Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Message from the Loving Heart of St Joseph

The dearest children of my heart. I, JOSEPH, your Father, bless you again today and give you Peace.
Be living stones, working intensely for the construction of the Kingdom of the Lord on earth, as much as it depends on you. Serve with generosity the divine plans you wish to save and lead all humanity back to peace, conversion, complete sanctification, love, and the victory of the Kingdom.
Be living stones, striving hard to extinguish in yourself your defects and also to extinguish in others the defects that so hinder souls from achieving perfect sanctity. So that with the Lord you may build the new living building, the new living Temple of glory and holiness that the Lord so desires.
Be living stones, placing yourself totally at the Lord's disposal, so that He may use your whole person, your whole being to make His Love, His Grace and His Law known to the whole world. So that in this way, the building of living and holy souls may increase more and more for the greater glory of the Lord, until He builds His whole holy city, His whole new Jerusalem, which you are all called to be the living stones of the holy city of the Lord.
Be living stones, seeking more and more: to live with love, to pray with love, to suffer with love, to work with love and to do everything with love. So that your building may be true and lasting, so that the building of your holiness may be an eternal and perpetual building that does not crumble with the winds of selfishness, betrayal, love of the world, attachment to oneself and attachment to creatures. So that your edification, so that the work of your spiritual growth may last and last forever.
Be living stones, seeking at all times to sow love wherever you go. Divine Love, the love that the Lord here calls all His children in this time, to know Him, to love Him, to give Him in their heart, to live completely united with Him. So that He may realize in the lives of each of His children the wonders of His Love, of His Kindness and of His Mercy.
In this way, God can truly build His new Jerusalem, His Jerusalem of Love, His new holy city in you and through you. And He can finally establish His throne in your midst and reign with you and in you forever.
My children, I call you all to be living stones of prayer, sacrifice, generosity, and love! Give your yes today and I will take your heart and turn it into a true living stone where the Lord can build every good work, every holy work.
To all, at this moment, with love I bless".