Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Feast of the Immaculate Conception

(Marcos): Speak to me Lord, that my heart fades with longing for your Words, which are wonderful to me. That I meditate on them night and day and that I receive from them in my soul all good, all the richness of your love and that you feed me, feed my soul with the bread of truth, with the bread of love, with the bread of grace that you give me from your own hands.
My soul like a dry desert cries out for your word, Abba Father! Give me your word, word that turns my soul into an oasis.
That transforms my soul into a garden, where all the most beautiful flowers of perfect love, of holiness exhale for you the most precious perfume and also give you the richest fragrant nard to honor your divinity and to glorify your Name before all men and all nations".
(Eternal Father): "Dear children, I, your Father, come today on the feast of my most beloved Daughter Mary, to bless you and to tell you once again:
"Mary is my great work of Love! Mary is My magna work of Love, for I, myself, have made her My firstborn, firstborn of all Creation.
And in her together with My Son and for Her all things were created and made. Mary as my Mediatrix was in my thoughts from all eternity and for love of her I created the beautiful world, perfect full of the Gifts of my Grace and of my Love, so that everything would serve her and everything would serve my son.
That is why I created everything that exists with Mary in my thoughts and for Mary and in some way through her too, because it was so that everything would serve her, the Mother of my Divine Son, that I did all things.
This science is very high and contains in itself ineffable mysteries that are not comprehensible to those who live wallowing in worldly things and do not raise their hearts to Me, through a life full of asceticism, prayer, meditation and above all, love.
To the pure of heart only, only to those who love Me, who seek Me from dawn to dusk, only to those who hunger and thirst insatiably for My Word and those who truly love Me with filial love, do I reveal these greatness of Mary.
And only to these are these greatness understandable, because only they have eyes to see. As My son and servant Marcos tells you, the eyes of the body are useless when the soul is blind.
And when the soul wants to be blinded by attachment to earthly things and evil, these very great mysteries of Mary, my favorite Daughter, cannot be understood by them, not even observed.
Therefore, I desire that you always seek to know more about the greatness of Mary, the Privileges with which I have endowed her, because knowing her you will love her more and loving Mary more you will love the blessed fruit of her womb which is my Son and whoever loves my Son will love me, because I and my Son Jesus are one in Love.
Yes, I created Mary, Mary is the great work of my Love and in her I placed all my Love, all my goodness, all my sweetness, so that through her sinners would be drawn to me and not be afraid to approach me.
Many find me a very severe Father, a Father who is Justiceful and very cold. So to undo this deception I created Mary so that all, then, feeling Mary's sweetness, feeling Mary's kindness would see that it was I who did it and prepared her.
And that her goodness comes from Me because only I am good and the creatures who are united to Me have My goodness and My love. And Mary who came out of My Hands as a Holy and Immaculate creature has the fullness of My goodness and of My Love to give to sinners.
And then in her sinners learn to love Me, they return to my arms and then I save them with my fatherly and merciful love.
Mary is the great work of my love and so in her I have placed all my wisdom making her thirst for wisdom. That is why truly every man who gives himself to Mary will be wise, from his mouth, from his tongue will come forth admirable things, a very high knowledge that in the world, no matter how much one studies, one will not be able to reach or understand, one will not be able to possess that wisdom.
Every man who gives himself to Mary will become wise speaking of very high things as if he had known them from his birth, will speak with beauty, will speak with strength, anointing, with the power of my spirit.
He will speak with words full of fire to which souls will not be able to resist, and for this reason they will fall in love with Me and will be holy at My side. Yes, the man who gives himself to Mary and lives with Mary side by side will gradually learn from this thirst for wisdom, the divine wisdom that is different from human wisdom.
And for this reason, that soul will truly not only speak, but will do great things with Mary and in Mary and the souls dazzled and enchanted with such wisdom that it is not of the Earth, but that it is Mine, and that I give only those who are well united to My Daughter, the Seat of Wisdom Mary, to men.
Then you will know the truth, you will be set free by the truth, saved by the truth. And then you will truly live a life in holiness that pleases Me.
Mary is the great work of my Love and in her I have truly placed all the strength to strengthen you in the struggle that you have to wage in this life. All purity to overcome all temptation and all impurity in your life.
In Mary I have placed all knowledge, so that you may know My Mysteries, My Love, and truly adhere to this Love, adhere to this knowledge, this knowledge that comes from Me.
In Mary I have placed all understanding, so that you may not only understand My Will perfectly, but also execute it perfectly with the help of the Virtue of Fortitude.
