Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Message from the Angel Saint Chamuel

(MARCOS): Yes, I am ready.
"-Marcos, I am the Angel CHAMUEL, I come to bring peace and the blessing of the Lord to you all.
Love is not contained in itself, it seeks always to expand, to give itself, to expand in desires and works of making the loved one more and more happy, satisfied and magnified.
Love does not contain itself, it wants to transmit itself to other hearts so that everyone feels like Him and also wants to love the Lord like Him. This is true love when it is present in a heart that possesses it. It does not contain itself, it seeks to spread itself, it seeks to expand in other hearts and conquer them all for its Lord. Nothing is considered difficult, bitter, or too hard in the service and work of making your Lord more loved, better known, more obeyed and served.
It was this love that burned in the heart of the Virgin Mary, it was what burned in the heart of St. Joseph and in the hearts of all the saints. If you open your hearts to this love and welcome this love into it, it will always impel you more and more to seek the fulfillment of the divine blessing of the Lord and also to conquer other souls who will want to join with you: love the Lord, serve the Lord, glorify the Lord and give themselves completely to the Lord.
In order to have this love in you, it is necessary that you throw out of the heart the love of the world, the love and attachment to creatures and passing things. You must empty yourself completely of yourself, you must want to have a simple, humble life and seek only to love the Lord, to fulfill his Law and to do what pleases him. If you follow this path of simplicity that so many saints have followed, you will truly see true love grow in you, you will feel true love in you, and you will truly make love triumph in your life, in the lives of those around you and in the whole world.
I, CHAMUEL, am with you, I help you, I protect you, I cover you with my shield of light, I enlighten you with my holiness, I warm you with my affection, I open you with my love. To those who call me I will give my hand and lead them safely to heaven.
Marcos peace, peace to you all".