Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, December 8, 2014
Message From God Eternal Father And Our Lady Feast Of The Immaculate Conception - Universal Grace Day - 353rd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(God the Eternal Father): "My beloved children, today, I rejoice with you on the feast of My most beloved Daughter Mary.
I rejoice with you on the day that I created Her Immaculate soul and infused it into Her Sacred little body that was already seven days in formation, as many as were the days that I created the world and then rested. Because Mary is the new creation, Mary is My new world of Love, Mary is the new humanity recreated by Me free from the original taint, all full of My blessing, all full of My predilection, all full of My Love, all full of My benevolence, all a friend of Mine.
She is the Immaculate Conception! She is so Immaculate that she is purity itself. She is so Holy that she is Holiness itself. She is so full of My Love that she is Love itself. She is so full of My Peace that she is Peace itself.
I sent My Son into the world through her, and I want all men to come to Me also through her. I want you to come through Mary who is the Stairway to Heaven, the Gate of Heaven, and the way through which I sent My Son to you, and I want you to come through her to My Son until you come to Me.
I am your Father who has given you this resplendent Mother, resplendent with beauty to be for you in life Light to illuminate your steps amidst so much darkness, Peace amidst so much violence, war and hatred, to be your Protector in all the snares of satan so that you do not fall into sin.
I have given you this Mother to be your support, teacher, model, and the way by which you will easily come up to Me in Heaven.
I created you with so much Love, and yet I am repaid only with ungratefulness by most of My creatures. They use the Gifts and Talents I have given them to offend Me, to offend My Son, to offend the Holy Spirit. Contradict Me unceasingly with sin upon sin.
I have not changed My children, I am the same God of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob, of Moses, and of the Prophets. I am the God of your Fathers. And since I have not changed, just as I did not spare Sodom and Gomorrah and rained down fire from Heaven on them, until not a trace of it remained. So also, I will not tolerate the crimes of this humanity forever.
I will punish as I have never done before, for just as I am a Merciful Father who always forgives the sincerely repentant sinner. I am also a Punishing Father to those who mock the Name, to those who trample on the Blood of My crucified Son, to those who trample on the Tears of My Daughter Mary.
And that is why I will punish with fire ten times hotter than that which fell on Sodom and Gomorrah, because this wicked, hard-hearted generation that loves sin and despises My Love, this humanity has gone too far. I can no longer tolerate that the mother kills the child inside her own womb only out of selfishness, to get rid of responsibility.
I will no longer tolerate that the world continues to offend Me with sins of sensuality, of impurity, also with sins that betray the truth known as such: the denial of My Word, of the Dogmas of My Church, denial made by the very priests, bishops and even popes of My Church.
I will not allow Satan to continue to mock Me for having seduced all mankind into rebellion against Me. I will show My power, I will show that I am still Lord of all things, and that without Me mankind does not subsist.
Do you see this great drought that ravages your country? It is the punishment for your sins. You despise My Son Jesus, you despise His Mother, you despise My Commandments, you despise Our Messages. So, I no longer send you the rain from Heaven, and so I scourge you with thirst, so that you will be convinced that without Me, you do not even have the essentials to live, "WATER", the simplest thing in the world, WATER, so that you will see that I am the Lord of all things.
But if today, if today you repent, I will rain upon you much more than natural water, I will rain upon you rivers of Grace, rivers of Blessings, rivers of Mercy, which will transform your life into a torrential sea of grace, and the more you drink from this sea of grace, the more you will have to drink endlessly.
I, your Father, have already been here for a year coming with Mary, to call you to conversion, to call you back to My Heart. But how many of you are still hard as steel, cold as blocks of ice, unfeeling as cold marble stones.
What do you want, My children? Do you want to see My face? Ah, you are not worthy of it yet. If you wish, I will show My Face to you, but angry at your hardness of heart.
What more do you want? Today I have just given you through Mary My sign on the sun to show you that I was already on My way to this place, that I was already coming down to meet you to speak to you, to bless you, to save you once again.
What do you want? Do you want to see Mary? Oh no! If you could see Mary, you would see her crying tears of blood for your hardness of heart, for your coldness, for your sins of thought, word, deeds, laziness, omissions, unwillingness to fulfill Our Will, and for sure, you do not want nor can you bear to see Mary crying tears of blood for your faults.