In Mary I have finally placed all my compassion so that in her you may feel my Love, so that you may feel how much I pity you, my children, so insidious and threatened by my eternal enemy.
Yes, in Mary I have compassion on you and that is why through Mary I always forgive sinners. I cannot see a sinner asking me for forgiveness through Mary, to this sinner I do not always resist forgiving, I erase all his guilt, I give him a new garment of grace, I embrace him and I declare him My son.
Therefore, sinners, if you want to find grace before Me, come to Mary who is your compassionate Mother and in her compassion you will feel Mine. And if I truly see you asking forgiveness for Mary and with Mary I will not resist, I will come to you, I will give you the embrace of peace and reconciliation, forgiveness and love.
And I will give you a new garment of grace and restore your primitive beauty when you came out of the fountains of baptism. Oh, yes! If you come to me for Mary, I will give everything I will move for you.
Mary is the great work of my love and in all that today so beautifully, perfectly my son and servant Marcos told you about my most beloved daughter you can see how much I am holy, how perfect I am, how much I am truly three times holy!
I am the terrible and omnipotent God who raised this mountain above all the other mountains. In other words, I raised Mary over all humanity and over all the summits of Saints that have ever existed in this world.
So that in Mary, above all, in Mary you would all see the munificence of my great power. Yes, in Mary, the great work of my love I have accomplished the greatest work outside of our adorable Trinity, Man God, I have accomplished your redemption through this Man God, through Mary, the great work of my Love.
Through her 'yes' I have realized over the centuries endless graces and wonders in so many peoples, nations and times. And it will also be now that I will accomplish through Mary the final work of my power that will be the Triumph of the Heart of my Son and the Triumph of her Heart, transforming the whole world into our Kingdom of Love.
These Apparitions Here are the last great work of My power that I accomplish for Mary, as I have said so many times here.
Here I show not only the glory of Mary and my Son, but also my revealing myself here with my Messages to you. I have been forgotten by you for a long time, all your life you have forgotten Me, you have despised Me, you have not spoken to Me, you have not spoken of Me, you have not had a life of union and love for Me, with Me.
But now Here, in My Apparitions in Jacari, I have made My loving face known to you, I have made My Father's love known to you. I have made you come closer to My Love through My Holy Hour that I sent My servant and son Marcos to make for you.
And in it you can truly penetrate the mystery of My Love, you can penetrate the Love of my Father Heart for you and you can truly live a true life in Me.
Here you understand what it is to live in Me and what it is to let Me live in you and that is why this wonderful work, that if it were not for My apparitions here with Mary, you would die without knowing. This wonderful work, this wonderful life, this wonderful grace, this love that fills your heart and truly transforms you into My dwelling place.
All of this is the great work of My Love that I make known to you Here with Mary, because I love you so much.
I am Love and I come here to reveal my Love for Mary and through Mary, through my Saints in whom I have always imprinted my Grace and always manifested my great power and love.
Here, truly, you know My Face, come My children, come because I want to save you. Come, do not be afraid, I do not want to condemn you, I want to forgive, love, save.
Come My children, give Me your hearts so impoverished and miserable for your sins and I will enrich them.
Come, give me your hearts so cold and hard and I will warm them in the flames of my eternal love. Come My children, give yourselves to Me with your life and all your heart, and then I will do in you the wonders of My Love.
And I will truly give you grace upon grace. Oh! continue praying the Rosary of Mary, because through it I give you all the graces of my hands.
The Rosary has an almost absolute and infinite power over Me, I cannot resist, I cannot deny anything to the soul who asks Me for the Rosary of Mary, because she asks Me for Her, with Her and in Her who is the great work of My Love, who is my favorite and dear firstborn daughter.
And that is why I say: Whoever asks Me for the Rosary of Mary and prays it with love to Me, to My Heart and in My Name, I will deny nothing, nothing that asks Me.
Because the Rosary of Mary touches My breast, touches the deepest fiber of My heart in which is written the Name of Mary touches the fiber in which is written the name of My Son Jesus Christ and that is why, asking Me for Mary, nothing, nothing I can deny, I cannot resist The Rosary disarms Me. If I am angry with you and with the world the Rosary disarms My Justice.
That is why where the Rosary is prayed the punishments will not fall and My Graces will come down there with My Angels to fill you with all My goods until you say: truly the Lord is good and merciful, the Lord saved My life, the Lord is My bulwark, He is My shield with Him I will fear nothing and follow Him, I will serve all the days of My life. He makes my cup overflow and pours fragrant oil on my forehead.
