Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas of the Lord Jesus
Message of Mary Most Holy

My dear children, I am the Mother of the Son of God incarnated as Man to save you. I am the Mother of the one true God, Jesus Christ who gave His life on the Cross to rescue us all and to make us true children of God.
Wait with me, each day more in love, in prayer, in penance, in sacrifice and in faith, Your Second Christmas, the Second coming of My divine Son Jesus to the world that will soon happen!
Just as before His Birth there was the Annunciation, there were to you the heavenly voices, the voice of Gabriel who announced His first coming. So also, for you the Second Annunciation has already taken place, that is, the Annunciation of the Second Return of the Lord through My apparitions, spread all over the earth, which for so many years have called men to conversion. And they warn that the coming of the Lord Jesus on the clouds of heaven is near in power and glory to judge heaven and earth.
Just as before His birth there was the Visitation, My Visitation with Christ to My cousin Elizabeth in her home, so also for you there has been the Visitation, the Second Visitation. I, together with My Son, or in His person, have visited all over the world, so many and so many countries on earth with My apparitions, My messages, My tears even of blood, to warn you that the Lord is already returning to you, that Love returns to you as Love, that the Lord is already walking among you to straighten out his paths. And that I, His Mother, come before Him to flatten all the valleys, to lower all the mountains and to prepare a flat and certain road for the Lord, who comes to you with His Angels in great majesty to renew the heavens and the earth and to finally establish His Kingdom of love among you!
The signs indicate to you, therefore, that His Second Christmas is near. Wait with Me every day in prayer, in faith, in perseverance, in ready obedience to My voice, in the unlimited surrender of each one of you in My Hands. And above all, in a continuous and even ardent desire for love, may the Lord come immediately to purify the earth of so many crimes and so many evil deeds, of so many sins and offenses done against God, against this your heavenly Mother who loves you so much, of so many injustices done against so many of my beloved servants; who love me, who serve me and who work for me on this earth. So that as soon as possible a time of peace, of grace and of salvation may come to you, which my Heart begs, begs and waits hard every day!
If you unite yourselves to My voice if you unite your supplications to Mine, the Lord will hasten your step and come to you, to give you at last the peace and liberation so long awaited.
I wish that your life will be a continuous advent, lived in love, lived in faith, lived in hope. Do not be harassed by the adversities of the world, do not be persecuted by men who do not believe in God, who do not love him! Never be paralyzed by the evils of this world, the ice of selfishness, evil, violence and sin, and not even the aridity in which you so often find yourselves because of your sins. Always cast your gaze on Me, who shines for you just as that star shone for the Wise Men, to lead them to Us in the cave of Bethlehem. So too, I shine for you tonight in this world, to lighten your way and to bring you safely to Him who is the Truth, the Way and the Life.
I am with you every day! And this coming I carry you in my arms, that you may come steadfastly and confidently before my Son Jesus, who will soon come to you, not on a throne of straw like the first time, but on a throne of clouds. And His voice will no longer be that of a child crying in cold weather, but will be a voice more powerful than a hundred thunders together. He will gather before him the good and the bad, he will separate them. the good on the right, the bad on the left. The good will enter his kingdom, the bad will be banished to the kingdom of Satan and the fire that never goes out!
My children. I want to have you on My right, I want to have you on the right of My Son! Therefore, stay by My side, fulfilling with love all My Messages, following Me along the road that I have pointed out to you during all these years. And then I promise you, I will be able to give you to my Son Jesus as the most precious gold of virtues, as the most perfumed incense of love and prayers and as the most true and sincere myrrh of sacrifice and fidelity. To all, at this moment I generously bless you".
Message of Saint Candida
"Dear brothers, I, CÂNDIDA, servant of the Lord, of Mary most holy and of Saint Joseph, greet you today and give you peace.
All my life I have loved the Lord very much! When I met him thanks to St. Peter's preaching, I died to myself and decided to follow the opposite current of the world. In an instant, I gave myself completely to the Lord and I tried to be faithful to the self-giving I made to Him, every day of my life. The same today I come to tell you My brothers:
Be faithful to the Lord every day of your life, seeking always and at all times to die for yourselves, to cultivate in you the true love of God, the love that chooses and always puts in first place what is best for the Lord, for His Work of salvation, than what is best for you.
Be faithful to the Lord, seeking more and more each day to follow the path of humility, of annihilation of yourselves, so that more and more your corrupted self, your rebellious and wild nature may at last be tamed, be pacified, be finally submitted to the will of the Lord.
The true winner of this world, the true winner of the world is not one who gathers many riches, who passes for a wise man, who causes sensation in others with his words and deeds. Oh, no! The true victor is the one who conquers himself, the one who subjects his will to that of the Lord, the one who subjects his nature to the love of the Lord and to his goodness. This is the one who has conquered and this is the one who will be considered victorious in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Therefore walk each day on the path of contempt for the world and for yourself, for your will and for your corrupted inclinations, and so each day you will grow more and more, from victory to victory, until you reach the final victory, which is the victory over the first death, hell, and one day at the end of the world, you will be the victors and you will achieve the greatest victory of all: the victory over death.
