Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Message of Saint Joseph

My children, my LOVING HEART blesses you once again today and gives you peace.
"Grow each day more in true devotion to my LOVING HEART, living each day more in my presence, in my love, corresponding with all your heart to my call and growing more and more in true trust and dependence on my love, just as ISAAC did with his father ABRAÃO.
Isaac loved his father ABRAÃO so much that he did not contest it, not even when the father asked for his son where was the sacrifice to be offered to the Lord and the father answered him, 'The Lord will provide. ’
Isaac trusted his father, trusted that his father knew perfectly everything he was doing and what he was going to do. And when Isaac saw that the sacrifice would be himself, he didn't resist his father, he didn't contest, he didn't oppose to what his father should do. He trusted him, although it was against all his principles, against his own nature, against his understanding. He trusted his father and the Lord gave the prize to ABRAÃO and ISAAC blessing them and making them patriarchs of all the people of God.
If you also have for Me true trust, true love, true dependence, true filial love as ISAAC had for his father. If you trust that what I do for you, that the work I do for you through My Messages is holy and that I know where I lead you. And if you allow yourselves to be guided, to lead docilely by Me even if that is leading you, through sacrifices, through sacrifices and sufferings, which you do not understand, which you do not understand. If you trust, if you let yourselves be led by Me, you too will be rewarded with the blessing of the Most High, with the blessing of the Lord, just as ABRAÃO, just as ISAAC were.
See that I call you to complete trust in My Love, that I call you to complete, unrestricted trust in My Love. I want from you the same trust that ISAAC had for his father. Only in this way will I be able to guide you and lead you on the road: of Love, goodness, grace and peace.
Today, I bless you all who hear My Message through the hoarse voice of My son Marcos, a cold, who has resisted until now so that I may transmit My Message to you.
See little children, that My Love never tires of teaching you the true devotion to Me that I expect from you and that you must have. From you whom I teach so much, I expect more and more the perfect practice of My lessons in love.
Forward, My Students! Practice what I teach you! For in my words there is great wisdom which is refused to the proud of heart, but which is revealed and taught to the pure, the humble, the simple of spirit.
To all, at this moment I bless you with love".