Yes, where the Rosary of Mary is prayed there will be so many graces that truly there all My children will live a full and abundant life as My son wanted and as I wanted through him. And they will praise Me, they will bless My name, they will know My face, they will be My holy people and I will be their God.
Today, the day that I, my Son, and the Holy Spirit created Mary the great work of our Love, I truly tell you: My gaze was all the time upon you Here, my gaze drank every word my son Marcos said about my most beloved daughter Mary.
My heart was fluttering, exulting with joy, because He exalted Mary as He exalted gave Me honor, glory and praise. For Mary does this, through her I receive all the satisfaction, all the return of my graces, of my works, of the marvels that I work.
And today through Her I receive from you Here great return, satisfaction and glory for the great work that I created that is Mary.
That is why today I have been glorified as never before and that is why the gates of hell today have been closed, no one has been condemned, the gates of purgatory have been opened and many, many souls have come out of those flames and are already before Me enjoying My glory and My eternal happiness. And this is also why I have showered upon you here an invisible rain of great and great graces.
Above all, on you My most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, yes, today I have poured out great graces on you. Your coming, your presence Here has given great joy, great consolation to my Heart, great joy.
All you have to do is breathe to give me joy, to give me satisfaction and contentment. Because you live united with Mary, because you also live united with my beloved servant, my most beloved son Marcos, whom I chose to do my wonders through him Here for the salvation of the world.
Because you serve with so much love and obedience to Us your life has become in itself a hymn of satisfaction, propitiation, atonement, adoration and praise to Me. With your coming here you draw from my heart many mystical swords of pain that the world clings with its sins every day.
And today I truly say to you: By your obedience and faithfulness to Mary and me I bless your land, I also bless this country, I bless many nations of the world.
And on many of them today I will draw the sword of Punishment that was hanging, I will pour out a great shower of grace and I will send My Angels to mark with the sign of salvation on their foreheads, the souls of so many of My children, that they may truly be saved.
Your elevation, your ascent to holiness has obtained from Me many graces for the merits of the good works you have done. And your life and your prayer which also enchants my Heart and which I cannot resist, these prayers and good works of yours draw from me Grace, Salvation and Mercy.
You must be happy, son, because truly your name is not only written in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but it is also written here, here in my cloak, here close to my paternal heart.
And this name that is written here I will not allow the enemy to erase, I will not allow the world to erase. And each time my Fatherly Divine Heart pulses with love it will release a grace to you.
And that is also why every Sunday at noon you will receive a special blessing from Me. At that moment I will descend with many Angels to you to bless you and to give you grace upon grace and blessing upon blessing.
Your 'yes' to Mary, your 'yes' accepting the mission she has entrusted to you has given my Fatherly Heart, great glory, great honor, great praise. Persevere, because through you I will also show many of my children how great my Fatherly Love is, how I want to save them, how I want to benefit them and in you many of them will understand a little how much I am a loving Father, how much I want all my children and how much I want to have my children always with me in joy, harmony and Peace.
Persevere on your path that will take you to a beautiful home here in My home in Heaven. You have on Earth Mary, your treasure, you also have Her greatest treasure, which I have given you as a spiritual son, to advise, to help, to encourage, to protect and also to guide.
To guide ever more along the path of holiness to Me, to the perfection that I expect and want from Him. So go ahead, I will be with you, fear nothing, I am the one who fights for you.
In fact, the struggle you undertake is Mine, more Mine than yours and therefore, I will fight for you, I will fight in you.
About you now also son the most copious blessings of my Father Heart descend, I cannot explain to you now how much good you have done to the world and to all the souls who assisted you and listened to you.
How much good you have done by revealing to them more deeply the Mysteries of Mary, the Great Work of my Love and complement of the Adorable Trinity, of our Trinity.
Yes, you have made souls love Her, fall in love with Her and desire nothing more than Her in this life and to come to Me for Her. Therefore, my son, my Benjamin, my favorite.
You gave great glory to My Heart. And truly you glorified My Name by glorifying the most perfect and pure work that came out of My Hands, so son, rest happy today because you did a beautiful thing, a beautiful work.
You have truly made the song of Love of your heart for Mary echo in thousands of hearts throughout the world, and this song has also burned them with love for Mary, has burned them with love for Me, that I have made her and prepared her so perfect for you.
