Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, I am the Mother of Soledade and Espera.
I am the Mother of Soledad and Waiting who today remained without my Son Jesus in silence, prayer and solitude, weeping and remembering all the torments of my Divine Son who died for the salvation of you all.
I am the Mother of Soledade e da Espera, who still suffers today because humanity continues to renew the Passion of My Divine Son Jesus for its sins and refuses to convert to His God of Love.
I am the Mother of Soledad and Waiting who still suffers because I seek love in My children and I do not find it, I seek obedience and I do not find it, I seek affection and I do not find it. I seek souls who remain with Me living ever more in prayer and holiness, helping Me to save the souls of this world taken over, dominated by sin and not found.
I am the Mother of Soledad and of expectation, who today awaits the glorious Resurrection of my Son in solitude, in recollection, in prayer watching until my Son comes out of the glorious tomb, victorious over death and sin to truly establish his Kingdom of Grace in the world, in souls and in hearts.
I am the Mother of Hope who still today on the great Holy Saturday of your time, continues to watch and pray in expectation of the Second Resurrection that will take place. That is, the return of my Son Jesus in Glory with the Angels of Heaven, to renew Heaven and Earth and transform the whole world into the perfect image and likeness of Paradise.
I am the Mother of expectation that during these years in My Apparitions Here, year after year I continued praying, watching and waiting for the return of My Son Jesus together with My little son Marcos.
And here I continue calling all My children to unite with Me and My little son Marcos in waiting for the glorious return of My son Jesus, the final resurrection, in prayer, in the life of sacrifice, in the life of grace, holiness, love and faithfulness to God.
I am the Mother of Hope who still announces to you today: Your great Holy Saturday is about to end soon. Yes, this long Holy Saturday of waiting for the return of my glorious Son Jesus is about to end soon. And this long delay for you, so prolonged, will finally culminate with the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart, with the return of my Son in the glory that will come to bring you all the new Heaven and Earth.
This time of waiting is for you a time of great grace to prepare yourselves worthily and perfectly for the return of My Son Jesus. Do not waste the graces that I have brought to you in my apparitions here, but make the most of them by corresponding with all your heart to my love and the Love of God. So that you may grow in virtues, create in yourself true love while there is still time so that when the Lord arrives he will not find you without the wedding garment of the Lamb, that is, the garment of love in pure transformation, of perfect holiness, of eternal love.
Yes, my children, this time of great waiting is about to end and that is why I am still with you to help you in this great waiting to persevere to the end. When your eyes after all the tribulation and all this time of Satan's dominion and sin your eyes will truly see my son Jesus alive, risen and coming to renew all things.
Turn away from sin, keep yourselves in the grace of God, help Me to save My children in this world completely dominated by sin, living My Messages, praying as I asked You Here, taking My Messages to all My children without fear. That My children may truly know My Love and through My Love the Love of God and so My flame of love may touch them, convert them, burn them, save them and sanctify them.
Continue praying Here My Most Sacred Rosary and all the prayers that I have asked and given you, because through them my Flame of Love will grow in your hearts every day.
I love you very much from all my Heart and I will never abandon you.
To all I bless with Love from Nazareth, Jerusalem and Jacari".