Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Message of Mary Most Holy and Saint Joseph

Message of Mary Most Holy
"-Dear children My! My Immaculate Heart again calls you with all love to enter, to remain and to persevere ever more in the school of my Immaculate Heart where I form you every day in perfect obedience and fulfillment to the will of the Lord, in corresponding without reserve to what He asks of you. And above all, in the practice and growth of all the virtues so that you may always be great in holiness and great in love.
In the school of my Immaculate Heart, I call you to enter every day so that I may give you my maternal lessons, of prayer, sacrifice, penance, purity, docility, obedience to the will of the Lord, forgetfulness of self, personal mortification, fortitude in suffering, perseverance in good, escape from evil and sin, fidelity to the grace of the Lord. So that every day, as students formed and guided directly by Me I may make you more and more progress in the holiness school in which I introduce you each day and in which I myself am your teacher, I am your guide and I am your light.
In the school of My Immaculate Heart I form all My children who have answered Yes to Me, making them each day more aware of God's wisdom, His will, His divine plan of love over each one, so that you, completely formed and taught by Me, may accomplish with accuracy and speed, with efficiency and with fruit the holy will of the Lord, so that your life may always produce good fruits and good results of salvation, that is, your daily conversion and the conversion of so many of your brothers and sisters and My children each day. Thus, I build each day a better world for you and through you, a world where God and I reign in all hearts and where our commandments, the commandments of the Lord are always more the rule, the law and the way you all walk toward God every day.
In the school of My Immaculate Heart, I call to enter those My children all who are far from Me, so that here too they may be formed by Me, educated by Me, led by Me, nourished with the grace of God by Me, so that their life may not be a continuous to err, but may be a continuous to get closer to God, a continuous to seek more of God, a continuous and incessant hymn of love to God.
Through you My children, who already know Me, who already obey My Messages and who already gave Me your 'yes', I want to make all My children who still do not know Me know and love Me.
So go! Take My Messages to them, do Scenarios from house to house, spread My Messages by every means you can. Witness, show with your word and with your life, that you are Mine, that I am alive and calling all My children Here, in My Apparitions of Jacari, to know Me, to love Me, and to live with Me and through Me, to come to God.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you and ordered you to do, especially with the Holy Rosary, with the Hour of Peace, with the Crusade of the Rosary, because through these prayers I always destroy the plans of Satan more and more and bring you closer to the Triumph of my Heart.
To all at this moment, I generously bless LA SALETTE, TURIN and JACAREÍ.
Peace! The Peace Marcos, my most hard-working and dedicated son. Remain all in My Peace!"
Message of Saint Joseph
"-Dear children My! My LOVING HEART greets you and gives you Peace.
Grow more and more in perfection, in love and holiness to the greater glory of God.
Come to my Most Loving Heart and I will show you the sure way that leads to God and to the Immaculate Virgin. So that every day I may bring you closer to them, know their will and their love, and purify from them the strength, grace and peace that you need. And in this way, may you live ever more filled with divine love.
Come closer to my Most Beloved Heart, so that each day I may purify you, beautify you, perfume you and free you from all evil, from every stain of sin and make you always more: grow in virtues, in goodness and in love. So that your soul may become the dwelling place of God, His holy house, where He and the Immaculate Virgin can dwell and rest forever.
Come to my Most Loving Heart and I will make you holy cities for God, for Mary Immaculate, so that there within you, they may dwell night and day, fill you ever more with His grace and mercy and give you ever more of His peace, salvation and eternal happiness!
You are holy cities of the Lord, holy cities of Mary Immaculate, and you must not and must not allow anything to subdue this city, stain it, destroy it, make it unclean. Therefore, always keep active within yourself: the flame of prayer, the flame of love, good, grace and peace. To this end, pray at least 3 hours a day, meditate on all Our Messages, do the Holy Hours of prayer that We have given you, seek always to move away from evil and come closer to good.
Always seek to walk the road that We have traced out for you despite the weight of the cross that you have to carry every day in these times of great tribulation.
If you do what we have told you, you will triumph in Heaven and through you many thousands of souls will also arrive there. The decision is yours, everything is in your hands. On your act of good will, docility and complete self-giving to Us depends the salvation of many souls, many hearts.
Answer 'yes' to Our call! Do not cast into the abyss of perdition so many souls who can be saved through you if you forget yourselves and give yourselves as the Saints did for their salvation, working for their salvation, praying for their conversion.
Come to my Most Loving Heart and I will fill you with so much love and grace that you will weep for joy.
I am your Father, I am by your side always and no suffering of yours is foreign or escapes my gaze. As soon as My Medal is ready, wear it. Wear My Medal, the Medal of My Heart with confidence and I will transform your life into a sea of grace, of blessings. And above all, I will close you in my Most Loving Heart as never before and there I will give you: peace, affection and protection.
To all at this moment, I bless you generously. I also bless these loaves of bread, I bless all your religious objects, your families and the whole world.
Peace My children, peace Marcos, the most dedicated of My children".