Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, November 2, 2009
Message from Saint Catarina de Bolonha

Marcos favorite, I am Catherine of Bologna! I am Catherine, whom you know well and who knows how much love I had for Our Lord, for the Blessed Virgin on earth, and also how much charity and piety I had for the Holy Souls of Purgatory.
Today, when you celebrate the day of all those who have been faithful to the Lord and have already departed for eternity, I invite you also to remember those souls who have been faithful to the Lord, who have loved Him with burning love, who have served Him, who have loved the Blessed Virgin with all their strength; but are still on the road to purification in Purgatory. Because of little faults, little venial sins, they are purifying themselves in that fire; which is as terrible and devouring as hell, but which is limited and has the time to be put out for those Holy Souls.
But while they are there, how much they suffer! How much they groan! How much they long to be with God and with the Blessed Virgin, with the Angels and with Us, the Blessed Saints in Eternal Glory! They see us, they hear the Songs of Glory that we sing in Paradise. They already sense for themselves the eternal pleasures of happiness and of the full possession of God, of participation in his infinite happiness. And because of this, they are consumed by atrocious pain, by atrocious repentance for not having been strictly perfect as the Commandments of God's Law required them to be. Like the obligations of their state of life on earth, they demanded that they had been. As the Grace of God and the number of favors and heavenly lights they received in their life on earth demanded that they correspond. With love, with a dedication, with a perfect servitude and without any stain of self-love, relaxation or even imperfection.
Those souls await your prayers so that they can leave that sad prison and reach eternal bliss in Heaven!
P R A Y F O R T H E M!
And you will be doing the greatest work of charity that can be done to your neighbor, because if taking an earthly person out of the flames that burn him is a praiseworthy act of great charity and heroism, much greater is taking those holy souls: good, holy, perfect; who loved the LORD with all their strength and were very worthy to be helped and loved, from those terrible flames that consume them.
Do this and you will be doing an act of great merit before the Lord and you will be rewarded by Him, with Divine Blessings that will surely lead you to the happiness of Heaven, without needing you, to go through those terrible flames that consume the Holy Souls of Purgatory.
ESTULTICE., is to live as if there was always tomorrow!
ESTULTICE., is to live as if man could return to this Earth a second time, to have a second life, to have a second chance to repair the evil he did and the good he did not do!
And if he does not learn to love the Lord while he is a traveler in this world. in the next, he can no longer do so. And so he will be cast into the eternal flames of hell, because the time of Mercy and Grace for him will have ended.
Equally sad and great foolishness, is to spend one's whole life loving only creatures and not seeking to love God. Or to be content with loving Him little, because these souls who could be true 'eagles' flying high in the Heaven of God's Love, prefer nevertheless to be like little chickens, little gazelles, who only walk on earth and scratch the earth!
Oh my beloved brothers! You have not been called to love God little!
You have been called to love God very much! To love Him with all the strength of your heart, of your whole being.
You are called to love God as no one has ever loved Him!
You are called to love the Blessed Virgin, as no one has ever loved her until now!
You are called, to truly disappear, like a drop of water that dries up when it falls into the desert!
So that your soul may rise to the highest heights of Grace and then live perfectly in the Heaven of God's Love.
You must disappear completely so that God's Love may appear in you!
You must empty yourselves completely so that God's Love may fill your souls to overflowing, so that other souls seeing God's Love in you may also know and drink from Him and may also quench their thirst: for Truth, Divine Love, Holiness, Grace and Peace!
You are called to follow the same road that I followed:
- The Way of Love;
- The Way of Virtues;
- The way of perfect abandonment and confident surrender in the Hands of God!
Just as I have loved the Lord with all my strength, to the point where He Himself pierced my Heart with the Lance of His Burning and Divine Love, you too are called to have this Love, which causes you to die at every moment for yourselves and to serve that Lord who loved you with Love of predilection! For if it were not so, you would not be here. For here are called to come only those upon whom God has special Plans of salvation, which He reserves for the unique knowledge of Himself, but which are Plans and Designs that will earn Him much Glory and also the salvation of many souls.
The Kingdom of God is already among you! He is Here. It is offered to you in these apparitions every day! You must only accept Him, bring Him into your life. Seek Him before all things! Seek Him in the first place! And all things will be given to you, that is, all the graces necessary for your sanctification and spiritual improvement will be given to you in addition.
I am with you! And I promise to guide you, to help you on the path of this spiritual improvement.
Trust in Me! Pray to Me! For I am attentive, always the voice of your prayers.
Let us love our Beloved!
Let us seek our Beloved!
May our only delight be to be at the Arms of our Spouse, of our Beloved Jesus, the Love of our souls!
And let us never leave His Loving Arms, for nothing, for any lying, deceitful call of the devil and of the world, that wants to make us leave Jesus!
Let us remain in Jesus always! And Jesus will always remain in us!
Let us remain in the Virgin Mary always! And she will always remain in us!
Let us remain in the Holy Spirit always! And He will always remain in us!
You who are still in the state of walking in this world, remain always in the Love of God and He will always remain in you!
I am with you! I am in favor of your Salvation and I want to work, to obtain it for all of you.
I bless you all, abundantly at this time".