Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Forever be praised! Yes, I'm very well Mama! Yes, since the day before yesterday, practically without eating anything.
No, I didn't feel anything. Oh, you did! I will say yes. I wanted to thank you for the wonderful signs that you did on December 8, especially in the statue of my spiritual Father Carlos Thaddeus. Thank you very much for confirming with these signs that it was your will that this be done.
And thank you very much for trusting Me so much all my life and choosing Me to bring so many graces to the world from your Heart! Thank you, thank you Mama!"
Yes, yes. I also thank you for him, and I ask you to give me the grace to honor him more every day of my life. Yes. Yes."
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today, on this blessed night of the anniversary of the transfer of my Holy House to Loreto I come to you again to say: Be my holy houses, praying my Rosary every day with love and with the heart.
Be My holy houses reading My Messages every day and living My Messages with love.
Be my holy houses making sacrifices for the conversion of sinners, because there are still so many of them today and they continue to cross my Immaculate Heart with their sins.
Be my holy houses fleeing from sin and living ever more in God's grace, in God's friendship.
Be my holy houses raising up within your souls to me walls made of bricks of love, of many Rosaries. Columns made of pure faith and obedience to Me. Roofs of sacrifices, penance and virtues. Windows of true docility, humility, meekness, innocence. Doors, of generosity, of total self-giving to Me and to God.
Thus, My children, you will truly make holy houses for Me within your hearts, holy dwellings like My home in Nazareth where I will be able to live with Jesus and my husband Joseph reigning in you every day and truly transforming your souls into a second heaven.
Be my holy houses living every day more and more in hope that my Immaculate Heart will triumph and bring to all my children this great hope too so that they will not be discouraged in these times of great tribulation.
I want them to be My holy house, all clean from every stain of sin, perfumed with love, virtues and prayer, especially the Rosary, adorned with beautiful curtains of service, of works of love done by Me.
Adorned with the most beautiful and fragrant flowers of your trust in Me and of your total consecration to Me, living completely dependent on Me and as My little son Marcos said today: either live for Mary or die!
Then truly I will live in the house of your souls, I will reign in them as in My second heaven, I will make them My palace and in them, and in them I will show My power, My maternal presence that will touch, that will fill with light and love the hearts of all my children renewing the whole world.
The transfer of My Holy House from Nazareth to Loreto also brings you, all My children, this Message: Transfer yourselves, transfer yourselves from Earth to Heaven. Transfer from worldly things to heavenly things. Transfer from the land of sin to the land of grace. Transfer from darkness to light. Move from evil to good. From hate, from hardness of heart to peace, to love.
Then truly you will be My children, My dear children, like Me who am Tota Pulchra, All Pure, All Beautiful. And then, through you, my children, I will truly be able to radiate my mystical maternal light like a shining sun of grace that will finally remove all the darkness of evil and sin from the world and make my Immaculate Heart reign.
Continue to pray my Rosary every day, through it I transform you more and more into my holy houses like my House of Nazareth where I can live, truly reign with Jesus and my Spouse Joseph and do the greatest works and wonders of grace there.
I desire that this month you all prepare yourselves for the Christmas of my Son Jesus praying the Thirtieth number 10, I want you to do it again after the 13th until the 26th until the end.
That truly My children, this Christmas I may give all of you, all of you well prepared and purified for My Son Jesus.
On this holy day when Heaven and Earth rejoice in the translation of My Holy House I bless you all very much and say: Peace, Peace, Peace!
And to you, my beloved and most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, how much joy you have brought to my Heart for coming on the Feast of my Immaculate Conception.
Yes, son you have drawn so many swords and thorns from my Heart, and I in turn have placed in your heart many mystical emeralds of hope and fortitude, many mystical rubies of love and charity. Many, many tourmalines of hope, of prudence, of science. Many sapphires of understanding, advice, fear of God, magnanimity.
Yes, you have rich treasure in your heart, I have enriched you a lot and I come today to solemnly tell you, my son, to always remember your coming here on this 8th of December, I promise you: That every 7th and 8th of every month I will give you the grace to truly ask for any city in the world, so that the punishments that hang over them like swords may be annulled.
The city you choose that the Lord will not punish you. And I promise you son that in those days, in those two days of the month, many souls will be saved there and I will pour over my children the torrents of my maternal graces.
I do all this because I love you very much and because I desire to favor you. You cannot imagine how much I need you, you will be very, very useful, very necessary for my son Marcos not only when I stop appearing to him and speaking to him, so that he won't die of pain. But you will be very necessary for him in the moment of the mystical graces I still prepare for him in the future.
You will be supporting him so that he won't faint from so much love and so many supernatural graces that I will give him.
You will be the reinforcement and support of his humanity. And above all, at the hour of his death you will be very much needed beside him, so that he can truly ascend to Heaven without sadness and also without pain.
Finally, you will be needed for My Plans Here, not only on the spiritual side, but in many other things that I will entrust to you in due time. So pray, trust, wait and be sure that your life is in My Hands and nothing even a little straw, or a little speck falls on you and touches your body if I don't allow it, if I don't want it.
That is why, my son, be at peace and happy because you have in heaven a powerful sentinel, a guard and a Mother who unveils herself for you every day and never, never leaves you.
On you now I pour out my special graces, the graces of my Holy House of Loreto. And also on my beloved son Marcos I now shower many, many special graces for having made the film of My House in Loreto, of that maternal manifestation so that my children may know Me, love Me more, desire to be more My dwelling places, my holy houses.
