, at this moment I bless and say: follow this school of holiness of the Mother of God. I have followed the path of perfect love to which she, Saint Joseph, the Lord and we, the Angels and Saints, have guided you here during all these months, these years! Follow each day in the contempt of yourselves, in the sublime love for God and in the desire to be more and more conformed to God's will. I promise to imprint on the hearts of all those who ask me the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, a living love for the sufferings of the Lord, a true compassion for the sufferings of Him and the Lady of Sorrows, and a true devotion to the holy wounds of the Lord Jesus. and I promise to lead these souls to a perfect, ardent and profound union of love with our crucified Lord.
I bless you all now, here in this Chapel, in this Sacred Place that for Us, the saints in Heaven, is dearer, more precious than all the rest of the world, and at this moment I leave you peace".