Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Feast of Our Lady Queen
Message from Our Lady

My beloved children, I am the Queen of the Universe. I am your Mother, your Queen, and under my Mother Empire, God has placed all that exists and all the works that came out of His Hands. I am the Queen of the Universe and kingdom therefore over all creation and all is subject to Me. You, God's children created in His image and likeness and My children, delivered to Me by My Son Jesus at the foot of the Cross.
You must be My true subjects, vassals and servants by means of a perfect Consecration of your life and all your being to My Immaculate Heart.
You must be My true servants, My true subjects, living a life of deep prayer, communion and spiritual intimacy with Me, your heavenly Mother. May your feelings, thoughts, desires, words and deeds be more and more in conformity with my holy will, may my feelings and desires be in conformity and may I lead you ever more along the path of holiness, the realization of God's will, love, grace and peace.
You must be My true servants and subjects, living more and more a life of penance, a life of reparation for your own sins and the sins of the whole world, sacrificing ever more your corrupt will which always leads you in the opposite direction to that which the Lord and I point out and call you to, by continually renouncing yourselves and the world and its easy seductions. So that you can always be freer, always purer, always more inflamed with love, grow each day more in true love for the Lord, for Me your Mother and for the divine will, for the Lord's Law of Love.
You must be My true servants and subjects, growing each day more in the spirit of mortification, seeking each day more to say no to yourselves and to what your disordered will suggests to you, asking you to be more and more docile, more and more pacified, more and more surrendered, given to Me. May you grow ever more along the path of the perfect fulfillment of my maternal Plan of love, of the salvation of all humanity, and may you be my instruments: docile, generous, ardent, who ever more accomplish what I have asked of them in my Messages, and may they work intensely and effectively for the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. And so that my Kingdom of Love may be established and grow more and more in souls, hearts, families and nations.
Be My true servants and subjects, walking more and more each day in perfect search, in perfect search of My Love, of My maternal plan for you, seeking always to grow in the knowledge and understanding of My will that is revealed to you in My Messages Here and in the other Places where I still manifest myself. So that each day, understanding better what I desire of you, you may walk with the right step and faster in the fulfillment of My will, of the divine will of Our Lord, which each day manifests and reveals to you here in the Apparitions.
Be My true servants and faithful subjects, working tirelessly every day to win more souls for Me, to finally prepare the world for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, with the return of My Son Jesus on the clouds in Heaven with the Angels to renew Heaven and Earth.
If you work intensely with Me, if you collaborate with My Plan of Love, with all your strength, then you are My true servants and faithful subjects, My true children upon whom I engrave My seal, My maternal sign, the sign of those who will be saved, the sign of those who belong to Me and over whom the star of the abyss will never have any power!
Go forward. Do the Cenacles in the families I have asked of you, carrying My Messages, making My Apparitions, My Seers, My Messages of Pain and Love known to all My children. Go from city to city, go from village to village, carrying My Messages and never ceasing to call men to the perfect conversion that I want.
Be always, therefore, my maternal echo, the echo of the Queen of Heaven who calls all of Her children to enter Her Kingdom of Maternal Love through a perfect Consecration, a perfect conversion and a total giving to Her plan of Love, to My plan of Love.
In this way, My children, you will help Me to triumph in so many hearts that I still want to save. Go! Go and save what can still be saved. Go and rescue what can still be saved.
I am with you and will never leave you. never! You, who are the precious part of My kingdom and who have already lived under My mantle, in the safe refuge of My Immaculate Heart, who have already consecrated yourselves to My Immaculate Heart and have lived this Consecration each day with love and generosity, to you, My faithful subjects at this moment I bless you with all My Love. from Knock. of Medjugorje. and from Jacarei.
Peace be with you all. Peace Marcos. See you soon."