Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Message from Angel Daniel

Dear brothers, I, DANIEL, servant of the Lord, call you once again to true Peace, to true Love, to true Conversion. And above all, to fight ever more against the attacks of Satan, who wants to weaken you on the path of true Love, fervor and prayer, and to drag you ever more on the low ground of sensitive things and attachment to the passing loves of this earth.
Therefore, I invite you more and more to wield the shield of faith against the attacks of Satan.
Wield the shield of faith against Satan's attacks, closing more and more the door of your spiritual senses to his suggestions, to temptations, to all ideas contrary to the will of the Lord and His Law of Love. So that ever more you keep your spiritual senses closed to the suggestions of the enemy, your hearts may always remain pure, immaculate, free from all stain and contamination of idea, thought, or inclination that may lead you away from the Lord and His Grace. As far as it is also possible for you to close the door of your bodily senses to the suggestions of the enemy, fleeing from occasions of sin, fleeing from those things and places which may bring in through the door of your ears, eyes, or mouth any kind of temptation, evil thought, idea, or feeling which may stain your hearts and souls, flee from the bustle of the world, where almost always you run the risk of losing in you the sanctifying grace, inner purity, fervor, and love of the soul.
Always keep your heart in continuous prayer, even during the works of your day, doing everything for God and with love for God, seeking always more to offer your work, obligations and activities as a continuous hymn of love and prayer to the Lord.
In this way you close the doors of your senses to the enemy and he will not be able to misrepresent, distort, maculate or affect either your inner purity or the intention of your heart or your thoughts and feelings and he will not be able to steal the merit of your good works, your prayers and your activities.
Wear the shield of true love for the Lord, trying ever more to live in continuous prayer, in the sense that I have already explained to you above: trying to do everything for God, for God and with the only purpose of praising Him, making Him known and loved by all His children and giving Him glory. In this way you close the doors of your hearts to every stain of self-love, of the desire for self-glorification, of the desire to satisfy his corrupted wills and desires, and in this way you kill more and more the vanity within you. And so your works, free from every stain of sin or unrighteous intention, will truly rise to the Lord as a precious gift that will be pleasing to Him and that He will receive with great joy converting all this into grace of conversion and sanctification for so many souls.
Wear the shield of true love to fight against the attacks of God's enemy, making more of your life a continuous offering, a continuous sacrifice, a continuous giving of yourself, a continuous giving of yourself, a continuous giving of yourself more and more in the arms of the Mother of God, in the arms of this maternal Love who loved you, who chose you and called you from everywhere to be members of her family, of her army of salvation. So that in this way you may be ever more docile to the Heavenly Love that has chosen you, ever more generous in your response to this love, you may overcome the enemy with love, and so through the victory of love you may overcome the Devil, the world, yourself and the flesh. And then you will be true champions of God through love, in love and with love!
I, Daniel, am with you all the days of your life, I accompany you, I keep you, I love you and I help you without ceasing. Without my help, without my continued presence you would have fallen a thousand times already into Satan's temptations and snares. I have released you from his bonds, I have sustained you lest you weaken, tire or discourage. I have held your hands, so as not to let you stumble, and I will continue to hold you and lead you as long as you continue to do the HOUR OF THE SAINT ANGELS, Our Hour, every Tuesday, that you continue to meditate on Our Messages and ever more confidently entrust yourselves, delivering yourselves, consecrating yourselves to Us. If you continue to be docile to what We ask of you, we will continue to guide you safely and correctly along the path of sanctification, which is difficult, almost impossible for those who have not chosen to empty themselves totally of themselves and give themselves totally to God's Love.
To everyone at this moment, with love, I bless you together with all the Angels and Saints of Paradise".