Yes, son, go on, go on, more and more up, acetically to Me, the more you go up more mysteries of My Great Work I will reveal to you, more and more My Secrets you will know and more and more I will entrust to you and you will do greater and greater things.
You are my favorite servant, my beloved son in whom I place my complacency, happy is he who hears you, for he will hear Mary and hearing Mary will hear Me.
And to all these my beloved children who have consecrated with you and given their lives to Mary here on them now lay my divine eyes of Love.
On them I pour My graces and on all My children who have come today to praise and honor the Great Work of My Hands I now with Love generously bless from Nazareth, Jerusalem and Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy): "My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am the Mother of Grace, I am the complement of the Most Holy Trinity!
"Yes, the Most Holy Trinity loved Me so much that she made His complete universal and that is why through Me she worked the greatest wonder outside of the Trinity, a God Man and through Him your redemption.
The Most Holy Trinity also made Me His complement in the operations within the Trinity. Therefore, all the love, all the glory and all the goods of glory and divinity that the Divine Persons happily communicate with each other, have also made Me a participant in these goods.
So that the Persons of the Trinity could better love Me and I could also love them. And also, there in that divine consistory could I truly serve, glorify, adore and love in a way that is almost incomprehensible to you, the three Persons of the Adorable Trinity.
I am the Immaculate Conception, I am the Mother of Grace, I am the Source of Grace as my son Marcos told you, I am Grace, I am Beauty, I am Peace, I am Purity, I am Love!
Because I lived deeply united with God, immersed in Divine transcendence, because I was made the universal complement of the Most Holy Trinity, God filled me with so much Love that I became truly Love, Mother of beautiful Love source of Love, thirst of Love and truly source of Love, source of Grace.
Therefore, all of you little children of mine, who want Love come to me, because I am Love and I can give the Love of God in which I live completely immersed in His transcendence.
You who want peace come to Me I Am the Peace and I will give you Peace!
All of you who want purity, who want grace, or any other virtue come to Me, I will give you all this, because from this I am a practically inexhaustible source gushing continuously the water of the Lord's grace.
That river that the Apostle saw gushing right in the center of the heavenly Jerusalem and which with its waters carried life wherever it passed was a figure of Myself. I am the river of grace, I am the river of Love that carries the grace and Love of the Lord to every soul that needs it and thirsts, needs it.
Come to Me all you My children, who want peace and I will give it to you. Because Immaculate and free from all stain of original sin, I can grant each and every grace of the Lord, to whomever and however I wish.
And as a complement of the Trinity, the Lord can and will work all His wonderful graces for Me, with Me, and through Me always to all My children who turn to Me with confidence.
I am the Immaculate Conception, I am Love, and therefore whoever wants to know Divine Love, to immerse himself in it, to drink it, to be satiated, to be filled with it, comes to Me, who truly have it in fullness and I can give it to every soul who asks Me for this Love.
Come to Me little children and I will truly show you how great is the love of this God, who in love with you has sent Me Here and during these 25 years, through the chosen child that My own Heart has loved and chosen, I have shown you all how great this Love of God is.
I have shown how great is the Passionate Love of this Father, who has been forgotten, despised for you. But, who came here to show you His compassionate and merciful Face.
And to tell you: Come to Me all you who hunger, hunger for Love, and I will satisfy you. Come to Me all you who are thirsty, thirsty for Grace and Truth, and then I will quench you.
Come to Me all you who are lost and miserable and I will enrich you, take you in My arms and fill you with My Love and My favors.
Come to Me, who am the source of Love and I, My children, will lead you to God, I will unite you with Him and you will then be one flame of love with Him.
You will live in Him and He will live in you, I will teach you to remain in God by always remaining confident in Him, totally given and consecrated to Him, dependent on His Love and ever more living a life of filial love towards Him.
The Father sent Me here to teach you to love Him with this filial love, and that is why I have prolonged My apparitions for so many years, to teach you this true love that will truly lead you to transcend the world, to transcend transitory things and truly reach the perfect and definitive union with the Father.
I am the Immaculate Conception, I am Love and therefore, My children, I say to you: Come to My Immaculate Heart and you will come to Love, who is God, who lives in Me, who reigns in Me and who dwelt in Me not only in the soul but also in my body, making me His dwelling place and He becoming My Son.
Come to Me and you will come to Love, come to Me and you will come to Love, come to Me and then you will possess the love that lives in Me, which is Jesus Christ our Lord.
