Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Message from Our Lady

(MARCOS): "May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! (Pause) I thank the Lady for being here too and I will make this little addition that the Lady asked me to make".
"-My beloved children, thank you for being here once again! Continue with your prayers, for through them I am saving many souls.
Continue with all the prayers I have given you here. Only in Heaven can you see how many souls I have helped and saved with your prayers.
I ask you once again: to read, to retreat all of My Messages, so that I may strengthen and increase your faith more each day, until you become unbeatable walls of faith, against the attacks of My enemy. Understand Me, yes. that without prayer you cannot feel God's Love, you cannot know God's Love, you cannot correspond to God's Love and you cannot make it grow in your lives.
When the soul begins to feel God's Love in itself, it feels overwhelmed, imprisoned by a love, imprisoned by a peace, by a happiness, by a fullness that it had not felt or found before. Then, trapped in this love, trapped in this happiness and in this desire to correspond to the Love that the soul feels, it then seeks the Face of its Beloved, it wants to know Him, it wants to know His Lord. And it does not rest until it finds His Face, that is, until it finds the truth, it does not find the living and risen God: in ardent prayer, in the highest contemplation, in deep meditation, in total and spiritual communion with Him.
The soul, when it begins to feel the Love of God, has no other pleasure but to withdraw many times alone with its Beloved Lord in Prayer. and there entertain itself with Him, feel the delights of the influx of His Graces and at the same time give its heart and life to the Lord and consume itself like a living flame in desires to love and serve Him more and more intensely. And then, the bustle of the world annoys her, tires her, dries her soul. and she desires more and more to look at her Lord, for she misses Him truly. and now she looks at the things of the world as dust and ashes, as ephemeral and fleeting things, less than dry leaves that the wind carries away forever.
The soul only finds peace then, in her beloved Lord, in her God and she is docile to the inspiration of grace, if she knows how to overcome the temptations of Satan, who will try by all means to turn her away from that love and make her return to the world, if she knows how to persevere with what she has set herself and what her heart seeks and desires. Then nothing will be able to stop this soul from rising ever higher and higher in the Love of God, in union with Him and in life truly divinized, that is, immersed in divine transcendence!
I want to lead you to that life! I want to bring that Love to birth in you! I want to see you all burning with the flames of this Divine Love! For this I want so many prayers, I want your Consecration, I want your renunciation to yourselves, I want your total surrender to Me, so that I can lead you to this True Life in God!
Give Me your YES and I will take you.
To all at this moment I bless: from Fatima, from Medjugorje, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí".