Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Message of Saint Anne

My beloved little children, this week when you celebrate My day, I, ANA, Mother of the Virgin Mary, servant of the Lord, come once again to bless you, to give you My Peace and to call you to grow ever more in the Love of God, being true sugars and lilies of the Lord, where He can feel the sweet and pleasant perfume of love, purity, goodness and all the virtues in you.
Be the Lord's lilies, growing ever more in the virtue of love, which pleases the Lord and gives eternal value to all your works and prayers. So that every day your soul may exhale the sweet and fragrant perfume of divine love, of supreme charity, to perfume this world filled with the bad smell of hatred, sin and rebellion against God. So that, your perfume of love may ever spread and reach further, transforming the rotten swamps of the souls of so many of Our children who are in sin, to become again: beautiful, flowery and fragrant gardens to please the Lord Our God.
Be the sugars and lilies of the Lord, growing always more in the virtue of the purity that pleases the Lord so much, above all, the purity of the heart, fleeing always more from the occasions of sin and from everything that displeases, hurts, offends the Lord, so that truly the Holy Spirit may dwell in your souls, may always dwell within your hearts and never leave your souls saddened by your sins. So that, day after day, all the virtues, all the fruits of the Holy Spirit may grow in you. And may He always grace you with His holy gifts, performing in you holy works of great value that give satisfaction, joy and contentment to the Most High.
Be the sugars and lilies of the Lord, trying every day to obey more and more the Messages that My Daughter HOLY MARY has given you here, so that each day you may come closer to the Lord and to Her, always moving further away from the swamp of sin where you were bogged down before. And always more your souls become luminous stars of perfection, holiness and love before the Lord.
If you are these lilies and sugars that I invite you to be, you will daily give to My Daughter MARY MOST HOLY a mystical spiritual crown of many lilies and sugars that will please her very much and that will make her pour on you the most copious blessings and graces of her Immaculate Heart.
All my life I have been a lily and a very pure lily of the Lord, seeking in everything and for everything to do the will of the Most High, to cultivate in Myself the most varied and rich virtues, seeking always more to make My life a perfect hymn of love to the Lord!
If you imitate My life, you will follow the same path that I have walked, and then you will surely arrive at that perfect sanctity that the Blessed Trinity so much desires and expects from you.
I am with you, my little children! You who are the children of my daughter Mary. I am your Mother too, I care for you! I am at your side at all times to help you not only overcome your defects and your inner miseries, but also to overcome all the trials and difficulties of this life and to be faithful to the Lord until the end, and together with my daughter Mary the IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION, may you crush Satan's head and sin more and more with your holiness, with your love and with your life ever more hidden and immersed in her Immaculate Heart.
I, ANA, extend at this time upon all of you my Cloak of Protection and Love and pour upon you the most abundant blessings of my Mother Heart. (Great Pause)
I have blessed you My children!
This Shrine, this holy place, is the place where Heaven has made His throne and pours out the graces of salvation and peace to all in abundance!
This is My throne! This is my second home in Nazareth, where I, my daughter Mary, my spouse Joaquin, and God Himself dwell day and night.
Come here and pray always!
Come here in procession!
Come here in meditation and prayer!
Come here to meditate on Our Messages!
Come here to meditate on the pains of my Most Holy Daughter Mary, which are so forgotten.
Come here and here you will find Me forever to love, protect and console you.
To all I leave my peace. Peace Marcos, my most beloved son whom I love so much. You, who work so hard for my Daughter Mary, who is so dedicated to her, I pour upon you at this moment a particular blessing from my Heart.