You will live forever in body and soul, glorified with God and His Mother forever and then your hymns of praise and glory will never cease, you will never feel tired, you will never be bored with anything, you will never have any pain, any affliction or anguish, because the things of the world, the old things will have passed away and the Lord will dry up all tears and He Himself will be the song of joy of His elect!
Great is the reward, so great is the struggle to achieve victory and I am here, full of love to help you achieve this great and immortal victory and to make you enter triumphant among the Angels in Heaven as I did.
Be faithful to the Lord, walking more and more each day on the path of generous love, that denies nothing to the Lord, that reserves nothing for itself, that seeks or desires nothing outside of what the Lord Himself shows you each day through His Word, the Messages, the deep union of your souls with Him in prayer, the life of intimacy and the ever stronger and more perfect union of your will to His will. In this way, your soul will grow each day more, like a beautiful and fragrant flower and will blossom for the greater glory of the Lord, for the greater joy of the Heart of the Virgin Mary and for the greater sanctification of this world.
Be faithful to the Lord in these times of apostasy in which you live, in these times of great tribulation in which you live, in these final times in which you are called to suffer much, very much, because of the great wickedness that covers all the earth and because of the great estrangement from God in which the majority of men fell. Because of them your days are dotted with suffering, pain and cross. But no, never forget Him who said:
'I will be with you, until the end of the world. Courage! In the world you will have afflictions, but I have overcome the world'.
The One who said this is still alive and his parable is still valid. She was valid for me, I trusted her: I was not confused! You too, as you trust in the Lord, though you suffer, you will not be forsaken, for He is your Lord who leads the boat of your life through tumultuous waters. Many times you think that He sleeps, as He slept on the boat of the Apostles, and many times you think that you will sink, but at one word from Him at the right moment all the winds will calm down, the agitation of the sea will cease and peace will return to your life. Therefore, dear brothers, trust in the Lord who is faithful to those who are faithful to him.
Be faithful to the Lord, seeking every day to live in the love of God, in the love of the Blessed Trinity, in the 'furnace' of the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, so that your life full of divine fire, radiating the warmth of this fire, may warm other hearts that are frozen and have already become true polar icecaps*, so cold and long of God's love are!
I am with you to help you radiate the warmth of the fire of the Lord, so that many souls may become one in love with God, with the Virgin Mary, with you the Saints and Angels, so that the whole world may be burned up and become the fiery furnace of love that the Sacred Heart so desires and that the Holy Virgin prays so that they may become. I am with you every day, I want to pray the Rosary with you always. Pray it with love, for this blessed prayer, which I did not know in My time, for it did not yet exist as you know it now, is Heaven's favorite prayer, the prayer chosen to lead millions and millions of souls to heavenly glory. Oh, yes! How many souls were already trapped between the nails of the infernal dragon and that the prayer of the Holy Rosary in an instant freed and led the way to salvation!! Embrace this prayer with love! Pray the Rosary with all the ardour of your heart and believe: if I could come back to earth again, just to pray a well-placed Rosary that was, I would come back, such is the value, the merit and the power of this prayer! You cannot imagine how pleasant the Rosary is to the Lord if prayed with perfect love, devotion and trust! I am with you, therefore, to help you to pray it well, with the heart that is; renouncing your will and conforming yours to that of the Lord for the Rosary. In this way your prayer will produce fruits of holiness one hundred for one and your Hail Marys will become true 'mystical roses' that will ascend to Heaven and adorn the dwelling that the Blessed Virgin prepares for you there every day, so that you may arrive there and be happy with her forever!
Dear brothers and sisters, be faithful to the Lord in the cross, in the suffering and know that every cross, every suffering of this earth, in Heaven will become thousands and thousands of other joys that you will have in embracing the Lord and His Mother, in seeing them face to face and in resting sighing of love and joy forever in their arms, in eternal glory. Behold: Heaven has chosen you, Heaven has loved you first! When St. Peter told Me that Jesus had loved Me first and that He had given His life for Me even before I knew Him, even when I was still His enemy for sin, even when I was not yet redeemed, even when I could not yet love Him, I felt trapped in love and My heart clung to that of Jesus and Mary, it merged with theirs in love forever!
The Lord loved you first! The Lord gave Himself to death for you before you could even know Him, love Him or do anything to deserve His love! May this also hold your heart of love, found your heart of love with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in love so that, living as I do, burning and unceasingly consuming yourselves of love, you may ascend to Heaven like fragrant incense that burns on the altar of the Lord and rises to His Eyes to cheer Him, glorify Him and love Him perfectly.
I am with you, even if you do not see Me, you can feel Me in deep prayer. Pray to Me a lot and I will obtain many graces from Heaven for you.
At this moment I bless you all with all my heart and invoke upon you the most copious graces of the Child God!