Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Message from Mary Most Holy

My beloved children, I come from heaven once again to give you my peace. I address myself to each one of my children, to each one of my children, to my Heart, calling them again to listen to my maternal cries and to give themselves completely to me.
Come to Me, you, my son. You who were rescued with the blood of my son Jesus on the cross, with my pains and tears of blood. You, whom I have loved so much. You who are loved by the Lord. You, who are loved and desired by Me before all the centuries. You who are more precious to me than pearls, than diamonds and emeralds. You, who are the soul created in the image and likeness of God.
Come, come, my son, do not delay any longer! All your heavenly Mother, who has been waiting for you here for almost twenty years in these Apparitions of Jacareí to fill you with divine grace, to fill you with the love of the Lord, to flood your soul with the torrents and streams of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Come to me, you who have resisted my call, you who have fled from me. You, you who have turned your back on Me. Do not night on your sin, do not fall on your deafness and hardness of heart, for if this happens all will be lost forever for you.
Turn to Me before nightfall. Return to Me before it gets dark, before I close the door and you stand moaning and crying outside, where voracious wolves wander in darkness and darkness to devour their prey.
Come, enter. enter My house, enter My chamber, enter My refuge before night falls, before it is too late for you.
See my son, that the day is already dawning, the night is approaching, and soon those who have not entered through the doors of My house, will be left outside to the rage of the night wolves.
Come, come while it is time! Come while I leave the door open for you. Do not delay any longer, decide today, decide now to return to My arms.
I, your Mother, await you with open arms, I will receive you with an open heart and I will not condemn you, for I have not come to condemn anyone, but to call everyone to conversion, all to salvation. If you come to Me, I will take off your torn, dirty, fetid garment, the garment of your sin, the garment of your earthly attachments, the garment of your addicts and your miseries. And I will give you a new garment of grace, beautiful, pure, shining, light as snow and covered with precious stones of my own graces, gifts and virtues.
Come to me, my son, and I will truly make you taste the banquet of the Lord's love, I will give you to savor the delights of the blessing of the Most High and I will make you grow more and more in joy, in life, in grace in the eyes of the great King of Heaven.
Come, you My son who resemble a desert, a dry river, a well without water, a withered fountain, you who no longer have the grace of God, who no longer has the vigor of sanctifying grace, who no longer has divine love, who no longer has the communication of God's grace in you. Come, and if you give yourself completely to me, I will make you from a cold, arid and loveless desert to a beautiful, flowery, fragrant garden where the fountains of pure and refreshing waters, the waters of love, of grace, of holiness and peace, burst forth.
Come to me, my son, and from a mountain of ice I will transform you into a true burning furnace of love. Come, that I want to remove from you all the stains that My enemy has produced in you, I want to heal and close in you all the wounds that My enemy has opened in your soul through sin, and I want to transform you from a leper into a beautiful, luminous, perfect image of the Lord's own beauty.
Come my little sheep, your maternal Shepherdess calls you!
Come, that I want to take from you all the wounds, all the thorns, I want to heal you, I want to fortify you again so that you may become a healthy and beautiful sheep, that with its bleats I may attract other stray sheep and bring them to Me, following Me on the path of holiness and love to My safe enclosure.
Come, my son, you who wander the orphaned, motherless world. Come I call you to lean on My Heart, to feel its beats and to receive in you the reflections of My own immaculate purity.
Come that I want to cover you with My cloak, I want to transform you into a bouquet of myrrh, a more perfumed bouquet of roses to lay at the feet of the throne of My Lord and there cultivate you forever for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
My Son continues to pray the Rosary. Through the Rosary I will transform you into a flower garden of beautiful and rare beauty. I will make the chrysanthemums of humility blossom in you, the carnations of obedience, the roses of love, the violets of sacrifice and mortification, I will make the petunias of true and tender devotion to me blossom in you, I will make all the jasmine of purity, the lilies of goodness and all kinds of spiritual flowers bloom in you, so that my divine son Jesus Christ may rest, rejoice and be glad.
Come my son, take my Rosary
Each time you take it in your hand, I take it and with your hand in Mine I offer to the Lord this very powerful prayer for your salvation and the good of all humanity.
Never doubt son of Mine, to each account of the Rosary I arrest many demons that wander through the world, I free many souls that were under their influence, and again I restore these souls to My son Jesus, to His saving grace:
The devil fears those who pray my Rosary, because to these souls I myself give my grace, I give my strength, I give my virtue.
To all at this moment I bless generously".
(MARCOS): "-Till soon, Madam".