Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I invite you all once again to true love. Only with true love can you give joy to your Father in Heaven and only with true love can you carry out His will perfectly here on earth.
Time is short and for you to reach filial love for Him you must now commit all your efforts to achieve this love. Renouncing once and for all the servile fear, the caring love and even the friendship love, you must quickly rise to the filial love for God.
When the soul has this true love for God everything is easy for it: to pray, to fast, to work for God, to sacrifice and to give of yourself. This does not mean that it does not require sacrifice, that the sacrifice is not costly.
But the soul does everything, everything with love, encouragement, strength and perseverance. It does everything with magnificence, with magnanimity for God. Because love gives strength to the Virtue of Fortaleza so that with her the soul does everything for God.
God is love, love is God! And only in the soul that is in God is love and only in the soul in which God is is love.
For this reason My children, until you create in your hearts a filial love for God, you will remain poor, miserable, unhappy and fall repeatedly into the same faults and defects. Because the only force that can free man from all the defects, sins and evils of this life is the force of love, of filial love for God.
So create in your hearts this true and perfect love and you will then have the inner strength to do anything for God. And then the grace of the Lord and My Flame of Love will burst powerfully through you and it will be transmitted to all of Our children, opening them all to unlimited mystical love for God and also for Me, your heavenly Mother.
Come little children, open your hearts to Me, let this blazing flame of God's love and My Love enter your hearts, your hearts. And then, all will truly be transformed into unceasing acts of love for God and for Me, a song of love that will never end.
I came here to seek souls made of this pure and perfect love, souls that with the Flame of Divine Love that I placed in the heart of my little son Marcos. And that he too, with all the forces of his will, increased with his works, prayers, sacrifices and efforts of his whole life.
This Flame will also burn you, it will burn your hearts and if, My children, you collaborate with this Flame and do not place obstacles in it, it will be transmitted so powerfully from your being, from your person, that it will burn the whole world and truly transform the whole world into the Kingdom of Love of My Immaculate Heart.
You cannot touch people's hearts, nor burn them with this Flame of Love because you do not have love, you do not know how to love, you do not have that filial love. That is why you cannot transmit that love and conversions do not happen.
Open your hearts to this love and then truly you will be able to burn the whole world with this Flame of Love. And then the Holy Spirit will come without delay at a Second Pentecost of Love renewing the face of the whole earth with the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Pray with your heart, pray the Rosary with your heart, pray all the Hours of Prayer that I have given you Here with your heart. And then, My children, true love will spring up in your heart and will fully open your being.
To all I bless with love now from Medjugorje, Fatima and Jacari.
Continue to come here in this beloved and beloved place of my Heart, so that I may continue your conversion.
Peace My children, stay in the Peace of the Lord.
The Peace Marcos the most beloved and favorite of My children".