Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Message From Our Lord - Our Lady And Saint Barbara - Monthly Anniversary Of The Apparitions Of Jacareí And Saint Lucia Of Syracuse (Luzia) - 352nd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Yes, that's good."
(Our Lord): "Beloved children of Mine, today I, Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, the Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary, come to you with My Mother and with My servant Barbara. To bless you and to tell you: Love is not loved, I, the Eternal Love, am not loved by My creatures and therefore My Heart is always crushed by a deep ingratitude of human beings.
How cruel human beings are, they do nothing but think of sins, wars and crimes everywhere. They use the Gifts I have given them: of intelligence, of will, of reason, and the talents I have given them all to offend Me. There is no part of the earth where I cast My gaze that I do not see continually: sins, crimes, wars, and wickedness.
My Heart is saddened; it is saturated with the pain and ingratitude that men cause Me.
This is why I come to tell you, My children: Love is not loved! I have offered you My eternal Love, I have offered you My Holy Spirit, I have offered you My Word, I have offered you the riches, the treasures of My Church, I have offered you My Mother, I have offered you the Angels and the Saints to help you. And none of this, My children, is of any use to you, because your hearts are hard as marble, your heart is a block of ice, which no ray of grace from Me can ever penetrate.
Do not be, do not be hard like those people who listened to Me two thousand years ago and who took Me to the Cross precisely because they did not accept My Love, did not understand My Love.
Repent, repent of your sins, and love Love. Love the Love that is not loved. Love My Heart that is not loved. This Heart that never tires of seeking you, of offering you so many and so many graces for your salvation.
Do not be like the traitor Judas, who was one of the most favored human beings by Me and My Mother of all times, and was the one who committed the worst betrayal against Me.
Do not be like Judas My children! Do not be ungrateful! Accept the graces that I and My Mother have brought to you in Our appearances here. These Messages that show you My children how you must live to gain Heaven. This Heaven that I promised you as I said: In My Father's house are many mansions. I go therefore, to prepare a place for you. Yes, My Father's house has many rooms, and I want to take you to these rooms, but for you to dwell in these rooms, you must be truly converted, turn from sin, change your life, live the commandments My Father has given you. Live according to My Word.
Yes, soon the great Chastisement will come, Wormwood! Bowls will be poured, the trumpets will be blown, and the whole earth will quake with dread as the hour of My great Justice comes. I will reduce to nothing your pleasures, inordinate amusements, and also everything to which you have been attached, preferring these things to your Creator. I will reduce the places of sin to nothing, and I will raze the cities where there is most sin to the ground, like Sodom and Gomorrah, until there is not a trace, not even a memory, of them.
Why will I be so strict, My children? Because human beings have no pity for being strict with their God, crucifying Him anew every day with their sins. Human beings are also not sorry to be strict with their neighbor by committing abortions, murders, adulteries, treacheries, fornications, and all kinds of stealing, dishonesty, rascality, and so many things that hurt charity.
This is why I will act, I will act rigorously to show to the human being that I did not die, that I did not stay dead. I died but resurrected, that I did not die forever. This I want to tell you: I have risen, I am alive, and alive I will apply My Justice on sinners.
If you do not want to be among those ungrateful ones whom I will punish without pity, convert without delay. Now I come as a Merciful Savior, as My Daughter Faustina Kowalska said, because soon I will come as an Impartial Judge.
Whoever does not want to pass through the door of My Mercy, will have to pass through the door of My Justice. And I tell you My Children: It will be horrible to be attacked by the demons and to be introduced into the eternal flames, where your pain will have no relief, no remedy that will make you pass through the prison from where you will never leave, a prison for life, and where you will have no rest day or night. And where you will be tormented by demons, so that the Justice of the Father may be satisfied.
It will be horrible! If you cannot bear the pain of the burning fire of the earth, even for a few seconds, how can you bear the pain of the flames of hell for all eternity. Think about it, and you will not sin. Think on this, and you will not offend Me. Think on this, and you will never again fall prey to the temptations and deceptions of My enemy, the devil.
Live in My grace, love My Heart that loves you so much. My Mother and I have been here for more than 23 years showing you, constantly proving Our love to you. If We did not love you with the love of madness. If We did not love you with an infinite Love, We would not continue here persevering, seeking you, fighting for you, calling you to salvation despite your continuous refusals to heed Our Call, to heed Our Warnings.
The long time of Our stay in these apparitions is the colossal and magna proof of the great Love that We have for each one of you, My children. What I said here and to My little daughter Margaret Alacoque I repeat again: Here is the heart that loves men so much, and most of them are repaid only with ingratitude, sins, and offenses.
Love My Heart that loves you so much and that unfolds itself each day more in graces and portents to save you. Here is My Mother the Queen and Messenger of Peace, the Immaculate Heart which is the door and the way by which I desire that you come to Me.
For I ask for Devotion to My Mother, because She is the way by which I came down to men from Heaven, and She is the way by which I want men to come up from Earth to Me. Many fools in the past have attacked My Messages here by denying them, saying that I ask for Devotion to My Mother.
