Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Message from Our Lady and Saint Zita

"Dear children of mine, today with my loving Heart I bless you again and give you my peace.
Through the mouth of My servant you can now hear My Message and understand the feelings of My Immaculate Heart. I desire that you pray as much as possible, for the world needs many fervent prayers, courageous sacrifices so that sinners may find the light of salvation, the light of grace and peace.
Be, therefore, My children, the collaborators of My Immaculate Heart, praying as I have asked you since the beginning of My Apparitions here, offering also your daily work each day as part of the prayer, as part of the sacrifice and seeking ever more to bless the Lord, who loves you, who sent Me here with My Messages to bring you the light of salvation that He offers you.
Be the collaborators of My Heart, taking My Messages ever further to all My children, communicating them to all those who do not know them, doing the Cenacles I have asked of you in the families, so that My children may know the prayer that saves them, the prayer of My Rosary, the prayers that I give them Here, that they may know My Messages, that they may know My Apparitions Here and in the whole world, that I have made with the loving longing of a Mother, who wishes to save all My children!
In this way you are the true helpers of My Heart, who help Me in the arduous task of calling the whole world to conversion and leading it back to the Lord along the road of prayer and penance. And you give My Heart a great relief, a great rest for seeing that in you My Heart finds an answer, finds generosity, finds understanding, finds love.
Be the collaborators of My Heart, offering all the sufferings that the Lord allows to happen to you, so that, through this intense offering, we can reach from them to the whole world, the Miracle of Divine Mercy, that saves the world from the great destruction, from the great punishment that awaits you.
Be the collaborators of My Heart, seeking at all times and places to make Me loved, known, obeyed and responded to as My little Shepherds of Fatima did, as My children of Medjugorje, My dear angels did, as this dear angel Marcos did, from the time he first saw Me.
In this way, if you love Me as they have loved Me, if you obey Me as they have always obeyed Me, you will be the true collaborators of My Immaculate Heart. You will give the greatest glory to the Lord as He has ever received, you will achieve that most consummate holiness, and you will give the world the most vibrant witness of love for the Lord that has ever existed.
In this way My children, I desire to lead you each day along the path of perfect love, of perfect correspondence to divine grace and of perfect fulfillment of the loving plan of My Immaculate Heart.
Continue with all the prayers I have given you Here, through them I will triumph, through them We will overcome evil and come triumphant in that glory and in that eternal happiness that God and Our Lord have prepared for all.
Yes My children, although I am already in triumphant glory, I walk with you, your sufferings are My sufferings, your pains are also Mine, your sufferings are also Mine, because I am your Mother and I received you at the foot of the cross with all My love to be the Mother of all humanity.
Therefore, I walk with you and I will guide you, I will lead you to eternal happiness, to eternal glory! And then My children, nothing, no good can destroy Our joy, Our happiness and Our joy anymore.
I extend My cloak over you all and bless you generously from FATIMA, from MEDJUGORJE and from JACAREÍ.
Peace Marcos. Peace to all my beloved children".
"-Marcos, I ZITA, bless you and all your brothers now. Peace My brothers. Peace!
Be the humble servants of the Lord, living in peace, sowing peace, spreading peace to all hearts that have no peace.
Be the humble servants of the Lord, serving each day more with a humble, confident, detached heart and totally dedicated to making him more known, loved, served and adored by all.
Be the humble servants of the Lord, renouncing your will each day, giving yourself more and more to deep, intense and burning prayer. So that through your hearts, a river of divine love and peace may flow over all humanity, filling all souls, all humanity with the peace of Heaven.
Be the humble servants of the Lord, seeking more and more to know the will of the Lord, through the Messages that are transmitted here to you, through the life of deep intimacy with Him and with Mary Most Holy in prayer. So that through you the glory of the Lord may shine forth, the splendor of his goodness, of his holy will, of his mercy. And may every creature know the Lord, His Kindness, His Mercy, His Love for all and from every tongue come out the most vibrant hymn of praise to the Lord.
Be the humble servants of the Lord, seeking every day to live in this world as if you were not His, having your heart turned to the heavenly things, though not neglecting your earthly obligations. Seeking in everything and everywhere to spread the love of the Lord, to spread the light of the truth that is His Word and His Messages from here and from every place where the Mother of God and the Lord Himself have been. So that in this way you may be the most brilliant mirrors that reflect to all the light of salvation and grace.
Be the humble servants of the Lord, seeking to do both great and small things with deep love, so that they may all have supernatural value before God. And may this merit reach before the Lord, not only for you, but for the whole world a rain of Mercy, salvation and peace to overcome all the evil, so much evil, so much injustice that exists on earth.
I am with you, do not be afraid! I am with you, do not be afraid! I am close to you and I cover you with my heavenly apron, I pour on you the flowers of my blessings today. The enemy persecutes you because you are not of the world, you are of the Lord, you are of Mary Most Holy. And as such you are to him a continual torment, you are to evil a continual torment, a continual scourging, a scourge of conscience. Fear not, for I am with you and accompany you! I know all your difficulties and problems, and My Hand is upon you to protect, help and guard you. In suffering when the cross is heaviest, I will always be at your side. I cannot take all your crosses away from you, but I promise to lift them up, to help you carry them and to overcome them all with love, with faith in the Lord and in Mary Most Holy.
My Heart watches over you, even during your sleep, and I desire that each one of you imitate the virtues that I have practiced, especially the true love for the Lord, so that in you too His loving plan, which is always of salvation, goodness and mercy, may be fulfilled.
I, ZITA, invite you to take the Rosary and pray it now more than ever so that the plans of the Blessed Virgin may be fulfilled, so that at least a rosary of souls may be completed, truly converted and sanctified in her army of love and prayer. And to trust fully in the Lord who is your Father, who loves you and is always with you.
I invite you with the Rosary to undo Satan's plans one by one and to remove the obstacles he places in the way of the Lord and of the Lady, of their divine plans one by one. With the Rosary we will achieve these graces and these victories. And I promise to descend from Heaven with the Angels to pray with you and to offer with you to Him the prayer of the holy Rosary!
To all, at this moment, I bless you generously".