Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today when you contemplate the life of my daughter Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Therese, I invite you all to imitate the great love that she had for God and for me.
Learn from her to do even the little things in life with great love, the little sacrifices with great love, the little prayers with great love like her.
So that your works may have great value before God and so that like her you may raise up humanity, sanctify humanity, save, convert many souls.
Dilate your hearts greatly and generously like my daughter Saint Therese, making your life a continuous 'yes', both in the small sacrifices and the big ones that God will always ask of you and that life itself will lead you to do.
That my very fortunate daughter understood that she could not be all of God in the world. May young people understand the beauty of divine love, the beauty of giving themselves, of giving themselves totally to God and to Me. And may they truly see how consecrated and religious life is the easiest, fastest and most free from the dangers of the world for someone to reach Heaven.
It is the fastest way to God, it is the fastest way to Heaven. It is not always the softest way, the more it is the right way, the more direct, it is the easiest and fastest way to Heaven.
Therefore, let them see how religious life is truly a gift that God only gives to those souls that He loves the most, prefers the most and desires to have by His side already here on earth and then also in heaven.
May they understand this divine love that burned the breasts of my daughter Teresinha and also of all the saints. May they understand the beauty of this divine and eternal love, which is Jesus, who is Me.
May the young understand this beauty! Pray for them that their soul is blind and that they can only see the pleasures of the world and do not understand that those pleasures have killed their souls day after day more and more. And that many of them are already spiritually dead, only to complete their eternal death and their eternal damnation in hell.
Pray, that young people may understand that only in God and with God will they have true life, the life in abundance from which springs true happiness and true peace.
May families once again produce saints, like the family of my daughter Teresinha of Lisieux, like the family of so many saints of the past, who for praying so much, for having a great devotion to Me, were true gardens of so many mystical roses of perfect love.
May the families once again imitate those families of saints who lived when the world was not so guilty and so lost. If families do this, many and many saints will emerge again, who with their life burned with true love for God and for Me, will enlighten the world by dispelling the darkness of Satan.
They will lead millions and millions of My children to know the truth, to know the true God, to love Our Father in Heaven to love Me. And through Me they will reach Heaven, where they will shine as suns of justice forever in the Kingdom of God.
I pray that your families will pray and thus produce new saints, to save this humanity so fallen into sin and so dominated by Satan and the dark spirits.
My children, tomorrow is the day of the Guardian Angels, pray more to your Guardian Angels, listen to them when they inspire good ideas in you and when they inspire you to flee from evil.
If you are docile to the Guardian Angel, you will never, never sin, never lose God's grace.
If you are docile to your angels, you will quickly grow in true holiness that pleases God. Happy is the man who trusts, who loves his guardian angel, who lives united to him by deep prayer of the heart, because he will feel in his life many and many times his action protecting him, guarding him and delivering him from all evil.
Continue praying my Rosary every day. In this week of the feast of my Rosary, I will pour on you that here together with my little son Marcos pray so much, love so much and propagate my meditated Rosary, great graces that I will not give to those who despise my Rosary.
To all I bless with love Pompeii. of Fatima and of Jacareí!
Rejoice in my signs! Rejoice in my signs! Good evening. See you soon!"