Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday


(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, I am the Lady of Sorrows.

Today, when you contemplate my Son Jesus hanging from the Cross and your Sorrowful Mother at the foot of the Cross pierced by a sword of Sorrow, I come again to tell you: Even today I am pierced. I am pierced by humanity that rebels against God and distances itself more and more each day and lives habitually in sin without worrying about the offenses it does to God, about the evils it practices and spreads and also without worrying about its eternal future.

I am pierced by this humanity that has returned to paganism after two thousand years of the birth, life and death of My Son. This humanity that rejects His words more and more, rejects His love, rejects His commandments, rejects His Gospel and the truth walking the paths of sin, of violence, of Satan's darkness opening to itself the abyss of its self-destruction.

I am pierced by the billions of young people throughout the world who habitually live in sin, who no longer believe in their Creator, who no longer live according to God's Commandments, and who day after day increasingly pierce the heart of their Father and Creator with the sword of sin, of contempt, of repudiation of Him and His Law of Love.

And they also pierce my Mother Heart despising me as their Mother and preferring to live without me in the worldly things that lead the world and youth to perdition.

I am pierced by families who live more and more without prayer, live without the prayer of the Rosary, live without love, in discord, in adultery, in infidelity, in hatred. Allowing Satan to destroy already in the family bosom every good seed that may have been planted by God. Thus preventing not only the birth of new holy families in the future, but also new good priestly and religious vocations to help me save so many of my children who are in danger of eternal damnation.

Truly, families have become tombs where there is no longer God's grace, no more love, no more prayer, no more Catholic faith. That is why the most violent, cruel, evil, selfish, hard of heart and cold young people that humanity has ever known come out of today's families.

Yes, this is the result of families without God and that is why I ask you, My children, make the family Cenacle, pray My Rosary in family so that I can truly unite your families and preserve them from adultery, from separation, I can preserve the children from growing up with sin, evil, hatred, selfishness and violence in the heart.

Make your families real prayer groups, because if you do not make My children, in the future your children will turn not only against others, but against yourselves. And they will give you a terrible end if you do not now begin to create in them love for God, for his commandments, for holy things and for me, your Immaculate Mother.

Only I can save your families, but I can only save them if you make in your families the prayer groups that I have asked of you. Then you will truly comfort Me in My great pain and give Me the grace to truly live with you in the midst of you, preserving your families from all evil.

I am pierced by the Church which now knows the hour of its greatest apostasy, its pastors, bishops and priests no longer believe the truths of faith. They have fallen into vices and pleasures, they have neglected prayer and penance and they have fallen into darkness and therefore they take with them the path of perdition so many and so many souls who blindly do not see that they are blind pastors.

I am pierced because in the Church the diminution of your Mother Mary, the diminution of the Saints and Angels, the diminution of the Holy Rosary and the prayers that for so many centuries the Church has prayed given by Me to defend her and save her from all the evils of the world.

I am pierced because in the Church modern errors are taught that lead to spiritual death for so many souls and the loss of faith for so many.

I am pierced because every day humanity sinks into adultery, fornication, violence, hatred and wars and every day it comes closer to the great Punishment that will fall upon it to put an end to the sins and crimes it commits every day.

See if there is pain like My Pain? Help My children to save this My poor humanity, this My poor daughter who is now as wounded as a leper. Help Me to close her wounds with your prayer, with your example of holiness, with your love. And, above all, by making prayer groups everywhere to spread My Messages and bring My Flame of Love to all My children.

Help Me with your generous yes by offering your life every day to Me, so that truly I live in you and you live in me in a life of perfect communion and love. I desire a love of works, a love of truth and not of appearance. I desire a true devotion to Me sincere, deep and real and not of appearances.

Therefore, begin again your conversion, your life of prayer, your life of consecration to my Immaculate Heart doing everything with Me, for Me and in Me with true love. So that My children, in your life all My children may see, feel and love Me.

To all I bless you now and ask you to continue praying my Rosary every day.

To My children who pray the Rosary of My Sorrows at least once a week, the Rosary of My Tears daily, to My children who consecrate Saturday afternoon to Me to console Me and to love Me with their prayers, to all I now give the Plenary Indulgence and My maternal blessing generously from Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Jacari.

I love you My children, the Mother of Heaven loves you all and keeps you all in her cloak".