I want you to continue praying My Rosary every day, every Rosary you pray erases many years of Purgatory for you. It also erases many stains of sins that are in you, each Rosary you pray diminishes the power of Satan over you and the people around you.
Each Rosary you pray diminishes, breaks the power of Satan in the world. Every Rosary you pray hurries the Triumph of my Heart and the definitive defeat of Satan.
Each Rosary that you pray brings many rays of light into Heaven taking with it many souls and brings many rays of light down from Heaven to Earth bringing many graces from the Lord.
Each Rosary that you pray increases for you the degrees of glory in Heaven and also the degrees of holiness on Earth, making you more beautiful, more pure, more immaculate, more holy and pleasing to the Lord. So that you will become worthy of new graces and those merits will impetrate and attract those new graces of the Lord to you.
Each Rosary that you pray truly makes the accidental enjoyment of the Angels and Saints in Paradise increase, Paradise itself sparkles, shines brighter, the caves of hell tremble and over all the earth I pour the soft perfume of My immaculate purity from Heaven.
My son, my most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, yesterday I was supposed to give you the Message, but you were on your way, now here is the Message that I promised you monthly:
"My most beloved son, I am so happy with you, you cannot imagine how many swords of pain you have drawn from my Heart during all these months that you have intensified my Cenacles.
I cannot also express to you how, how grateful I am for all that you have done for Me. Above all, for all that you have suffered to transform the square where I am in your city into Our Three Sacred Hearts Square.
Ah my son, you have risen so many degrees of glory suffering for me, you have drawn so many swords of pain from my heart, you have dried so many tears that so many ungrateful sons of mine fall from my eyes for their disobedience, their ingratitude and their sins.
Yes, you were a little martyr and your martyrdom has truly made many beautiful mystical crowns formed and kept for you in Heaven. Yes! I cannot express to you also how much, how much my Immaculate Heart trusts you, how much I place His hope in you.
Yes, I have looked upon you with love from among millions of My children not only of this nation, but of many others. I have given you my most precious treasure on earth, which is my little son Marcos, to be your spiritual son, to care for him and help him, especially when my voice is silent and I no longer speak to him.
He will need you very much, you will be for him a support, you will be the strength so that he will not die of pain with My absence. Therefore, my son, you have a great mission in your hands and be aware that your name is engraved here in my cloak. Here, right here where My Hands are gathered and where I have you well attached to My Heart.
Yes, your name is written here several times, because each Rosary that you pray, each Cenacle that you do for Me, each divulgation, each good work that you do for Me I write your name once again in My Cloak. And when your name is also written on the other side of my cloak then, truly, you will have that consummate holiness that I want from you.
And then, truly, I will take you to the beautiful house in Heaven where you will shine more than the Sun together with Me and together with Me you will live forever an ecstasy of love that will never, never end.
Attentive, my son, the serpent hates you and makes you suffer many times by attacking you, but do not be afraid, I am with you always and the world, the evil ones will not be able to overcome you, because whoever fights for you and in you I am your Immaculate Mother.
And that is why truly many souls I will save through you, where Satan has destroyed, brought down I will heal, I will raise up cities, mystical cities for the Lord and for myself. Holy souls, where truly God will reign and there will be no more day and night, because the light that will illuminate these cities will be the light of the Lord.
That is, in these souls there will no longer be moments of grace and sin, of light and shadow, of clarity and darkness. But they will only be light, perennial light, because God will live in them and reign in them through you.
Ah, my son, you cannot imagine the graces I prepare for you. Yes, I have prolonged a little the hour of a great grace that I and Luzia have promised you. But this extension of the hour of that grace is not because I have forgotten you, nor because I am late, because I am delayed.
Oh no! It is because I prepare for you a very, very perfect grace . I prepare for you a truly formidable grace that will fill your heart with joy, joy, happiness.
And truly, you will see how much I, the Immaculate Conception, love you and how much I have favored you and will favor you even more!
Yes, yes my son, I am always with you, do not be afraid, every year on December 8th at noon beyond the graces you ask of me I will give you a particular and special grace from my Immaculate Heart, I will also give you a favor that will be yours alone: The person, the soul for whom you pray and ask at the hour of grace I will write the name of this person in my Cloak and in my Heart and she will be saved in the end.
I will do all this because I love you so much and because you are truly the charm of my Heart. And together with my little son Marcos growing with him in holiness, in love and obedience to me I will also make you a delight of my Immaculate Heart.
Pray, pray and also seek always to know Me, love Me and give everything for everything, give everything to Me your Mother who has always given you everything.
