Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Feast of the Assumption and Our Lady
Message from Our Lady

Follow Me on the luminous road that I have left you: of Prayer, Penance, Holiness, Love, Purity, Grace and Peace. So that in this way, you may each day more, by imitating My Virtues, walk step by step and with a fast pace the road that I have left you, so that then, following in the footsteps of your Heavenly Mother, you may follow the same road of Love that She has followed. And in this way you can reach God in Heaven, where at last you will receive salvation and become, you will be participants of that endless joy, that perpetual and perfect happiness that He created for man from the beginning and that man has lost through sin. But if you follow Me along this path you will reach Heaven and again man can receive that perpetual happiness that he has lost by following Me each day: along the path of Love, of perfection, of obedience to the Lord, of holiness, of docility.
Follow Me along the path that I have traced out for you, seeking ever more to let you be guided by the light of your Heavenly Mother, the light with which I illuminate each day of your lives, dissipating the darkness of evil and sin. Light that opens your inner vision, to see the state your souls are in every day, to seek more and more perfect conversion and, above all, to flee more and more from occasions of sin and to make you detach yourself from everything that still holds and enslaves your heart.
My most living Light reveals all the stains of your souls, reveals all the attachments and mud of sin that is still in your souls, and helps you to cleanse even the furthest corners of your heart. In this way, purifying you ever more, making you ever purer, clearer and cleaner, you can finally see better the road by which I lead you, which is the road of good, of perfect life, of the most consummate holiness.
Follow the road that I have traced out for you, seeking each day to give you more generously to the Lord as I have given myself, seeking to imitate ever more my total self-giving to the Lord, my YES constantly given, repeated, maintained, lived. Trying always more to imitate the virtue of my supernatural Love, which made me seek more and more not only the will of God, but how to accomplish in the most perfect way this will, which every day I sought and knew Him more and more. Through the life of intense prayer that I teach you and that I propose to you Here you will finally be able to have this Love, to know this Love, to have this total self-giving and to have this supreme desire of God, to do His will and to carry it out in the best way possible for you!
Follow Me along the road that I have traced out for you, which is that of renunciation to yourselves, of detachment from that to which you are most attached, of humility that makes you recognize more and more your nothingness, your misery and that without God, without His grace, you can do nothing good, that makes you die more and more for the world, for its pomp, its honors and its glories, and makes you seek more and more the fulfillment of the Lord's designs, which is salvation, grace, peace and love for you and for all those around you.
Each day I take you further on this road and only those who decidedly do not want to walk will not advance. To those who have the will to move forward, I will always move forward, while those who do not want to move forward, I will let them go backwards, backwards even more than before their first conversion.
My body subject to heaven is for you a sign of hope, He is the definitive proof that I triumphed over Satan, hell and its hosts on the day My son Jesus took Me body and soul to sit on a throne of glory at His right hand, to rule, rule and one day judge the whole world!
My glorious Body, my Immaculate Heart glorious matter to Heaven will soon triumph when I come, preceding My Son in power and glory to renew the whole face of the earth! Every place of My apparitions where I descend with My glorious Body subject to Heaven is a luminous beacon that I have lit in the world, a sign that indicates to you ever more the right path that leads to the Lord of your salvation and peace. Every place where I appear is like the room of My throne, where I continually give audience and where it pleases Me to grant My divine Graces to all those who But ask to know, salvation, conversion, purity, holiness. In these blessed Places of My Apparitions, those Places that have a very close and continuous connection with Paradise, in them I manifest all My power, all My Love, all the beauty of My Body matter to Heaven, all the Glory with which My Lord has clothed Me and endowed Me.
My Glorious Body is for you the sure sign of the Triumph of my Heart over Satan, sin and his wickedness, against his hellish armies. And you, My obedient little children, must today follow your Heavenly Mother, follow the path of holiness, of purity, the perfume that My Glorious Body leaves for you day after day in My Apparitions, indicating to you the right path that you must follow in order not to get lost in the midst of the journey.
If you follow the perfume that I emanate to you from My Glorious Body, if you follow with Love and docility My advice, if you obey the Messages that I give you Here and in the Places where I have truly appeared until today, I say to you My children: You will walk ever more joyfully and ever more steadfastly along the road of salvation, happiness and eternal glory that awaits you.
To all at this moment, I bless with my Subject Body to Heaven, from Fatima, from Medjugorje. from Schio . and from Jacareí.
The Peace Marcos, the Peace My favorite. Peace, My children".