So, hard hearts, wicked generation, disobedient generation, bow your serves before Me, surrender to My Love. You are a proud generation, you demand the signs first to believe and see My Glory later. No! Have faith in Me first, open your heart first, and then you will see My glory, you will see My graces, you will see My wonders in your life.
I am your Father, I am your Creator! Come back to Me, creature, open yourself oh earth, for I am already coming back to you. Open your arms and your heart to receive Me, turn your gaze to My gaze that transmits to you all My Love that gives you the certainty that I will not punish you, nor condemn you if even today I hear the word ABBA PAPAI coming from your lips and from your heart. Yes, I no longer want to offend you, I have sinned against Heaven and against you, I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
If you tell Me this, I will forgive you, change your life, and put back on your finger the ring of My Friendship, the sandals of My Grace, the heavenly garment of purity and all the Gifts of My Benevolence. And verily I will pour on your head the fragrant oil of My anointing, of My blessing, which will accompany you and make you happy all the days of your life on earth.
Walk in holiness in My presence, walk in holiness in My sight generation, walk in holiness before Me generation, My people. My child who hears Me now, for it is holiness that makes you like Me and that makes you truly proud of Me, pleases Me in you, rejoices Me in you.
Give Me your Love, I don't want you to do amazing things, I only want one thing: that you simply love Me, and that the purpose of your life, of your works, of your actions is only to please Me, to glorify Me, to praise Me, to make Me loved and known.
I am Love, Love is Me, and everyone who proceeds from Me, has Love, is My child, has been born of Me. And he who is born of Me loves what I love and hates what I hate. If you do not hate impurity, lies, dishonesty, vanities, criminal hatreds, if you do not hate the lust of the flesh, if you do not hate the pride of life, My Love is not in you, I am not in you.
He who is in Me, loves what I love, hates what I hate, is like Me in My feelings, in My words, and in My works. Do what I do, work as I work, and be always in Me and I in him. Open your heart to Me that I may live in you, I want to give you true life in Me through Mary and she in turn will bring you to My Son and My Son will bring you to Me. Then we will sup together and great will be Our joy for all eternity.
I am your Father, and I desire that you draw near to Me, to create bonds of Love with Me. Speak to Me more often, confide your needs to Me, praise Me, think of Me to act with you, work with you, seek to know more about Me, My Love. So that then, truly, I can give your hearts the likeness of Me. Give your hearts, your souls the very likeness of My beauty, the likeness of My Love, the likeness of My own Heart.
And then My Heart in your Heart will accomplish marvelous works for the salvation of mankind.
My children, be converted quickly. Do not be hard-hearted like My people who walked with Moses in the desert, so that I will not have to punish you suddenly as I did that recalcitrant people.
But rather, be like Mary, be like My saints who meekly always said "yes" to My voice, and always walked in My Will, in My Grace, in My Peace
Do you want to know what Peace is? Peace is My Will. Whoever does My Will lives in Peace, whoever is in My Will is in Peace. Whoever knows My will and lives My will, knows Peace and lives in Peace.
Today on the day when all of Heaven rejoices with Me and with you, for the Creation of the Soul of My Princess Mary, free from all taint of sin.
I bless you with great Love and generously now."
(Blessed Mary): "I am the Immaculate Conception! My children, today, as you celebrate the Solemnity of My Immaculate Conception I invite you to lift your gaze to Me, your Immaculate Mother.
From the first instant of Her preserved existence, free from all the taint of the guilt of original sin, of habitual sin. All beautiful, Tota Pulchra, all full of Grace. And to fill you with hope because today I solemnly affirm: The Immaculate Conception will triumph, the Immaculate Conception will triumph!
Yes, I the Immaculate will triumph over Satan! Because I was preserved from original sin, I was never under the tyranny of the devil, I was never an enemy of God, I was never an ally of Satan, I was never a friend of the enemy, of the adversary of the Lord, I was never under his influence.
And that is why already in My Immaculate Conception his head, the head of the enemy was crushed, because he who thought he was the sure winner, the ruler of the world. He who boasted of having led Our first Fathers, to worship and love themselves more than God to the point of despising God's Love and God's command. He who had forbidden them to eat the forbidden fruit of life, the knowledge of good and evil. He who boasted of having cast all mankind into the disgrace of sin, which was transmitted from generation to generation to the descendants of Adam and Eve. He who boasted of having opened between God and man an impassable abyss, an indestructible abyss, had his head crushed by Me.
