Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Festival of Corpus Christi
Message from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady

"My children, my Sacred Heart gives you peace again today.
Only in my Sacred Heart can you truly have Peace. Only in My Sacred Heart truly can you live a true life in God, a true life in Grace, a true life of children of God, much loved by Him and much loved and benefited by Him.
In My Sacred Heart you must live each day walking more and more on the path of prayer, goodness, love, generosity and peace, so that you may truly attain that holiness that pleases Me and give glory to My Name and exalt Me over all creatures.
In my Sacred Heart you must love! You must love Me your God with all your heart and with all the strength of your soul, giving Me glory for everything and in everything, doing everything with the sole purpose of pleasing Me, of knowing Me more and loving Me and then loving your neighbor as yourself, as I taught you. So that in this way, spreading charity many souls may know Me through you, glorify Me and love Me with all your heart too.
In My Sacred Heart you must live, trying always more to do what pleases Me, renouncing your corrupt will, which always leads you to do what is against My will and that you well know that you take away from Me. So that you will not having your heart occupied by nothing to prevent the influx of My Grace, may I truly pour out My Holy Spirit in you with all profusion, to accomplish in you and through you the greatest works of grace and holiness that the world has never seen!
In My Sacred Heart you must pray, putting the mystical incense of your prayer, made ever more with My Mother and through Her to My Sacred Heart. So that in this way, truly, your prayers may become powerful in My eyes and in the eyes of My Eternal Father. And in this way, may you achieve so much for the world Divine Mercy, cancelling many punishments and reaching more time for the conversion of sinners. As well as reaching for yourselves that peace, that happiness and those graces necessary for your salvation, which your soul needs so much in order to truly reach that consummate sanctity, which I so desire from all of you, My children.
In my Sacred Heart you must live, every day and every hour of your life, seeking ever more to unite you with me, conforming your will to mine, wanting what I want, doing what I do, walking as I do, working together with me in one heart and in one soul. So that truly, I and you together may accomplish the loving design of the Father for the salvation of so many souls and for the greater glory of His Most High Name.
I am with you! I walk beside you, I have given you my life and this is the greatest proof of love that I could give for you. And as if this proof were not enough, I have given you the great proof of My Love here in these Apparitions, which have lasted for almost twenty years!
The long time that My Mother and I have spent with you Here is the great sign of the immense Love that we have for all of you. And has your heart given itself completely to Me? Has it already renounced itself perfectly and to what it desires to be all Mine and want only My will? Are you those My children who truly already live in Me and I in you? Otherwise, return quickly My children! Hurry back to My Heart! Do so, act in such a way that I believe in your good will, that I believe that you are truly seeking holiness and that you want to be perfectly Mine.
Live as My true children, as children of Light and not children of darkness.
I, to all of you today, bless you generously".
"-Loved and much desired children of my Immaculate Heart! Today I give you once again Peace.
Love the Lord with all your soul, with all your heart, as the 1st Commandment of the Law of God commands you: 'Love the Lord, giving him your pure and supernatural love, seeking his face more and more every day. That is, know Him and love Him in His Word, in His Commandments, in His will that is revealed to you in these times in an extraordinary way in My Apparitions and Messages, in prayer, in the events of each day that show you the will of the Lord in your regard.
Love the Lord with all your soul, having no other love in you than His, seeking nothing outside His Love and to increase His glory even more. Increase the glory of the Lord by making Him better known and loved both by yourselves and by the souls of the whole world, be the only scope of your soul, of your life, of your existence.
Love the Lord by living a life of intense prayer and deep intimacy with Him as I have taught you throughout all these years Here in My Apparitions. So that, growing in this sweet intimacy and union with the Lord in prayer, you may go every day: becoming more docile and more beautiful, more pure and more friendly to Him, closer to His Heart and fuller of His Holy Spirit. So that through you, the Lord may accomplish even the greatest works of grace, conversion and salvation in the world that He so much desires and hopes to accomplish through you!
Love the Lord with all your strength for Me and through Me, for only then will you love the Lord perfectly and fully, deeply and totally. And only then will He accept your love and let Himself be loved by you and love you in Me and through Me. By doing so My children, truly, I will be able to transform you into beautiful and fragrant roses: of love, of prayer, of generosity, of faith and fidelity to the Lord. So that He may then feel the gentle fragrance of this love of yours and may thus delight in you, rejoice in you, rest in you. I call you to sublime love, it is the most consummate holiness that I call you here. The purpose of My so prolonged and extraordinary Apparitions Here is to transform you: into complete saints, perfect saints, mystical roses of love, all embalmed and perfumed with the highest, pure and sublime perfume of faithful and unlimited love for the Lord!
I want to realize in you this great grace! But without your YES, I will not be able to do it because I respect the freedom that the Lord God himself gave you. Salvation and condemnation are in your hands, holiness and sin. You must choose and I will act on you according to your choice. If you give Me your YES today, I will truly take you and raise you to such a great degree of love for the Lord that you will become even seraphim burning with love for the Lord already on earth and in you and with you the Lord will truly be able to be pleased and remain as in his second heaven, as in the beginning he lived and remained with Adam and Eve, the first Fathers. To this great friendship, to this great coexistence with the Lord I want to bring you through a deep, true and sincere consecration of your life to my Immaculate Heart and to the Heart of the Lord.
I am with you My children! I wish that the Sacred Heart of my Son be better known and loved. I tell you, the wicked thrones will soon fall and in their place will appear Three Glorious Thrones: that of the Heart of my Son Jesus, that of my Heart, and that of my Most Chaste Spouse Joseph.
These Three Hearts will triumph! And the thrones of Satan, of sin, and of the wickedness of this world will be reduced to ashes that the infernal wind will carry forever to its flames.
Only My faithful subjects will enter this Kingdom, My brave and courageous subjects who now carry the cross for My love, the cross of persecution, the cross of exclusion, the cross of loneliness and helplessness of the world. These My children, who carry the cross with Me today, will carry on their heads glorious crowns, which I myself will place as a prize of His so well-proven virtue, of His fidelity so well maintained. I wish that you will continue to say all the prayers I have given you here, for through these prayers you will hasten the coming of the Kingdom of Our Most Sacred Hearts into the world.
To everyone, today, I bless Paray-Le-Monial, Fatima and Jacareí.
Peace Marcos. Peace to all my beloved children".