Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Festive Cenacle on the Eve of the 20Th Anniversary
Messages from Our Lady and Are João Bosco

"Dear children, today I thank you and bless you for being here already celebrating the 20th ANNIVERSARY OF MY APPARITIONS IN JACAREÍ.
In these 20 years I have done great wonders in your midst, I have accomplished marvelous things and I have transformed all the lives of those who answered YES to Me into perfect Heaven, little Heaven already on Earth.
In these VINTY YEARS I have done great wonders in all those who, responding to My call to pray more, have begun a true life of prayer with Me, offering themselves as incense of prayer on the altar of My Immaculate Heart, praying ever more with Me and through Me to the Most High. To reach from Him Mercy to the Earth, to reach from Him Peace and to reach all My Children, especially those who were farthest from My Heart, deepest in the mire of sin, most inert in the prison without walls of Satan which is sin, the grace of liberation, of regeneration, of ransom, of conversion and of return to God.
In these My children who welcomed My invitation to pray always more with the heart, to follow ever more with Me and through Me to God, along the road of perfect prayer, in these children I have done great wonders, I have revealed to them all My Motherly Love, and for them I have always been the Mother, the friend and companion always present on the way to God!
In these Twenty Years I have performed thunderous wonders in the lives of all My children who have answered My call to Conversion, who have renounced themselves and the world in order to follow the path of penance, self-denial and the total surrender of their hearts and souls through Me to God.
In these Twenty Years I have performed wonders in all My children who, trusting that I can do everything with God, trusting in My power as Corridor, Queen and Mediatrix of all Graces, entrusted themselves to Me here with faith, with love, and allowed themselves to be carried in My Arms. For these children I have always been the Mediatrix of all Graces, the motherly providence always present in their lives. I was the Love that never slept, never went away, never walked away. I was the Love always present, always constant, always alive in the lives of my children.
I have accomplished extraordinary things and wonders in these Twenty Years of My Apparitions Here, transforming so many lives that were true swamps of sin into gardens flowering with virtues, prayer, grace and holiness. Souls that were true arid deserts in oases where the clearest, clearest and most refreshing water of perfect love to God, of holiness, of sincere desire of conversion and of loving God our Lord.
In these Twenty Years of My Apparitions Here, I too have been greatly consoled! I was greatly consoled by My children who answered My call from everywhere and came here to meet Me to give Me their hearts, to give Me their 'yes', to give Me their whole life and to live ever more a true life in God with Me and through Me.
In these Twenty Years of My Apparitions Here I was consoled by so many young people who responded to My call to enter on the path of Prayer, Penance, Renunciation of the world and of themselves in order to follow with Me on the narrow path, on the door of life which is tight, but which is the only path that is real and glorious that leads to God. In these young people I was consoled and I am pleased with them!
I was consoled in these Twenty Years of My Apparitions Here, by the families who responded to My request, converted, spent three hours a day praying as I asked, always trying more and more to obey and fulfill My Messages and follow the path that I point out to all, which is the path: of prayer, of grace, of penance, of self-denial, of living continually in God and for God. And in these families my Immaculate Heart already obtains its greatest triumph.
In these Twenty Years of My Apparitions Here I have been consoled by all My children in whom I live, reign, inhabit, govern, direct, nourish and nourish every day so that they may grow ever more: strong, firm and courageous in the service of the Lord and in the witness of His great goodness, of His great love for men. In these My children My throne is already done and I can finally reign, rule, live and rest.
Today you are already celebrating the Anniversary of my FIRST APPARITION to my little son Marcos, to all of you I generously bless FÁTIMA, MEDJUGORJE and JACAREÍ.
I also bless you Marcos, my most devoted son, my favorite son, pupil of my eyes and fiber of my heart.
"Dear Brothers My, I, John Bosco, servant of Mary Help of Christians, servant of the Lady of Peace and the Rosary, greet you and give you peace!
