Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Cenacle of the Feast of the Little Shepherds of Fatima

(MARCOS): "May Jesus, Mary and Joseph always be praised! (Pause)
I appreciate it. I am ready to transmit your Message".
"My beloved and much desired children! Today, when you still celebrate here the Feast of My PASTORINHOS OF FÁTIMA: FRANCISCO and JACINTA, and also LÚCIA. My Heart turns again to you, to ask you to have for Me the same Love and the same generosity that these children had.
The Three have always been generous, always docile and obedient to My voice! Their whole life was a continuous and generous YES to all that I asked of them. The same, I wish you My children! Give yourselves completely to Me and obey My Messages, for only then can I guide you along the path of holiness and lead you to God!
I speak to you now as your Mother, as your Teacher and Friend. who wants your good, who wants your salvation, who wants your spiritual perfection, who wants you to reach God in Heaven and to be able to escape the eternal pain of hell, who awaits all the souls of sinners who say NO to the Lord's call in this life.
Do what I say to you, for now I speak to you as a Friend, for on the day of your judgment I will no longer be your Friend, I will be your Judge. I will judge you sitting at the right hand of My son and then, My children, I will no longer be able to help you.
I ask you therefore:
Listen to My Voice! Do what I tell you before the time of Divine Mercy ends for you!
That time for the conversion of the world is shorter now than ever before. Soon will come the Punishment, which will be like a small private judgment. Each soul will see itself in God, as My little Shepherds saw themselves in God in that light I showed them. Each soul will see his whole life, his whole interior, with all his good deeds if he has them and with all the sins that he also had. Many will be in such a great degree of sin and will feel such terrible pain for having offended God, for having hurt and rejected God, that they will die suffocated in their own tears!
And because many will not be converted, they will not repent even in this warning, seeing their own soul, seeing every time they have rejected God's Love with the gaze of God himself. God will send the great punishment to the world. For this, my children, I ask you:
Purify your hearts and souls immediately
- for penance,
- for a life of deep prayer,
- for perfect obedience to My Messages,
- always sought in everything, to correspond to the love of God.
In this way, I will be able to help you a lot to reach holiness, to triumph: from evil, from sin and also from this great tribulation that you are now beginning. And I will be able to introduce you all victorious to the Kingdom of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and of my Immaculate Heart!
I desire that you love Me with deeds, just as the little Shepherds also loved Me with deeds.
To all at this moment I bless you from La Salete, Pontmain, Fatima and Jacari".
(Great Pause)
Note: Only Francisco and Jacinta appeared and gave private messages to the seer Marcos Tadeu.
(Marcos): "Yes My dear little Shepherds, I thank you for these words! (Pause) Yes, until then I will wait with anxiety. (Pause) See you soon, my heavenly friends! See you soon Madam!"
Marcos Report: Today the little Shepherds blessed all of you, all those present, they blessed the scapulars that each of you carried with you, the rosaries, our cds, DVDs, our books, finally all the material of the Messages that you were carrying with you were blessed by Francisco and Jacinta, by Mary Most Holy as well. She was dressed all in gold, like on the feast days, and the two little Shepherds Francisco and Jacinta all in white, Francisco looks like a boy about 10 years old, Jacinta about 9 years old, look the same age as they did. They were very sorry, they spoke very comforting and consoling words to me, and they also told me to tell you, that they pray for you every day at the Throne of God and of Our Lady, and present your prayers every day uniting with theirs, with the merit of their souls to obtain for you the blessings of God and of the Virgin Mary. Our Lady at the end of the Apparition traced a sign of the luminous cross, which fell into several luminous particles that landed on us. And Saint Jacinta of Fatima warned that she will return alone with Our Lady on the Third Sunday of March. I understood that she is coming back this time to give a message to everyone in general and not only to me as they did today. Then in the month of March we will have another meeting with Jacinta and maybe also Francico and Lucia will come back soon if God wants with Our Lady, that we like them so much and always when they come with her or it is only a great joy not only from my heart, but I am sure from the heart of all of you too.