Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Message from Pastorinha Jacinta

(MARCOS): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! (Pause) You may let me, dear Jacintinha, I will give more emphasis to that. to that which you ask of me! (Pause)
"Dear brothers My, I, JACINTA de FÁTIMA, today greet you and give you Peace!
I love you very much! You are very much loved by God, by me, by Mary Most Holy and by Saint Joseph. You are also greatly loved by my brother Francis and my cousin Lucia, who are together with me today in Glory.
Yes! We pray for you all, all of you before GOD, without ceasing. We implore for you graces upon graces and I desire to lead you more and more to perfect union with the Lord, a union that can only be achieved through a life like mine:
- of deep prayer,
- of penance,
- of sacrifice,
- of emptying itself, and
- of deep and total surrender in the Hands of God, to His Love, in order to collaborate with His transforming Grace.
Your life must be in everything like mine, it must be a life of total consecration to the Mother of God and to the Lord, thus helping to carry out the Plan that they have drawn up for you and the whole world and that will culminate in the fulfillment of the promises and prophecies of FATIMA, with the final Triumph of the Lord and His Mother over the whole world!
Your life must be a continuous YES, which must be renewed at all times, whether of sadness, of joy, of prosperity, of suffering and poverty. You must at all times give yourself to the Lord of Continuous, so that His Grace also of Continuous, may lead you more and more to the perfect fulfillment of the will of the Lord, of His divine plan of Love, which wants to save you all and to save the whole world.
As you well know and my beloved Marcos has told you here so many times, I have suffered much, I have suffered terrible pains in my body and in my soul, both for the persecution I suffered with Francis and Lucia because of the Apparitions of Mary Most Holy to Us in the Cova da Iria. And then for the prolonged illness that God sent us to spy on the sins of the world and to achieve the salvation of sinners. All those sufferings were also for love of you! I offered them for you without knowing, without knowing you, without imagining to whom the sweet Lady of Holm oak would apply their merits.
All My sufferings were for Love of you, who are the beloved children of the Blessed Virgin and whom She wants to save, to sanctify at all costs for the greater glory of the Father, for the greater salvation of the world and yours, for the greater exaltation of the Name of Christ and of Holy Catholic Faith. You, therefore, are the fruit of my suffering, you are the fruit of my martyrdom, because I was a little Martyr, who consumed me in suffering and in Love: for Christ, for His Mother, for Holy Catholic Faith and also for you!
How much I have loved you! How much I have desired your salvation! How much I prayed for you! And so my prayer has surpassed the years, the decades and reached you. It has reached you salvation, it has reached you the grace of being attracted by Mary Most Holy Here:
- to know Her Love,
- proof of His Love,
- receive from His Love, and
- be saved by this Love!
I want to take your Hand, I want to lead you all to God, just as I once took the hand of a young man who was lost in a forest, after running away from home and fighting with his father and taking him gently by the hand, I led him to the right road that would lead him back to his father's house.
Yes! I want to take your hand, lead you along the right road that will take you back to the house of the Heavenly Father who awaits you all, with the Heart and Arms open: to love you, to save you, to give you His salvation, to make you participants of His infinite happiness, of His eternal glory.
I want to take you by the hand and lead you back to the Father's house, so that the joy of the Blessed Mother, Mary, as you all return to the Father's house converted, purified, sanctified. may be complete!
Your reconciliation with the Father will be the greatest joy of Heavenly Mother and I want and can lead you back on the right path to the Father's House, so that in this way the Lady, our Mother, will no longer suffer. And then may her Immaculate Heart be consoled and joyful for your conversion, for your soul purified, beautified, perfumed, flooded, filled with Divine Love!
Give Me your Hand and I will take it and take you to Heaven, to the Father, to the House of the Heavenly Mother who calls you all to return to the Arms of the Father, for 19 years now.
Here the Plans will be fulfilled, the Secrets initiated in Fatima and the Holiness to which We were raised by the Apparitions of Our Lady, We the Little Shepherds, is a sign, an example to you of that consummate holiness to which you are all called and to which She wants to lead all of you through Her Apparitions Here.
The task is great, the mission is hard! It is of such magnitude that only the courageous, only the totally emptied of themselves, only the fearless, the intrepid, those who are not afraid to love and give themselves up to God's Love. Only those can attain this consummate holiness to which you have been called here and to which you have always been destined!
Who will fail?
Who will put everything to waste??
Who will frustrate the Mother of God's exalted Plan??
Only those who are afraid to love and surrender to God's Love, the cowards, the languid, the selfish, those who love themselves more than even God, those who do not bend over and who are always listening without ever knowing or loving. Those who refuse to want knowledge, those who refuse to want Love, those who refuse to grow, to fly in the Heaven of Love like eagles. because they prefer to be bound to the things of the earth, by the threads of material and temporal loves that still keep them all crawling on earth. Only these will thwart the Lady's plans, but still HE TRIUMPHERS! Because she is above all those who do not know how to love God's Love, because her YES overcame the response of all souls, both the negative and the positive to God's Love and Call. And since She gave Her YES: evil, sin, fear, selfishness, earthly temporal attachment no longer has the final word about the events of world history.
For the Virgin Mary's YES, for the Love with which she gave herself completely to God, to make His Will the final answer THAT IS AND IS ALWAYS HER, for thus the Lord has decreed: That all generations will not only call her Blessed, but all generations will proclaim her the only Blessed One, and all her enemies will also be on the footstool of His Feet and She will crush the head of the serpent and all those who are like her for their selfishness, rebellion and resistance to God's Love. She will always crush the head of all those who are like the ancient serpent.
So have confidence! The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph! And those who are like her, for Love, for humility, for total self-giving to the Lord, for courage in serving Him even in the way that she always has. They will triumph, because the glory of the Mother is also the glory of the children, and the victory of the Mother is also the victory of the children. As Holy Scripture says:
'Her children are clothed, inside and out like hers.
That is, it has the same virtues as Her, inside and out, and because they are so similar to Her they will have the same extraordinary victory as Her!
I want to help you and through the HOLY ROSARY, I will achieve success for all those who give themselves to Me.
In each account of the HOLY ROSARY, I am praying with you, achieving for you what you cannot and, above all, uniting you more and more with the Lady and with God so that we may all be one in Love with Her!
To all, at this moment I bless you, from FÁTIMA, from ALJUSTREL and from here in JACAREÍ".
(Great Pause)
(MARCOS): "See you soon, dear Jacintinha! Give my love to Francisco and Lucia, Yes?!
(If the bells confirm the end of the Apparition, the pilgrims respond with much applause)