If I ask you for Devotion to My Mother oh fools, it is because She is the way by which I have come to you and by which I want you to come to Me.
My Mother will bring you to Me, and I will bring you to the Father. Therefore, have true devotion to My Mother, to the Heart of this Mother. May your love for my Mother be unselfish, not in exchange for graces and miracles, may it be firm, may it not weaken at the slightest temptation, illusion, or whim. May it be constant, may it never lose heart, and may it never stop growing in true love for Her, neither in obstacles, nor in sufferings, nor in trials, nor in temptations.
Let it be a servant love, that finds its joy in working for My Mother to make Her known and loved, and to make Her Messages obeyed by all.
May it be a generous love that never tires of sacrificing itself for Her and that is never content to give little to My Mother, but more and more and more to serve Her. May it be a deep, intense love, a love born from the core of your heart, just as was the love of my Alphonsus de Liguori for Her, my Gerard Majella, my Gabriel of the Dolorosa for Her, my Shepherds of Fatima for Her, my Bernadette of Lourdes for Her, my Marcos for Her.
May your love be a burning love for My Mother like a fire just as is the love that burns in the breast of My Marcos, My little lovebird, My favorite Benjamina chosen by Me already in the womb to be My spokesman, My ambassador for you, mediator between Me and My Mother and you. To give you My words of life, of eternal life.
My Heart wants you to come to Me through My Mother. So love Her, pray her Holy Rosary every day. Whoever prays the Holy Rosary every day praises My Mother praises Me also when I say: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Yes, in the Rosary you give glory to My Mother and to Me, and My Sacred Heart with Her Heart pours over you grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing.
Truly I tell you, whoever prays the Rosary every day will not die in mortal sin. Because My Sacred Heart will seek for these souls all the graces so that this person leaves this world in friendship with Me, in My Grace, and I will not show her at the hour of her death My angry Face, but My merciful and benevolent Face to receive her into the dwellings of My Father's house.
Those who pray and love My Mother's Rosary will be loved by Me as if it were the innermost fiber of My Sacred Heart as My own glory. Therefore, love My Mother's most Sacred Rosary and make it loved by all.
Today, on the Anniversary of Our Apparitions here to My little son Marcos, I bless you all with Love from Paray-Le-Monial, from Dozulé and from Jacareí.
Peace to all of you My children. Peace Marcos, the most hardworking and dedicated of the servants of My Sacred Heart."
(Blessed Mary): "My children, today when you are celebrating Here the Monthly Anniversary of My Apparitions with all Heaven, to My little son Marcos in this place, in this city of Jacareí. And when you are already on the eve of the Feast of the Solemnity of My Immaculate Conception.
To all I say: I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I am the Immaculate Conception! I am the Woman clothed with the Sun! I am the perfect humanity realized in God! I am the new Ark of the Covenant! I am the Lady whom the whole earth has been waiting for for millennia and who is conceived in the womb of the Mother free from the stain of original sin, all beautiful, all pure, Tota Pulchra, all friend of the Lord, preserved not only from the original stain, but also from all habitual stain. Filled with the Gifts of the Most High, with the privileges of the Lord, bright as the Sun, beautiful as the stars, luminous as the Sun at the strongest point of the day.
I am the bright Sun that the Lord has placed in the dark Heaven of humanity that for so many thousands of years has been waiting for its Redeemer. I am the Dawn of Redemption! With My Immaculate Conception God effectively began the work of redemption of the human race. Because when I was conceived without sin in the womb of My Mother Anne, the Old Law began to pass, in order to inaugurate the New Law. And so, with My birth, with My 'yes', I closed the gap that existed between you and the Creator. The Word took flesh in My womb, became home, and with His life, passion and resurrection, opened again for you the gates of Paradise closed by the sin of Our first Parents.
I am the Immaculate Conception, I am so Holy that I am Holiness itself. I am so full of Grace that I am Grace itself. This I said in Pesqueira, Pernambuco, to the two girls to whom I appeared: I Am Grace! In Me you all find the Grace of the Lord! Do not fear Mary, for you have found grace before the Lord. If I was already Immaculate and full of Grace, for whom did I find Grace? I have found it for you, I am the Grace, and everyone who comes to Me will come out filled with the Grace of the Lord, the Grace that sanctifies, the Grace that purifies, the Grace that elevates, the Grace that perfects, the Grace that beautifies, and makes you living reflections of the holiness of the Holy Trinity.
I am Grace, and whoever comes to Me, no matter how heavy laden with sin he may be, if he gives Me his "yes," if he has a true desire to love Me and be formed by Me, I will lead him to the Fountains of Grace of the Lord. And this soul will be filled with His Grace, filled with His Love, filled with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, I have appeared here with this title to tell you that I come in the name of the Lord, bringing the Peace that your souls so much desire, so much thirst, so much hunger, and that you cannot find.