I bless you with love and also you Marcos, my most beloved son who gave me so much glory today with your meditations and prayers on my feast. Yes, my son, you have done souls much greater good than if they had seen the sign of the Sun.
Yes, you made another Sun shine for them today: the Sun of my beauty, the Sun of my glory, the Sun of my maternal perfection. And the souls who saw the light of that Sun enchanted themselves, fell in love with Me.
You asked during all these days that today on My Feast day the souls fall in love with Me and that this was the gift you also wanted to give Me.
Well, rejoice in this and it happened because today you have truly opened your heart all rich, all holy, all filled with your love for Me and souls will truly be able to drink in it the river of true filial love for Me, your Immaculate Mother.
All the abundance of my graces and my heavenly blessings now descends upon you.
Also upon these My beloved children, My little slaves of love, who here with You gave themselves to Me as pure and immaculate hosts, as living sacrifices praying, expiating, making reparation and working for the salvation of humanity, of sinners.
On them also I now blow my love, I blow my peace and my blessing. And upon all those dear children of mine whom I love so much, whom I love so much, those children of mine whom I myself have chosen, called and brought here from all parts to be saved and who have their name written in the Book of Life, the book of those who are saved I bless with love today.
And again I ask: Continue to pray my Rosary every day, through it I will transform you into true immaculate children of the Immaculate like myself.
And I truly desire that every year you come here on this day at noon so that I may truly enrich you more and more with the great graces that God has endowed me in my Immaculate Conception so that I may pour out upon you all.
To all I bless Lourdes, Pellevoisin, Fatima and Jacari.
Peace My beloved children, Peace to you Marcos, the most obedient and hard-working of My children, Peace to you also dear son Carlos Thaddeus.
My Heart rejoiced also for the statue that my little son Marcos made of you and placed Here in My Shrine. Now truly My Mother Heart feels full of happiness as if full of affection, full of affection.
Because in a certain way you are here and through this statue of yours I will also pour out great graces on My children of whom only I will have knowledge, but who in eternity will be revealed to you. And then the world will also know how much I have favored you, how much I have loved you.
Peace My children, good night".
Before I go I want to touch the Rosaries of my son Carlos Tadeu, he is the only one who will have his Rosaries touched today because of the great love I have for him.
And also before I go I want to tell my Portuguese children that they came from so far away to praise me and to love me at this Feast of mine, thank you, thank you for coming.
I will pay you all the sacrifices you have made to come here with great graces from my Immaculate Heart.
Thank you also to my little children Olides, João, Adriano, Carla for bringing the image of my Mother Saint Anne here, you cannot imagine the joy they gave me. And also the happiness they have given me.
On you, my little children, I now impart a special blessing just for you and all of my little children who are always with me here all year long.
Also now I bless and give the Plenary Indulgence to all those who wear the blue scapular of My Immaculate Conception, who pray my Rosary of the Immaculate Conception during the year, who spread My Messages with love and who have always answered yes to My Messages of Love".
(Eternal Father): "Beloved son of mine, Carlos Thaddeus, as My daughter Mary has already said Here always in Her apparitions, wherever one of those rosaries touched by Her arrives, She will be there alive, bringing My graces to all those who possess them.
And in the time of Punishment where these Rosaries are that house will have the same protection that the Israelites had who put the blood of the lamb in their gates and were saved when I sent the scourge, the plague to kill the firstborn of Egypt.
Rejoice, my son, for your name resounds in my ears always like a sweet song, your voice before me is like a perfect and delicious symphony that enchants me and inclines me to you.
And also know that back in Genesis, when I showed Mary before the serpent the Woman dressed in the Sun who would crush the head of the serpent, of My enemy. When she, the serpent tried to bite her at His heel, the serpent saw you.
Yes, when I said, I will put enmity between you and the Woman, between your offspring and Her, the devil saw you, I showed you with My son Marcos before the devil and he shook, the serpent was enraged.
But soon after he said, "She will crush your head as you try to bite her heel, that it is you two and your beloved children who obey Mary.
Therefore My son, fear not, you are the heel of Mary, you have already been promised, prophesied by Me, already in Genesis with My little son Marcos to crush this serpent.
Go, crush it always with your Rosaries, your humility, your obedience to Mary. Soon truly this serpent will be defeated by you the heel of Mary, which from the beginning of the world I prophesied and determined that thus My enemy will be defeated, I will be exalted and adored, and so it shall be!"
(Marcos): "See you soon, my Father, Mama!