Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Unexpected Appearance Announced by Our Lady
Message from Santa Gemma Galgani

(MARCOS): Yes, My Most Holy Mother, yes. (Pause) Yes, I understood yes. (Pause) Yes, I will, I will! (Pause) A surprise? (Pause) Oh, I recognize you yes! (Pause) Oh, how wonderful you are!(Pause)
"-Marcos, peace. I come to bring peace to all of you, to all these My beloved brothers who are here.
I GEMMA GALGANI, servant of the Lord, of the Sorrowful Virgin of Saint Joseph, come again today to call you to love the Lord, to love Him even on the cross, even in suffering. I have come to teach you to transform your daily cross into a saving cross, a bridge that takes you to heaven, and makes you arrive safely in eternal salvation, in the glory of the Lord, in perpetual happiness.
Love the Lord with all your heart, seeking every day to praise Him, to bless Him, to speak always of Him, of His Love because it is proper to those who love to bless and to speak of the Loved One, it is proper to those who love to exalt the qualities of the loved one because doing so fills the loved one with holy happiness and joy, of contentment and satisfaction, and by exalting the qualities and beauties of the Loved One; makes others also want to know it, want to love it, want it as the love and object of their heart, the love of their heart. Therefore, praise the Lord and the Blessed Virgin in every time and place, so that many other souls may also want to know Him, love Him, give Him to them, give their hearts to them, and together with you also love Him, correspond to Him with all your strength and of all your souls.
Love the Lord by seeking more and more intimacy with him in prayer, making your prayer not a monologue where only you speak, but a dialogue where you too make silence, interior silence to feel the motions of Grace, to receive the inspirations of the Holy Spirit who each day wants to lead you higher and higher on the path of love, of holiness, of intimacy with him, of the path of contemplation where you truly know the beauty of God that we Saints know so that you too can love him with all your strength as we love him. Only in deep contemplation can the soul know the beauty of God, not so much because it makes strength for it - this is also true, the soul has to strive to contemplate God more and better in its prayer - but much more because God wants to come to you in contemplation. God wants to reveal His beauty, His goodness and His sweetness to you in contemplation and only souls who live a deep life of prayer, of intimacy with God in prayer, know how to contemplate, are able to contemplate and therefore only they are able to see the beauty and sweetness of God's Love, this love that has taken us, Us Saints, and made Us accept, want to lose everything before losing this love. this love that is so beautiful that Our Hearts have never exchanged it for any other love. Yes, only God's love is beautiful, it is pure, it is constant, it is immutable, it is eternal, it is alive and only He, God, deserves us to consecrate the loves and affections of our hearts to Him. The soul that lives a deep life of contemplation and intimacy with God in prayer will see this love, will understand this love, so reserve part of your time for contemplation and meditation, withdraw and be silent, because only in silence can you contemplate and meditate in order to see and know the beauty and sweetness of God's Love. May your prayer life be deep. be intense, be constant, be alive.
Love the Lord with all your heart serving Him through penance, through the Rosary, through the escape from occasions of sin, through the constant, brave and arduous struggle against your corrupt nature, denying it everything it wants and asks for, seeking that which displeases human nature which is arrogant, vain, petty, avaricious, impure, so that each day you can grow more and more in renouncing yourself, the world and the easy seductions of Satan and thus walking the path that the Lady takes, the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Saints, St. Joseph and all of us God's Saints follow and may you grow more and more in the true love of God, in true humility, in true love and total consecration to the Lord so that your souls may be increasingly transformed into the image and likeness of God, become very pure mirrors that can reflect the light of His Grace and His love for the whole world. By following this road of contempt of the world, of yourselves and of your will each day more and more the will of the Lord, the plan of the Lord, will be realized in you, and you will be able to live tranquilly that everything that happens to you is God's plan, it is God's will, and that in your life Satan has no interference, he has no power. Thus, truly your life will become a vibrant hymn of glorification, love and praise to God and in you will happen those wonders that the Lord promised to those who believe: You will cast out demons, you will speak new tongues, you will convert hearts, you will burn the whole world with the fire of Divine love, you will heal all illnesses, that is, all spiritual illnesses will be healed in you, they will be healed in the souls around you, and you will all enjoy perfect spiritual health, you will all be filled with God, filled with the love of God, filled with the Holy Spirit of God, filled with the Grace of God, filled with the fullness of the happiness of Heaven.