You are punished by God with inner affliction, with inner anguish, with the lack of peace in your families because you seek peace where it does not exist. You look for it in sins, in fornications, in material possessions, in money. Building for yourselves false idols of pleasure, of power, of greed, of violence, of selfishness, worshipping you in place of God and as God. You sin as Satan sinned, and that is why so many punishments happen in your life, you have no Peace, because only in God can you find true Peace and possess it.
That is why I came as Queen and Messenger of Peace, to tell you: that only in God can you find Peace. And since God made Me the Mediatrix of Peace, only through Me can you receive Peace from the Lord. Whoever wants peace comes to Me, and I will give it to him. Whoever has his soul afflicted, distressed, suffering, troubled, and restless, come to Me, and I will pacify him. I will fill it with My Peace in such a way that this person will already begin to enjoy the Peace of the blessed in Heaven in this life.
Pray My Rosary every day, the soul that prays My Rosary will never be abandoned by Me. I will send My thousand Guardian Angels to guard her in all her ways, and to help her in all her sufferings. Especially in temptations, and if she flees from sin and does not easily surrender to Satan, My Angels will always keep her in the Love of God.
The soul that prays My Rosary will be accompanied by Me wherever she goes, and in all her affairs, sufferings, and pains I will be at her side, to support her, help her, and keep her.
Pray the Rosary of My Tears every day, because through this Rosary I will always cover you with My Mantle, and I will keep My enemy away from you and your families. And if by chance he enters your families, he will not be able to cause much damage, because with the power of My Tears I will repel him, and I will maintain order, harmony, and family peace, always constant in your home.
Pray My Seten every month from the 1st to the 7th of each month, faithfully, because through it, every day I give you copious blessings, I take many souls out of Purgatory. And I promise you that each day of the Septen, a thousand sinners will be touched by the Grace of the Lord, will be converted, and will fall in love with the Lord.
Do My Arrow, you do not know how powerful it is, so you despise it. If you could see with My eyes how many souls are touched by the Prayer of the Septenette, you would do it the whole month, not just the seven days of the month.
Pray, pray My Seten, because on it depends the conversion of Russia, Brazil, and many nations of the Earth.
I bless everyone now from Caravaggio, from Lourdes, and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children. Peace Marcos, the most dedicated and hardworking of My beloved children and servants."
(Saint Barbara): "Beloved brothers and sisters of Mine, I, Barbara, come again today to tell you: I love you, I love you very much!
I take care of you, I protect you, I defend you and I am at your side even when your heart is hard from lack of prayer, from your sin and you do not feel My presence.
How many graces I grant you, and how many favors I shower on you every day. If your heart were not so blinded by your sin, it would see the continuous proofs of My love and presence for you. Yes, My presence near you.
Follow My bright footprints, which like shining stars I have left for you on earth. Follow in My footsteps of constant prayer, of purity, of faithfulness to God, of courage and fortitude, which are very necessary if you want to save your souls and reach Heaven.
Many think that by being fickle, by being cowards in the face of suffering, they will attain the Crown of Eternal Life. No, Heaven is not for cowards. Heaven is for heroes, for the brave, for those who accept the sacrifice, who accept the suffering when it comes to them for love of the Lord, for love of the Mother of God, for love of the cause of the salvation of souls.
The soul that does not accept the sacrifice, that does not accept the suffering for love of the Lord, for love of the Mother of God, for love of the cause of the salvation of souls.
The soul that does not accept the sacrifices, that does not accept the suffering when it comes to her, will not be worthy of the Crown of Eternal Life. I understood this when I saw My own Father handing Me over to prison, to whippings, to the cutting, to the amputation of My breasts. When I saw My own Father cutting My neck. I accepted it, although destroyed by pain inside, I accepted the sacrifice, I accepted it for love of God, for love of My heavenly Mother, for love of souls, to whom I was giving testimony of My Faith to edify them. I accepted because I understood that without sacrifice no one is worthy of the Crown of Eternal Life.
When suffering comes to you, when pain comes to you in your life, accept it. Accept illness, accept the cross, because through it you will save many souls and your own. If you are heroically brave in suffering a great prize and reward will await you in Heaven.
Therefore, follow in My bold footsteps of love for God that is made of sacrifice and works. Remember what the Mother of God told you here: Do you love Me? Do you love My Son? Then, sacrifice yourselves for Me, sacrifice yourselves for My Son.
Learn that the way to Heaven is made of sacrifice, and that love is not just a feeling, but is mainly suffering for the love of God. If you understand this you will be great like Me, you will be great like Me in Heaven. And your Crown of glory will be immortal, imperishable, and for ever and ever you will exult in love and joy in the Lord in Eternal Glory.
I love this place that to Me is the most precious in the world. I love all of you who are here, I have prayed for all of you who are here to come, to be blessed, to be filled with the favors of the Lord and His Mother. I am the most special protector of all the pilgrims in this Place.
And now I bless them all and cover them with My Mantle of Love.
Peace, Peace to all of you. Peace Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees and of My friends."