Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Message of Saint Juliana"-Dear My Brothers! I, JULIANA, servant of the Lord, am very happy to be here with you and to be able to give you my Message.

You are the holy cities of the Lord, and therefore you must always welcome the Lord who will soon return to you in love and for love. And already you must receive the Lord in your midst, He who comes to you every day in prayer and through the Messages that the whole of Heaven gives in this Place, to make dwelling in your heart.
You are the holy cities of the Lord, so you must keep both your streets and your houses always pure and spotless for the King of Grace and Glory, the Lord. For this you must flee from all sin, from all evil, and from all that can defile, stain your soul with the stain of sin. Your soul is a holy city to God and as such, it must always be pure and clean.
Throw out from your heart, from your soul all kinds of garbage, mud and impurity that dirty it. Throw away every kind of attachment to the world and to creatures, every disordered love of yourselves, of material goods and the things of this world. So that, truly, your inmost being, your heart, may be a city always pure, without stain and worthy of the King of Grace, the King of Glory, our God!
You are holy cities, and therefore you must always keep your soul perfumed, the inner city of your soul perfumed with the soft and fragrant perfume of all the virtues, cultivating ever more in you: love, purity, goodness, generosity, charity, patience, fortitude and all those virtues that make your soul very precious in the eyes of God. That you transform it into a city whose walls, whose walls are made of true mystical precious stones of the most varied virtues, so that the King of Glory, when contemplating your beauty, may fall in love with your beauty and be pleased to live with you and in your midst.
You are the holy cities of the Lord, and for this you must keep it always illuminated, keep the inner city of your soul always illuminated full of light. And this light you can only keep burning within you through a life of intense prayer, at least three hours of prayer a day, much meditation on the Messages that Heaven gives you here, on the lives of the Saints, on His Meditations and examples. So that all darkness, all darkness, may be banished from the city of your soul and it may always be illuminated with the light of eternal truth, grace, love and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
If you do this, you will be true mystical cities, holy cities for God and he and the Blessed Virgin will come down to dwell within you, to live with you, to unite with you and to become one in love with you.
I, JULIANA, am at your side to help you always be these holy cities, these mystical cities for God and the Mother of God. I will help anyone who turns to me. I will lead anyone who lets himself be led by me. I will teach anyone who wants to learn from me. I will carry in my arms everyone who lets himself be carried by me. I want to lead you always further, always higher on the path of true love for God and the Mother of God!
The Apparitions of Jacari, these holy and sacred Apparitions of the United Sacred Hearts, the Angels and Our Saints Here, are for you the great school, the great means God gives you to learn to become saints, to become holy cities for God. To become true new Jerusalem to the Lord, where He dwells, lives, and reigns sovereignly and forever.
We the Saints have succeeded in our lives in becoming these holy cities for God, where He always dwelt and reigned with His Mother day and night. We can, want and know how to help you also become these holy cities. So come to Us! We will help you! We will lead you! Therefore, meditate on the Messages we give you Here, do Our Holy Hour of prayer with perseverance every week so that We may always lead you on the path of holiness until you become beautiful, holy and precious cities for the Lord.
Continue to make all the prayers given to you here, to spread all the Messages, apparitions and lives of the Saints, to all the souls who still do not know all this spiritual treasure. So that many souls may be touched by grace, converted and finally saved by the Mercy of God.
These Apparitions of Jacari are the last sign of God given to the world, they are the last call, the last warning, so that all may be converted before the GREAT NOTICE that will come soon, that will shake the consciences of each human being, will make each one see all their sins of their past life without God and will make many feel such horror for their own sins, that they would rather not even have been born. Many of these people will see themselves as burning in the fire, a fire as terrible as hell, but it will not yet be a natural fire, it will be the fire of truth, the fire of the Holy Spirit, the fire of Divine Justice that will show them their sins as God sees them and these people, these souls, will burn, will feel an inner pain much worse than if they were inside a big burning, burning oven.
My brothers, purify yourselves for the day of WARNING and how should you purify your souls, your consciences? By truly converting yourselves, obeying all the Messages of the Mother of God, living in a state of grace, so that on that unexpected day you will not suffer or even expire from so much suffering that it will affect the souls of sinners and those who are not in grace throughout the world.
I JULIANA, I love you, I bless you and I give you always more my peace. Count on me in all your sufferings, difficulties and doubts. I will be at your side to help you and to protect you always.
At this moment I bless you all and especially Marcos, the most dedicated, the most hard working and dearest of My brothers. See you soon!"