Because with My Immaculate Conception and My 'yes', the abyss between the creature and the creator was destroyed. The Savior became incarnate in My womb, the Word became flesh and by living, suffering, obeying the Father, dying and rising among you, He opened for you the gates of Heaven closed by the first sin. And I as the Co-redemptrix of the whole world collaborated with My sufferings freely accepting to suffer with Jesus to help in the work of your Redemption.
In My Immaculate Conception, in My Birth, in My 'yes', in My life, in My Sorrows and Tears, the head of the serpent was crushed, his pride was humbled, his kingdom was broken. And he ceased to have the final word over mankind and to glory in having all men under his tyrannical bondage.
The Immaculate Conception will triumph and I who have never, who have never been under the devil's power, have never been subjected to him and have never been overcome by any of his temptations. I will defeat this enemy soon, I will take from him the humanity that he has led away from God, I will liberate all families, I will purify My daughter the Church that is leprous by errors, by apostasy, by lack of faith, by the denial of the Dogmas that have taken root inside her, by the errors that have taken root inside her.
I will bring the Church, the families, the nations all back to the Eternal Father, through My Son Jesus, by a Miracle of Love from My Immaculate Heart.
The Immaculate Conception will triumph in an extraordinary, amazing, unique, secret, mysterious way, known only to Her the Immaculate, to Me and to the Lord. And Satan will find himself as if by magic with nothing, and you will know the new era of grace, peace and happiness that I will bring to you. From you I ask only; Trust, Faith, Hope, Perseverance in Prayer.
Pray the Rosary! When you pray the Rosary there begins your salvation, the Eternal Father promised not to deny anything to the soul that serves Us every day by the Rosary and today I also promise, that the family that prays My Rosary every day, will not be lost and until the thousandth generation I will do everything to save their descendants. That is, their lineage will not be lost even if the devil tries, and even if their appearance shows otherwise.
I will save all the members of this lineage, this family, and I will gather them all under My Mantle in Heaven, because My Rosary is the Prayer that Heaven itself came down to Earth, came down to the world to give you the Our Father, the Prayer of My Son, the Hail Mary, the Prayer that God Himself prayed through His Angel Gabriel, His Messenger at the Annunciation before Me, the Glory to the Father that leads you to the perfect glorification of the Holy Trinity. This Prayer will break hell, destroy heresies, extirpate all vices, and make Peace triumph in the world over all violence and war.
Continue to pray all the Rosaries that I have given you here, all the Hours of Prayer that I have given you here, because through them, every day, I beautify your souls, and I am making them, day after day, little by little, step by step, more immaculate and more like Me. So that when My son Jesus returns He will find My army of the immaculate at My side to give Him glory, adoration and praise for ever and ever.
I love you so much! All of you who are here are immensely loved by Me. I have called you, I have elected you, I have written your names on My Immaculate Heart, and I ask you little children: persevere in prayer, because only through prayer can I act in your lives, work miracles in the world, and lead you to the definitive victory of My Heart. There are so few moments left before My Triumph, persevere, because only those who persevere and watch will be crowned as victors.
I, the Virgin Mary, because I was conceived Immaculate, was able to fulfill My vocation and My mission as Mother of God worthily and perfectly. I invite you also little children to be Immaculate interiorly and exteriorly so that you can also fulfill the will of God, your vocation fully in your life. Without anything hindering or getting in the way of your soul to fly, to go up to meet the Lord who loves you and who calls you with open arms to sanctify you, save you, and give you the crown of life.
To all today, I, your Heavenly Commander, the Immaculate Conception give the plenary Indulgence to all who wear My Blue Scapular, all year long and all life long, those who wear My Miraculous Medal with Love, those who pray to Me every 8th of every month honoring My Immaculate Conception, those who do all My Hours of Prayer and Meditated Rosaries. I bless you from Lourdes, from Caravaggio, and from Jacareí.
And now I give you another Blessing, My Special Blessing, which will remain in your bodies and in your souls until the end of your lives, so that through you I may emanate My Grace and perform the wonders of the Lord.
All of you I bless now."
(Marcos): "Thank you dear Mother! Very grateful! And you My Father of Love when will you return again with your Words of Eternal Life? Yes, we will be Here."
(Blessed Mary): "Peace My children, see you soon, peace Marcos the hardest working and most dedicated of Our Servants."