Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite you again to meditate more on My Message of La Salette.
This is the appropriate time for meditation on My Message and My Secret of La Salette. So that you may understand a little more how deep My Pain is to see that even after 170 years of My Apparition, My Tears continue to descend continually from My eyes.
Because My children remain with their hearts completely hardened in sin, in evil and I rarely find a soul capable of renouncing sin in order to live in God's grace.
And if renouncing sin and living in God's grace is already rare, it is already rare to find such souls. Much rarer are souls capable of leaving everything, even their dreams, their interests, their personal plans.
To give yourselves totally to Me as My slaves of love, to live only for Me, only for Me, existing, thinking, working, suffering, speaking, walking, acting only for Me, only for Me. And to become ever more known and loved by all My children all over the world.
Oh, how rare are these souls! I told Melanie myself, My Apostles of the Last Times would be poor according to the world, but very rich in God's grace and love. Well, these are such bad times in which you live that I cannot find these poor apostles of worldly things. Who have no love, who have no affection for worldly things, for honors, for money, for material things, for pleasures, for creatures to love and think only and only of Me.
I do not find these poor souls of themselves, of their wills, of their desires, of their worldly attachments. To be filled only with My Flame of Love, only with true love for the Lord and for Me.
That is why a sword of deep pain still remains embedded in My Heart and with the exception of a few rare souls like gold and among them is My little son Marcos. In almost no one do I find a love capable of renouncing everything, of letting go of everything to live so alone and purely for Me.
That is why you must make known My message and My Secret of La Salette urgently so that My children seeing and understanding this My pain can feel the need to love Me, to give their lives only to Me, to give themselves totally to My service, not seeking and not wanting to love anything else outside of Me.
And so many generous souls from all parts of the world stand up to give their lives to Me, to live only with Me, for Me and in Me for the glory of God.
My Tears continue to descend from My maternal eyes because I knock at the door of many hearts asking them to give Me their hearts, their lives, to renounce themselves, their will, their plans to be My only. To live with Me and make Me their life, to make My plan their plan.
But all I find is selfishness, hardness of heart and coldness. Souls who are not able to renounce their opinion, their will, their plans to do My Will so alone and exclusively.
How selfishness, how much love I find on the face of the earth! There are no longer souls capable of forgetting themselves, their will, their will, their plans to make Me their life.
Most people already in the flower of their youth abandon Me, abandon the Lord to live their life, to do their life as they want. And since few souls are full of love capable of making Me their life.
So there are no more holy souls. That is why there are no more souls who are victims of love capable of being the ones to stop the rays of Divine Justice, which the world provokes every day more and more with countless sins.
And that is why punishments, especially earthquakes, have increased so much in the last decades and will continue to increase, because there are no more generous souls, no more souls burning with love capable of sacrificing their own lives to Me, to God by living with Me a life only of prayer, only of sacrifice, only of service, only of work for the salvation of souls, only of immolation for the salvation of souls.
This is also why serious and incurable diseases, droughts, pestilences, epidemics, floods, tsunamis, the many punishments of nature, the lack of peace and harmony in families, violence have increased so much among you.
Because there are no more generous souls who stop these evils with the incense of their prayer, with the perfume of their lives completely consecrated to God and to Me, with the myrrh of their daily sacrifices offered with Me and through Me to the Eternal to placate His Justice, offended and inflamed by the sins of the world.
There are no more souls of pure love burning with My flame of love capable of saying no to their will and their plans to live My will. And together with Me live the chorus of advocate souls, intercessor souls, victim souls. May with your prayers and with the daily sacrifice of your will, of your immolated life to the Father together with Me to placate and stop the rays of the Wrath of God.
That is why I continue to shed copious tears no longer in La Salette, but in so many parts of the world. And many times in My images tears even of blood, to show My children how great My pain is, because I have to hold the rays of Divine Wrath alone.
Because there are no more generous, loving souls able to offer their lives together with Me, to help Me placate the Wrath of the Eternal one offended and betrayed by His own children.
Yes, how great is the pain of the Heart of the Heavenly Father betrayed every day by His children. They betray Him hour by hour with their sins, with their ingratitude, with their blasphemies, with their worldly life full of sin.
They betray Him, they betray His Love that created them, that keeps them alive, that gave them so many graces, so many blessings, that gave them the world to live in.
And they use all these, the gifts, the graces, the world in which they live, their own body, their own intelligence and will only to betray the Father's love, only to offend Him, only to hurt Him.
