Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children, my Most Beloved Heart blesses you again now and tells you:
Pray more and more that Christ may be born in your hearts and that He may truly become the King of your soul, of your life, of your affections and that He may rule your whole being, for the realization of His plan of love and also that in your life, the light of His Grace may be manifested and it may reach all souls who are still in the darkness of sin, so that the day of salvation may soon dawn for them too!
This Christmas. My Most Loving Heart wishes to grant you Graces like never before, but it can only do this if you prepare your hearts perfectly to reap these Graces.
Purify your heart these days by praying more, making small abstinences from what you love most. By making a small sacrifice, moving away from those things that can stain the purity of your soul or that can make your soul dry and tepid in prayer, in meditation, in the interior life of union with God.
Stay away from those pastimes and from those people who make your soul arid and dry like a desert. And give yourself more to prayer, entertainment, conviviality, conversation with God, with Mary Immaculate and with Me through Prayer and the reading of Our Messages.
I promise to give the hearts that truly apply themselves to this holy work of preparation for Christmas, great and copious influxes of grace, so that this Christmas Christ may be born in you and finally reign in you and in your will.
Thus you must live prepared, not only for the celebration of His first Christmas, but also in preparation for His second Christmas that will soon be in Glory.
Christ is returning! Christ is coming for you! And those hearts that are not prepared to receive Him will not see Him that day, but rather they will see the horrible sins they have cherished in their souls, and the horrible demons of hell that will seize them and take them with them into the eternal flames!
Only those souls who are prepared to receive them in love, in holiness, in prayer, in the perfection of all virtues will see Christ and Mary Immaculate on that day.
Therefore, my little children, be diligent in preparing your souls for the second Christmas of the Lord who will come to you in Glory!
Like the inhabitants of Bethlehem, they were not prepared to receive Him and so they did not see Him, nor recognized Him, nor possessed Him. Likewise, many of this perverse generation will not see Him, will not recognize Him and will not possess Him because they did not know the truth, and did not know the truth because they did not seek it, while it allowed itself to be found by all those who wanted it here, in these Apparitions, where the truth, where the living and true God, allows itself to be found for so many years by all those who want to know Him, who want to love Him and who want to give themselves to Him.
Little children, go ahead! Without fear...! Do not waste away on the path of your sanctification for anything! Always renounce everything that embarrasses you. Ask for the powerful help of my Most Loving Heart, the Angels and Saints who have already offered themselves here to help you. And then you will always go forward, always towards the Heaven that awaits you.
To all... at this moment I bless you with love!"