Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, February 7, 2011
Cenacle of the Solemn Feast of the 20Th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jacareí/Sp

"-My beloved children, today, My IMMACULATE HEART rejoices for the VINTY YEARS of My FIRST APPARITION here to My beloved and most dedicated son Marcos. And for all these Twenty Years in which My Immaculate Heart has here poured out upon you: Graces, Messages, Blessings, Warnings, Signs so that all of you could find the path of conversion, the path of salvation, sanctification and peace.
My Immaculate Heart rejoices with you, because on this day Heaven and Earth are united in a single Feast, singing with me the hymns of glory, the hymns of gratitude and praise to the Most Holy Trinity. Who has allowed me to stay here with you so long to teach you the right path that you must follow, to accompany you along this road that leads to heaven, to help you forever more to unravel the insidies, traps and tricks of Satan to deceive you and to bring you out of this right path that leads to heaven, to make you walk the path of sin, the path of error, of deception, of evil that leads to eternal damnation and the darkness of hell.
My HEART rejoices with you because all Heaven united to Me, working with Me, has been all these years here in these APPARITIONS, fighting hard for the salvation of all. And we have made the light of the Lord enter into many hearts and make in them our eternal dwelling place. So that in these hearts and through them the Lord's plan of salvation could be realized and completed for the greatest triumph of Our Three United Sacred Hearts and the Holy Trinity throughout the earth.
My HEART rejoices with you today because so many hearts have answered 'yes' to Me, given their lives to Me and made Me truly reign over them, ruling their will, their families, desires and hearts. And so, truly, I was able to realize my 'Mother Plan' of love and salvation in the lives of My children who docilely answered 'yes' to Me.
My IMMACULATE HEART rejoices with you, because although I have been rejected by many, betrayed by some, banished by so many of My children who, after knowing My Messages, no longer wanted to answer 'yes' to Me, My Immaculate Heart found much greater comfort and triumph in the heart of My little son Marcos: the most hard working, the most obedient, the most dedicated to Me and also in these My children who also consecrated their lives to Me Here, living with My son Marcos totally to serve Me and in all those who although they live in a different state of life love Me and do everything to please Me, obey Me, serve Me, make Me known and loved by all My children.
My Heart rejoices with you today because much of my plan could be accomplished here. And the plan for the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart is moving forward swiftly, despite my enemy Satan and all that men combining their forces with the forces of my enemy do against me to hinder my plans. And that is why My Plans unfold wonderfully well on the whole face of the Earth. And in the places thanks to My apparitions: JACAREI, MEDJUGORJE, FÁTIMA, LOURDES, OLIVETO CITRA, EL ESCORIAL and so many others, My Plan is fulfilled and will triumphantly come to an end over all and everything.
For this reason My children, I invite you once again: Remain faithful on the path of holiness to which I have called you Here. Do not be discouraged! Do not fail to do the Holy Hours of Prayer that I have commanded you to do, meditate on the Messages, do the Cenacles from house to house carrying My Messages, My Hours of Prayer, and all My Treasures that I have given you here in this place as soon as possible.
Do not neglect your spiritual life: prayer, retreat, meditation, deep prayer with me in silence and recollection. Dedicate many hours to spend with me in retreat and meditation. Also dedicate your lives to carrying My Messages to save the souls of your brothers, because otherwise you will be responsible for the loss of many souls if you do not.
I am with you always, do not be afraid! Remain faithful in the School of Prayer and Holiness to which I have called you Here and the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart, my own Heart will be your inheritance and your final reward.
To all at this moment, with love, I generously bless: de LOURDES, de MEDJUGORJE and de JACAREÍ.
Peace My children! Peace Marcos, my most devoted and obedient son and servant".
"-Dearest Son, My Sacred Heart blesses you today on the Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Sacred Hearts to My most hard-working and dedicated servant and son, My little son Marcos.
My Sacred Heart has done wonders for you in these Twenty Years of Apparitions, filling you with the treasures of My Divine Mercy, filling you ever more with My transforming and purifying Grace, enriching you ever more with the knowledge of Me, of My Most Holy Mother, of My Father Saint Joseph, of My own Eternal Father giving you without measure the divine and heavenly wisdom to become true My children and to make you live a true life in Me, your God.
My SACRED HEART has done wonders for you in these Twenty Years! It has done wonders in the souls of all My children who have been docile to My Sacred Heart, who have answered 'yes' to Me, who have allowed themselves to be guided by Our Three Sacred Hearts, to be formed by Us, who have not resisted Our holy will, who have not attached themselves to the world and to the illusory and passing loves of this earth, and in all those who have truly been like a malleable and docile clay, I have truly been able to imprint upon these souls amazing and extraordinary forms of beauty, perfection and grace.
My SACRED HEART has worked wonders on you in these Twenty Years of Our Apparitions Here, raising you to an immense height of knowledge of My will, knowledge of the truth, knowledge of My Sacred Heart, the Heart of My Mother and Father Saint Joseph. And they also filled you with a great and profound meditation and knowledge of your own misery, of your own nothingness, always placing you on guard against all the temptations of My enemy who, under deceitful appearances of good, intend to infiltrate your souls and hearts in order to begin to undermine the spiritual edification of holiness that Our THREE SACRED HEARS have begun to build up in you. Thus, always warning against yourselves and against all the insidia of Satan We have made you strong warriors, always awake sentinels, always faithful, vigilant, ready to recognize the enemy, the temptation as soon as he begins to rise upon the mountains to want to approach your souls. So that we could banish him, defeat him, cast him out, and overthrow him before he could come to you, wound your souls, infiltrate them with sin until the Spiritual Building of your conversion and sanctification, which Our THREE HEARTS HOLD FOR 20 YEARS have been building in you, is here.