And you, son Carlos Thaddeus, for being his consort you also receive today these very special graces from my Immaculate Heart for the merits of my son Marcos Thaddeus.
And upon all of you here, my dear and beloved children, I pour out my maternal blessing from Loreto, Bonate and Jacari".
(Saint Lucy): "Dearly beloved brethren, I, Lucy, Lucia of Syracuse rejoice in coming to you again today.
Tomorrow you will celebrate here My Feast in advance, I will return with Our Queen, to bless you once again. And today I come to tell you with all my heart: You know that I have my Shrine in Syracuse, be you my living shrines!
Be My living Shrines too, living like Me in the love of God, in the grace of God, seeking every day the virtues, trying to overcome your defects.
And above all, every day be holy as I am holy, holiness is love, it is loving God and doing His will, that is holiness.
Live holiness, it's easy, it's simple, don't complicate! Love God, do His will day after day with faith, with love, with humility. And then you will truly be perfect in God's eyes as I was.
Be My Shrines alive by fleeing every day from sin, from worldly things, living ever more in intimacy with God, with the Mother of God in prayer. So that truly she may come to live in you as in her second heaven, her garden of delights, her dwelling place of grace, her rosary of love.
Be My living shrines imitating the life of union with God that I had through prayer, asceticism, that is, the continuous effort to climb ever more in union with God through meditation, spiritual reading, contemplation of God, of Our Most Holy Queen, of Heaven.
Ah, my brothers, Heaven! Heaven enchanted me, Heaven ravished my heart. When I thought of Heaven, of my Jesus who was waiting for me there, of my Most Holy Queen who was waiting for me there with love and whom I would see and embrace.
When I thought of My Father in Heaven, who was waiting for Me there with love, My heart melted with love. And even in the midst of the fire being burned alive, having My eyes plucked out, being dragged by ox-carts, and at the same time having My neck cut off, none of this mattered to Me.
None of this could separate Me from the union with My God, My Father and Spouse of My soul. Heaven! Heaven I wanted to go there to love God eternally, to give Him joy, perpetual love. This Heaven, this Heaven was my strength, it was my light, it was the wings that made me fly high in the Heaven of holiness.
On the night of the eve of My Martyrdom, December 12, when the Mother of God appeared to Me with My divine Spouse in Her Arms, they promised Me Heaven. What joy my heart felt, I knew that I would never go into the fire of hell to be tormented by the demons in that terrible fire, never, never.
I knew I already possessed eternal life, that I possessed Heaven and it gave Me the strength to accept the fire, the sword, the choppers, and everything else.
Ah, my brothers meditate in Heaven! How wrong you are to not meditate in Heaven! How one sins for not meditating in Heaven and not loving Heaven, not desiring Heaven above all.
Ah, my brothers! How very adventurous is one who can say how I already in mortal life possess eternal life, I have Heaven, I will not go to hell. Greater happiness and wealth than that soul, greater good could not receive from the Lord, greater glory, greater gift from the hands of Mary Most Holy, greater crown, greater treasure and greater venom.
It is already living Heaven on Earth, it is already living with the peace of Paradise in the heart, it is already living with the joy of Heaven in the heart and it is even possessing God in the heart, the only thing missing is seeing Him face to face.
But if you already possess it, if you enjoy it, you already enjoy it. Oh! Wish for Heaven! Wish for Heaven with those wonders that await you there, wish for Heaven where God will embrace you as Father to His Son. Our Queen who will embrace you and hold you in her Immaculate Heart will place you in her maternal arms and will never let you go again.
Where We the Angels and Saints will love you all the time, embrace you and give you to taste, to enjoy delights and wonders that you have never seen or felt here on earth.
Believe in it, have faith, and for heaven's sake say no to worldly things that want to take you away and rob you of that heaven. Do not allow another to come and take your crown, honor your crown, love your crown, desire your crown, do everything for your crown and truly heaven will be yours.
Be My living shrines at last, praying My Rosary every week, through it I will transform you into My living shrines. Sanctuaries of the Lord, where the Lord will be alive, reigning, active, benevolent, filling your soul, and your lives with endless graces, joy and endless love every day.
I love you and I love you especially also dear Brother Carlos Thaddeus, at the moment of My Martyrdom I also saw you.
The Mother of God showed you to me in Syracuse Square where I was martyred, I saw you, I loved you, I offered my martyrdom that I was going to suffer for you, so that you who knew neither when nor where would come into the world could love the Lord, love Mary, be holy, fulfill your mission perfectly.
And that is why every 13th of every month that is dedicated to Me in honor of My Martyrdom I will give you many, many graces. And when you pray my Rosary I will descend from Heaven alive together with Águeda de Catania and also with Saint Sebastian, to bless you, to fill you with the favors of the Lord and to truly cover you with my Cloak of Love.
To all of you beloved brothers, I bless you with love from Syracuse, Catania and Jacari.
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, all of you who have received the Rosary that I sent my favorite son Marcos Thaddeus to deliver to you are a gift and a gift from my Heart. Receive this Rosary as a sign of my love and protection for each one of you.
Keep this Rosary always with you. Through it I will give you many, many graces. And to all of you, My children, that you receive these Rosaries that I have now touched with My servant Geraldo and My servant Luzia, in the houses where they are there will be My protection, My Grace, My Angels guarding and protecting that house from all evil.
And above all, the house that has these Rosaries will have the same protection that the Israelites had in Egypt when the Angel of Punishment passed.
In the time of Punishment the house that has these Rosaries will not be touched by the scourge of God's wrath and the demons will not be able to grab those who have them.
To all I bless you with love now, good night".