Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Message from Saint Adelia

Dear brothers My! I, ADÉLIA or ADELINA, servant of the Lord and of Mary Most Holy, greet you and give you Peace!
In my life I have loved the Lord with all my heart, with all my strength, with all my soul, and to the Lord I have given myself with all that I was and had to serve Him, to make Him known and loved by all souls. And that with My efforts I might, beyond My soul, produce in souls a garden of rest for the Lord, so that in all of Us He might rest, rejoice, and in Us remain forever. Therefore, I invite you to be a retreat for the Lord, where He can truly rest, rest, entertain You, stay with You in the perfect union of the soul and heart communicating to You His riches and His divine and heavenly beauties.
Be the perfect retreat for the Lord, living ever more the life of intense prayer, penance, meditation, continuing to say all the prayers that the Mother of God has sent you here. For these prayers have the faculty and the power to transform your souls into perfect places of retreat for the Lord and for the Lady of Heaven, where they can enter, remain with you, rest in you and find in you His delights, that is, find in you the love that thirsts and hungers for love that they have for souls, they can find in you the reflections of His light, they can find in you His gifts and talents granted multiplied in fruits of good works and sanctification and of more souls won for them. So in you God can truly rest, rest, rejoice and in you the Blessed Virgin can find the sweetest fruits: of love, correspondence, generosity and total surrender to Her.
Be the perfect retreat of the Lord, seeking ever more to detach your heart from the passing and illusory things of this world that distance you from God, that compete with the love of God within your heart. So that your love without any mixture of earthly anything, without any mixture of earthly love can be pure, pure for the Lord, pure for Mary Most Holy, pure as they want, pure as they expect to receive from you. And so, they can also give their pure love totally to you until it fills you and makes you overflow into other souls.
Be the perfect retreat of the Lord, answering your 'yes' to Him so that He can transform the desert of your souls into a garden, an oasis, a place of rest where He can rest in the shadow of your love, drinking the water of your generosity and faith, eating the fruits of your good works, of your complete surrender to Him. And so the Lord can set your final dwelling place in you and transform you into that 'Royal Garden' where He, the King of Heaven, can come to you and talk to you and entertain you as He did at the beginning of creation by walking in the Garden of Eden in the afternoon looking for Adam and Eve to entertain you with them. So too, God can come and live with you, he can entertain you, he can unite with you, and you can live in his true friendship.
I, ADÉLIA, promise to help you with my powerful intercession and prayer before the Lord and Mary Most Holy, that you may become this beautiful place of retreat and rest for the Lord. I recommend you to wear all the MEDALS that the Blessed Virgin gave you in her apparitions, especially the MEDAL OF PEACE and the MEDAL OF PEACE that she gave here on your land, on Brazilian land, so that through these two Medals the grace of the Lord may always transform you into a place of retreat and rest for him and for Mary most holy. And so, you may receive in you a great influx of graces attracted by these Heavenly Medals that you must wear with all your love, with all your devotion and your faith.
Through these Medals many graces of the Lord are attracted to your souls to purify them, to beautify them, to perfume them and to incense them with the heavenly grace of Heaven.
Through these Medals many temptations of the devil are removed from you and the Angels are drawn to you with the hands full of the Lord's blessings to pour on you many times a day. Therefore, my beloved brethren, wear these Medals with confidence and never part with them, so that God's grace, His influence will never be interrupted in your soul and your life!
God gave you these shields, God gave you these heavenly Imams, which are these Sacred Medals, to draw to you all good and all grace, for the salvation of your souls. Use this great grace that the Lord has given you for your salvation and surrender to Him and to Mary most holy glories and praises.
If this grace had been given to Me in My time. Oh! what graces and praises I would have given to the Lord! What marvels of conversion and sanctification would not have been worked in my time. But this great grace was given to you for these final times and you do not know how to give thanks, you do not know how to recognize the great good, the great gift that the Lord and Mary most holy have given to you.
Open your heart, enlarge it into hymns of love, of praise, of gratitude to God and to His Most Holy Mother that have favored you so much, that have enriched you so much in these blessed JACAREI APPARITIONS, which are the greatest proof of the love of the Lord and of the Blessed Virgin after the incarnation for all humanity.
Open your hearts and give them honor, glory and praise for a holy life, for the perfect fulfillment of the will of the Lord. I will be with you at all times of your life and will never, ever leave you.
To everyone, in this blessed, special and beloved month of Heaven, the month of February, of great graces and gifts for humanity from the Lord and His Mother.
To everyone in this blessed month, I generously bless you now. And especially to you Marcos, the most hard working, the most dedicated of the children of the Mother of the Lord, the most hard working and dearest of My brothers.
Peace to you all".