Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Message from Saint João Maria Vianey - Cura Dar's

Dear brothers My, I, JOHN MARY VIANNEY, come to you today with My heart full of graces and blessings to pour out upon you. You know that I have loved the Lord very much, that I have loved Mary very much and also the souls that are so precious and dear to them.
Dear brothers and sisters, on this earth nothing is more important than to save the poor soul and reach Heaven. Passing illusions and deceiving temptations are the attachments, riches and vainglories of this world. Woe to the soul that despises the love of God, that neglects his salvation to live only to conquer the vain things, the riches and the honors of this Earth, because at the hour of his death his affliction, his despair to see that made his whole existence useless will be immense, because the Word of Our Lord will never pass and He said:
'What good is it for man to win the whole world if he loses his soul?
Truly, it is useless for man to be courted, to be a great millionaire, to possess all goods, to have all the honorable titles on the face of the earth if he does not have love for God, if he does not have love for his neighbor and the salvation of souls, if he does not possess virtues, if he does not know what poverty is, what chastity is, what obedience to the Lord is, what humility is, what love is. The child of darkness lives only for vain things. The child of light lives only for holy things, for heavenly things. In the soul that truly loves the Lord, one recognizes true love, one recognizes that it came from the light, that it loves the light, and for this reason it tries to be always in the light. In the child of darkness one recognizes the love of sin, the love of vain things, the love of evil and of corruption itself, that is why one does not come close to the light so that when one is enlightened by it his evil deeds are not discovered. That is why I invite you to live always in the light, in the light of the Lord, so that your whole life may be a brilliant and splendorous light that can illuminate the hearts that are still in darkness, so that they seeing the light may walk towards the light.
Live in the light of the Lord, seeking each day to live more united to Him by deep prayer, by the union of your soul and heart with Him, by conforming your will, your desires and feelings to the will and desires of the Lord, so that in you the will of God may be the only light that illuminates you and leads you. Live in the light of the Lord constantly in prayer, doing penance for your sins and trying every day to overcome your defects and thus improve as persons and as Christians that you are, so that in your life everyone can see the presence of God's grace, of God's love, can admire God's perfection and beauty, can glorify His Name, glorify how just, perfect and holy His Law of love and His will is, and so everyone wants to walk in the light of the Lord as well.
Walk in the light of the Lord, seeking ever more to give yourselves to His will, to His plan of salvation, and going ever more generously on the path of your total surrender to the Lord, so that you may be His true servants, His true children who care for His vineyard, that is, your own souls and the souls of your brethren, so that one day you may be called by Him 'true children' and so that you may receive the eternal reward that He prepares for you in Heaven. If you walk in the light of the Lord, you will bear fruit of salvation a hundred for one, and in your life you will see the true and wonderful grace of the Lord working all kinds of wonders that will glorify His Name and make shine upon you, upon the whole world, the radiance of His saving grace.
Walk in the light of the Lord every day, making hearts open more and more to His love, to His truth, to salvation. Pour the balm of true love, of God's grace into so many open wounds in so many hearts, to close them and to make everyone enjoy perfect spiritual health. Take the love of the Lord and of the Blessed Virgin, take His grace, take the light of Truth to all hearts that are still under the yoke of Satan in lying, in the illusion of the vain things of this world, in sin, death, violence and evil. So truly you will walk in the light, you will live in the light, and you will make everyone walk and live in it, so that you will all be recognized as true children of light.
I am with you at all times and I never leave you. If you do not leave Me you will never leave. If you do not turn your back on Me and close your hearts to Me, I will not close Mine to you. While it is still day, my brethren, for the night comes quickly, life passes like a day that ends and then comes the night of eternity that will no longer have dawn. Therefore, work quickly, help the SACRATISIMOS CORAÇÕES in these Apparitions of Jacarei to make the Word of them reach all hearts so that all may be converted and all may walk in the light, be saved by the light.
To all in this instant, I generously bless you with love".
(Great Pause)
(MARCOS): "- Soon! Come back soon beloved Saint John Mary Vianney! Come back soon, yes?!"