How great is the pain of the Heart of this Father who is not loved and is betrayed at every moment by His children, minute by minute they betray Him. And these betrayals rise to His Heart like sharp swords that pierce Him and make Him suffer.
My children, it is already the moment for truly the Apostles of the Last Times, the generous souls, burned with My Flame of Love, to rise up from all parts of the world and form with Me the choir of generous souls, of mystical roses of love, which I so much asked for in Montichiari, which I so much asked for here and even in La Salette. For the roses that crowned My head surrounded My Heart and My feet were the court of the mystical souls roses of love that I so wanted, that I so much sought, that I so much asked for.
Here, with my little son Marcos, my mystical rose of unceasing love, my unceasing flame of love, I want souls completely imbued and totally immersed in this spirit, this spirit of love, of sacrifice, of giving one's life.
To relieve the betrayed love of the Father in Heaven, to placate His inflamed Justice against so many sins and betrayals of His own children.
And to join with Me these souls once again to rejoice in the Heart of God, making Him feel better, for seeing that at least Here in this blessed place of My Apparitions in Jacareí, He truly has a beautiful garden of mystical roses of true love.
That together with My little son Marcos, the greatest mystical rose of love I have on earth. Cultivated these roses, this garden, personally cultivated by Me to give Him every day the soft perfume of true love, of true obedience, of true generosity, of true life of sacrifice.
That is why here in My Religious Order I only want: souls completely imbued with this spirit and totally dead to themselves, to the world and to everything that relates to the world.
So that in this way, truly being only and exclusively Mine, My Heart can give to God every day the joy of seeing that Here I cultivate a true garden of mystical roses of love, of prayer, of sacrifice. And forgetfulness, personal martyrdom of oneself, voluntary, spontaneous every day, to give to God truly, the soft and fragrant perfume of Love!
And even my lay children, I demand of them this spirit of love, of renouncing worldly things, of detachment from all that is of the world and leads away from God. I want from them a spirit of true love for my Rosary, for the prayers I have given you and asked for here.
And also, a true spirit of personal sacrifice, which means: accepting the crosses of one's own family and daily work.
By doing this they can be, even though they are not from my special garden, preferred and selected from the mystical roses of love of my Religious Order.
They could still be in the world, in the middle of the swamp of the world: little daisies of love. That with their simplicity, their purity, their perfume and their beauty may also attract the eyes of the Most High.
And so, bring down on this humanity completely eroded by the spirit of evil and sin, rays of grace, rain of mercy and salvation for so many souls who need so much.
Here I truly wish that My Garden of mystical roses of love be the most beautiful in all the history of humanity. So that the Eternal One may truly look upon My Garden and because of My servants, His faithful servants. Here He may pour out His great Mercy on so many souls who run the grave risk of eternal damnation.
And that without your help, without your life given for their salvation, sacrificed for their eternal good, they can never save themselves.
Therefore, I truly want to bring you to the highest holiness. I would have many greater Messages to give you, but your slowness in living the Messages I have already given prevents me from giving them.
We must now move forward, take a step forward, grow, leave behind childlike love, childlike faith, childlike understanding of the things of God and of My Words. And grow in the understanding of true love, in the understanding of My Words, of what holiness means, of what sacrifice of one's life means, immolation of one's life, so that many other lives can be saved and relive.
It is necessary to advance in the understanding of what is the perfect love that I want. So that you truly become those mystical roses of perfect and supreme love that I came here to seek, to cultivate to give to my Lord.
I wish that you may give My Message of La Salette through the Films that My little son Marcos has made of this Apparition to the knowledge of all as soon as possible.
Because only when My children understand My great Pain. And since My Heart has not yet been matched in the love that awaits His children. Only in this way will souls feel the need to love me and console me, to repair me and to make amends. And to become the Apostles of the Last Times that I want so much and that I desire so much.
If you do this, My children, then My Heart will quickly cause darkness to turn away from humanity, with which the poisonous cloud of apostasy, loss of faith, communism, atheism, heresies will turn away from the world.
And then, truly Brazil and the rest of the world will become My world garden of mystical roses of love. Then it will be the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Then my son Jesus will reign through me forever and finally you will enjoy a new, lasting and perpetual time of happiness and peace.
Continue praying My Rosary every day, for through it I will lead you more and more to become My mystical roses of love.
To all I now bless with love La Salette, Lourdes and Jacareí".
(Saint Hilda): "Dear Brothers My, I, Hilda, rejoice again to come to you together with Our Most Holy Queen.
My beloved brothers, be mystical little daisies: of simplicity, of candor, of modesty and of love giving your lives completely to her. So that through her she may truly realize in your lives her Mother Plan of Love.