Then truly your tongue will open to glorify the Lord who has done so many and so many wonders in you, as He has done in my life. You know that I have suffered much. I was despised, slandered, marginalized and excluded by my own Catholic brothers. You know that I was misunderstood even by the Church, that I was seen as crazy, as a fanatic, as a visionary, as someone who was outside, out of herself. But no, it was nothing like that! I was completely burning in God's love, I was completely taken, surrendered, conquered, imprisoned by so much God's love for me. This love that loved me, that chose me and to which I corresponded with all the strength of my soul, to which I gave myself with all my heart, with all my being. This love nourished me, this love strengthened me, this love was what enveloped me all my life towards Heaven, towards God's will, towards the Divine blessing, towards the loving and merciful arms of God that called me, that told me:
Come, leave everything! Follow Me, Gemma! Come to Me!
It is this Love that has carried me all the time, rocked me, dragged me into the arms of my God and it is this Love that I want to make born in you, it is this Love that I want to see burning within you. I want to see this love dragging you into the arms of the Lord just as it dragged Me, just as it carried Me. This Love made Me merge all into the love of God and of the Holy Virgin, that I become one with them in the same mystical flame of Love and the same, I want it to happen to you. I will do it if you leave me, if you are docile, if you do everything I tell you in this Message, if you give yourself completely to Me I will take you, I will take you, I will carry you with me in the direction of this love and I will make you always grow in this love, live in this love, immerse you in this Love, be mystically burned in this love. To this end, I want you to give up your will completely, to give up your will completely, to stop stubbornly stubbornly doing the will of God, the will of Mary Most Holy, which you already know well and know deep down in your heart, and if you do not know her yet it is because you have not opened your soul, because you have not sought to know that will. Seek it now and already in prayer, and it will be immediately inspired, shown to you and then let me help you to fulfill this will, to lead you to the perfect fulfillment of the Lord's plan for you.
I want to help you very much and bless you with many, many blessings, with many graces. I am before many hearts, but many of them are not open. If hearts are opened I will be able to enter and I will be able to pour out to them the graces of the merits of my soul and the sufferings that I have suffered in union with Jesus Crucified and the Sorrowful Virgin. I want to transform them into another Christ, into another Mary, our Lady. I want to imprint in your hearts the features of Christ and Mary. If you allow me, I will produce, I will accomplish in your souls this great work that is the greatest of all: to transform you into another Christ, into another Mary, into another Joseph for the greater glorification and triumph of the Most Holy Trinity.
Continue praying the Rosary.
To each account of the Rosary I imprison a demon and book a soul who was suffering the temptation, who was about to fall into sin, of the plans that Satan had to imprison her, to bring her to condemnation. With each account of the Rosary I drop upon you a mystical rose from Heaven to embellish you, to perfume you, to transfigure you, to make you more and more like me and the Virgin Mary herself, the Mystical Rose of the Lord, so that then the Most Holy Trinity may truly glorify itself in you, rejoice in you, be satisfied in you. I gave myself to the Lord completely to love and serve Him, carrying the cross every day of my life. I call you to follow me, to follow me along the path of Calvary accepting all the sufferings that happen to you every day with patience, meekness and even joy, seeing in those sufferings tools, very powerful weapons to atone for your sins and those of the whole world, to discount the faults that you and the souls of the whole world have committed against God, and to obtain from the Lord so many other graces of Mercy, Salvation and Peace for this so miserable, so troubled humanity, so fallen in apostasy, in sin, in the darkness of Satan. In this way we will bring to the whole world the mystical light of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in a world and universal Triumph where their Thrones will rise in glory, all their enemies will be put on their footstool and then a new time, a new era of love, grace, salvation and peace will take over the whole face of the Earth, of all humanity, and then the prayer of the Our Father will truly be fulfilled: the Kingdom of God will come on earth, in it will be established and all will be one people worshipping and loving the one Lord, our one God. I, GEMMA, want to help you very much. Give your yes, and I will take your hand and take you to heaven. I know the way, because I have already walked it. I know the pitfalls, the false shortcuts that want to take you away from the true path. Therefore, I want to take you safely on the true path that leads to Heaven. Give Me your yes and I will carry you in My arms.
To all, at this moment I bless you with Love. I bless my beloved city of Lucca in Italy, my homeland where I lived and suffered and where my body is, where I am constantly treating men: love love, for love is not loved by you. I bless this place, this Sanctuary which, for me and for all the saints in heaven, is dearer than the most beautiful and glorious places in the whole world, all over the earth. And to all of you, my brothers and sisters and my chosen people, I generously impart at this time the most abundant blessings from Heaven and from the cross".
(Great Pause)
(MARCOS): "- Soon! (Pause) Come back soon Gemminha, yes!"