Thus, My Children, We teach you to always watch over and keep you always on guard against yourselves, against your own love, against the devil, the temptations, and the world. So that nothing would shake the foundation, the foundation of the spiritual building that We are building in you.
My SACRED HEART has done wonders for you in these Twenty Years Here, making you ever more fragrant flowers of purity, innocence, prayer, virtues, divine grace. So that your perfume could reach the Throne of My Heavenly Father in Heaven and please His Most Holy Heart, fill Him with joy and satisfaction, comfort Him in His great sorrow for so many sins and disobediences of humanity and also transform you into a beautiful temple for My Holy Spirit, where He can dwell, where He can act, where He can perform in you the greatest wonders of His Love and of His Grace always, at every moment, without resistance, nor find any rival against Him within you.
My SACRED HEART has done wonders for you here in these Twenty Years, giving you ever more a taste for the things of Heaven, a taste for Prayer, making you understand My Words, making you love these Words ever more, making you deplore the world, sin and your own love ever more, and seeking ever more My will, My Love to live ever more according to My spirit, according to My divine blessing and plan.
In this way, my Sacred Heart, my Heart inflamed with Love for you, has brought you ever closer to Himself, to the Heart of my Mother, to the Heart of my Father Saint Joseph until it makes you burn with the flames of love that come from them, to set you on fire, to burn you, to consume in you all that is earthly, all that is carnal, all that is low to elevate you to all that is sublime, high and worthy of me. Thus, in you the most extraordinary works of grace have been done, and My Name in you at last is glorified in the sight of all the Angels and Saints in Heaven.
To all of you at this moment My SACRED HEART gives Peace, gives Plenary Indulgence, and I say to you: Continue in the school of Holiness of Our THREE SACRED HEART, doing all that We here teach you and command you. So that truly the work we have begun in you may soon be completed with praise for the greater glorification of My Name and for the greater exaltation of Catholic truth over all peoples, over all humanity.
To all at this moment, I generously bless PARAY-LE MONIAL, DOZULÉ and JACAREÍ.
Peace My children. Peace Marcos, my most devoted and dedicated son".
"-Dear children of mine, my Most Beloved Heart rejoices with you today too, for the Twenty Years of our Apparitions Here and give you our Peace!
My LOVING HEART has never left you during all these years, has always been with you and has been the luminous Sun that illuminated your souls every day through my Messages and my HOLY TIME every Sunday, guiding you ever more along the path of perfect love for the Lord, imitation of my virtues and perfect love, perfect correspondence with the divine blessing of the Most High.
My LOVING HEART was the luminous Sun that illuminated you in difficult moments giving you peace in afflictions, serenity in tribulations, confidence in uncertainties, hope against all contrary appearances, against every lack of hope. Giving you joy in sorrow, relief in suffering, light in doubts, courage in the face of the challenges and sacrifices you had to make. So that truly, in every day of your life, the divine will of the Most High could have been fulfilled, just as He wanted and expected of you, and so your souls could overcome everything, overcome everything, achieve everything and in everything be faithful to the Lord.
My LOVING HEART was the bright sun that comforted you in the moment of abandonment, loneliness, misunderstanding, persecution, doubt, affliction of spirit and discouragement. And it has made you walk ever more: fast, firm, decisive, constant and persevering along the 'path of holiness' to which Our Three Sacred Hearts have called you Here in these Apparitions. And so, truly, in you and through you the Lord's plan was always made.
My LOVING HEART has been your refuge at all times, feeding you ever more with the bread of the Holy Heavenly Word, resting you when you were weary of the struggle for the salvation of souls and the salvation of your own soul.
My HEART was an oasis to sweeten your immense thirst for love, to refresh you, to cool you ever more with the sweetness of my Fatherly Love when so many times you were almost dying and succumbing under the weight of the cross. Thus my Heart was always a luminous, warm Sun that warmed you, illuminated you, loved you and accompanied you in all the moments of your life in these Twenty Years of our Apparitions Here!
My LOVING HEART was a luminous Sun that shone for all, and although some did not want to follow the brightness of my light and walk the road to which I called them, many other children of mine consoled Me with their 'yes', with their total surrender to Me and with their total dependence on My Fatherly Providence, on My Love, leaving themselves ever more: forming themselves by My Messages, teaching by My Most Beloved Heart, carrying in My Arms and always letting themselves be shaped by My loving action! Thus, Here in this 'Sacred Place', My Most Loving Heart has shone and will shine even brighter for the greatest Triumph of Our SACRATISTIC HEARTS for the good of your souls and for the good of all humanity. And in you, in whom I am pleased, in whom I find welcome, response, docility and obedience, my LOVING HEART will still do great wonders for the 'time' to come. That is why, my children, continue ever more steadfastly, ever more persevering on the road to which I have called you to follow me to heaven, towards God.
Continue with all the Prayers We have given you Here, because they are a true, perfect, complete and most sublime 'School of Holiness', which Our SACRED UNITED HEARTS have given to the world.
Here in this Sacred Place our THREE SACRED HEARTS will triumph, and in this Place, which is what we love most of all humanity, we will put our Three Most Glorious Thrones that will overthrow the wicked thrones of the devil, of sin, and of the world, with their anti-Christian forces and contrary to our THREE SACRED HEARTS.
And here Our THREE SACRED HEARTS will shout victory and sing the Hymn of Triumph before all peoples and all humanity.
To all of you at this moment I generously bless and especially to you My little son Marcos, the most dedicated, the most hard working of My children".