Be mystical daisies of love, living each day in simplicity, detaching yourselves from all that is superfluous, seeking to live only with the essential, giving to God and the Mother of God much more than your things, giving to them your life, your heart.
For it is not your things that God wants, but yourselves. Give to Him your heart and you will have given everything and you will have nothing else to give to the Lord and His Mother.
If you do this, you will truly be daisies, mystics of love. Who want nothing for themselves, no glory, no comfort, no pleasure or stewardship. And that they only want to enchant, to rejoice and to give the affection, the beauty, the charm of their candor to the one who contemplates it, to the one who cultivates it.
Be the mystical daisies of love, living continually in this spirit of modesty, of self-giving to God and to the Mother of God completely.
If you live in this way, you will truly give her great mystical power: of prayer, sacrifice and penance every day. So that she may be able to stop the rays of Divine Justice burning against so many crimes and sins that are committed every day. Minute by minute, one more soul betrays the love of God the Father. And Your Heart can no longer bear so many betrayals, so many ingratitude from Your own children.
That is why so many mystical daisies of love are needed. That with their candor, with their life full of love, sacrifice, self-giving, detachment from themselves and renunciation of their "I" and their will. May they give to the Eternal Father the charm and the perfume of their purity, their holiness, their completely immolated life to the Father, to give Him joy and to beg for the conversion of so many souls who need so much.
When a soul gives its life totally to God and to the Mother of God for consecrated and religious life. Just because its life already exists, it becomes a continuous and incessant prayer, a continuous sacrifice that united to the sacrifice of the Imolated Lamb and also of the Corridor of humanity placates the Divine Wrath, cries out Mercy of the Father and forgiveness for the sins of the people.
It removes many punishments that the world deserved for its ingratitude and betrayal of God's love. It attracts many great graces, blessings for humanity, for the crops, for the homes, for humanity in general. And, above all, the grace of Peace.
This is why violence has increased so much in this world in recent years. Because the number of souls truly consecrated to God who live their vocation holy has decreased considerably.
There are those who, with the sacrifice of their lives given to God, to prevent the advance of evil and Satan, the punishment of humanity has been the increase of violence, of wars on all sides.
And the families that before produced the saints, the consecrated holy souls to prevent evil by giving their lives to God. Now they have their just Punishment. For having taken away the Rosary, the Prayer, the religious teaching from the families that produced so many saints, the families now reap their own poison and the Punishment from their apostasy.
They produce only bad children, violent, selfish, cold, hard of heart insensitive to the sufferings of their parents. And they often even mistreat, ignore, despise and abandon them.
And these children make other families suffer by spreading and spreading violence, evil and crimes everywhere. This is the wages of separation from God, from His Mother and from prayer.
If families produce the saints again as in the past, the souls consecrated to God, good as in the past. Then God will quickly send the Angel of Peace to give peace to the world.
May Mothers be like I was who educate their children not for the world but for the Lord. Not for the pleasures of the earth, but for the joys and the things of heaven. Not for the women of the earth, but for the most beautiful woman in heaven, the Virgin Mary!
Yes, may mothers be as I was and do as I did and from their families the holy children will come out again as they once did. They will go with their lives full of prayer and holiness to stop many evils, many punishments. They will make violence recede and make Peace truly given by the Most High to the earth again happy, to see that there are children on earth who truly love him more than anything and above all.
May parents be like me and educate their daughters not for worldly pleasures or just the loves of the earth. But for the true and beautiful love of Heaven which is Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Love, Our Life and Our All.
And then, they will truly produce the Saints as they used to, with their lives full of love, prayer and sacrifice they will attract the eyes of Jesus to humanity. And because of Her, His servants will pour out an ocean, a flood of mercy over the whole earth.
I, Hilda, ask you all to continue praying the Rosary of the Mother of God, because with Him your families will truly become gardens. In gardens of mystical roses of love and in true vineyards that will produce many holy fruits: of love, beauty, fidelity, obedience that will enchant the eyes of the Lord.
Saints! Produce new Saints from your families and the world will have Peace again!
Love God more and the Mother of God more by growing in this true love, which she so much desires from you and finally giving to the Mother of God your heart, your 'yes' and your filial love. Do not seek any interest in God or Mother God.
Serve for love, pray for love, live for love, dedicate yourself to them for love, suffer for love, cry for love for them, wait on them for love, die for love.
May your life be like this, and then you will truly have given everything to God.
To all I now bless with love the Mother of God of Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".