I especially invite you young people to true love for the Lord and to become ever more pure and living sources of love for God, of love for the Mother of God, so that the whole world may drink in you the salutary waters of this love. And so be healed, saved and rescued from the great dryness, aridity and spiritual desertification in which you lie.
Be pure and living sources of the true love of God, so that all souls may drink in you this salutary water and so that all may fall in love with the love of God and of arid and dry deserts without love, without sanctifying grace, without spiritual life all souls may become green gardens: of grace, virtues, holiness and love.
Be the living and pure sources of God's grace, so that all souls may drink the water of grace in you and wash themselves in this water, so that then all spiritual filth, all stains of sin, all mud of wickedness and all impurity may be washed away from souls and the world, society, church and families. And so, everything becomes pure, beautiful and fragrant again and everything becomes perfect and pleasant to the Lord as when He created the world. So that then God can reflect Himself in you as in a mirror and so the whole universe can see the splendor of His glory reflected in you, just as the blue sky is reflected in a lake of pure and crystalline water. In the same way, if your souls are sources of pure and living water, God will be reflected in you, and all souls will be able to see Him, to know Him through you. Then everyone will exclaim from you what they exclaimed from St. John Mary Vianney of Ars: 'I saw God in a man. Everyone will exclaim from you, they will exclaim that they have seen God in you, if your soul is pure and crystalline like a lake of pure water that reflects the beauty of heaven that it looks at.
If God is reflected in you souls will know Him, love Him, seek Him and follow Him and never be separated from Him, because in you continually the brightness of God, the glorious face of the Lord will never cease to be reflected and you can be those very pure mirrors that reflect ever more the love and glory of the Lord.
Be the living and pure sources of hope, faith and all Christian virtues, so that all may mirror themselves in you to be good and holy Christians, true children of God and of Mary Help of Christians, Mary Immaculate, Mary of Peace, Mary of the Most Sacred Rosary. And so many souls will enter the (broken) flock, to fight for the expansion of His kingdom in the world and in souls, to conquer ever more hearts for them. And so the divine will be finally realized on Earth and the Devil be finally put on the footstool of the Angel of the Apocalypse: MARY the Immaculate Conception and of God, our Lord and King!
Be the living and pure sources of the goodness of the Lord, transmitting and bringing to all the peace of which in this Place you are cumulated to overflowing. This peace that the Lady Messenger of Peace has been giving you for 20 years now, so that a river of peace may flow among people full of hatred, sin, darkness and apostasy. And so the true peace that is life in God, that is life in God's grace, that is life in faithfulness to God's Commandments, will finally be real and a truth in everyone's life. And so everyone can live in peace and Earth can already be a sea of peace and as a perfect anticipation of that peace that is enjoyed and enjoyed in Heaven.
I, JOÃO BOSCO, am with you every day! I love you with all my Heart. I was already praying for you when I was alive on earth in Italy and now in heaven I pray for you much more at the feet of Mary Help of Christians.
I am with you! I am with you! Every day. Do not be afraid! Recourse to Me in all your needs and I will help you, especially ask Me for the graces necessary for the salvation of your souls, for these I am anxious to give you all!
With my merits I have obtained a great favor from God and the Virgin Help of Christians, and I can therefore dispense with these favors, these graces and these goods to as many as I please and to as many as trustingly beseech Me. Ask Me therefore, and I will answer you without delay. Pray the Rosary every day, because without the Rosary there is no salvation. I have prayed it, I have loved it and I have spread it every day of My life. And you too will achieve eternal bliss as I have.
I continued to say all the prayers that the Blessed Lady told you to say here. I have continued in obedience, in fidelity to her always more in accordance with what she asks of you in her holy apparitions here.
At this moment I bless you all with the blessing of Mary Immaculate and the Help of Christians and with me I also bless Dominic Savio and all the holy children who, thanks to my work, my witness and my love, reign with me today in eternal glory and sing with me the eternal praises of God and the Virgin Help of Christians in heaven!
I also bless you Marcos, my disciple, my beloved student, my friend and my favorite.