Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Message of Saint Lucy

(St. Lucy): "Dear brothers My, I, Lucy, servant of the Lord and of the Mother of God, rejoice in coming again today to tell you: Be lights, bright lights of love in this world full of sin.
Be lights, making God's holiness and love shine ever brighter in your lives so that everyone who looks at you will see the truth and believe, will believe in the Lord.
Be lights of love by living and obeying the Messages of the Mother of God every day with fidelity.
And seek ever more to expand your hearts to Her flame of love, by fervent prayers, by beseeching, by spiritual reading. And, above all, for the exercise of your self-giving, of your dedication to Her even when you often run into your bodily weaknesses that sometimes limit your action and your self-giving to Her.
Then ask in prayer for the strength of the flame of love and it will burst forth from within your heart and help you to give yourself more and more for the Mother of God. Trying always to do more, more for her and more for the salvation of souls.
Be lights of love, cultivating in your hearts a true filial love for God and for the Mother of God, expelling from your heart all interest. Expelling from your heart also all attachment to worldly things, so that truly in your heart the flame of love of the Mother of God may triumph and do wonders.
Re-read all the Messages that Heaven has already given you here, do not stand around piling up Messages without reading them with your heart, to try to grow in true love.
The Messages only make you grow if they are truly reread by you every day and if they are assimilated by you every day. Then yes, you will grow in holiness and perfect love that pleases God.
I have told you here, that love is God many times, He is Love and what He has come to seek here in you and from you is true love. Give this love and God will give you all His love with His Graces and His Salvation and your life will truly be filled with this Love.
Do not be afraid of this Love, do not be afraid to give all this love to God, to this love of Mary. Because in this Love you will have everything and leaving everything you will gain everything in Love.
To all I bless with love now from Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".
(St. Gerard): "Dear Brothers My, I, Gerard, come again today from Heaven to tell you: Live in Love, living a true life in God and in the Mother of God, so that you may be love as they are.
Live in Love, renouncing worldly things, living ever more in friendship and God's grace. Renounce all vanity, or this vanity will kill in your soul modesty, humility. The beauty you must seek is the spiritual beauty of the soul. For it is of no use to man to be beautiful on the outside and ugly on the inside.
And God wants beautiful, beautiful souls like Him and His Mother to teach the world through this spiritual beauty what true beauty is.
Live in Love, living ever more, praying the Holy Rosary with love, fleeing from worldly things, seeking ever more celestial things, contact, living with the things of Heaven that give so much peace and light to the heart.
Imitate Me in My love of prayer, always after my work I took refuge in some Church or chapel at night to go there alone to speak with God and with My divine bride, the Virgin Mary.
You too seek recollection, seek prayer and there you will feel delightful things that in dealing with creatures and on feasts you would never achieve peace, such great happiness.
You will find the true meaning of your life, you will know who you are, you will see your soul as it is, you will hate your sins, you will see what you need to change in you, you will understand the purpose of your coming to this world and your existence, and then your life will have meaning.
Praying the Holy Rosary every day in this sweet intimacy with the Mother of God, your life will have meaning, you will see the path of holiness to follow, you will find the strength to follow Him.
And you will truly understand what the Lord and His Mother said: That it is by losing everything and denying yourself that you will gain everything and that whoever loves father, mother, son, the world more than the Lord is not worthy of the Lord, is not worthy of His Love.
I lived this, I understood this and I preferred this Love over the love of my mother, my sisters, my relatives and the world. And because I was able to deny Myself that which everyone so eagerly sought, I won everything, I won eternal life.
It is by losing this worldly life that eternal life is won. Learn this lesson from me and truly live in holiness and love.
Tell everyone to live in the love that is God, and how do you live in God? Dying to yourself to live only for Him and in Him. By living in prayer, fleeing from worldly things, cultivating in your heart a great love for all that is holy and all that is of God, and above all living in Love.
You cannot always live without defects, but you can always live in love, living in God, seeking God, seeking His Mother you will live in Love and Love will live in you.
Make your life what is the motto of our beloved Marcos and which in a certain way was also my life motto:
Either live for Mary or die!
Happy and blessed you will be, all those who imitate you in this great love for Our Most Holy Queen and who also live by proclaiming always with deeds, words and attitudes: That it is better to live for Mary or else, to die.
Live thus, live for her and you will live for God. Live for her who is the Mother of Love and you will live for Love, who is the blessed fruit of her womb, our Lord Jesus!
To all I ask you to pray my Rosary and the Rosary of my most beloved Luzia every week, for through them we will give many great graces to all of you.
To all I bless with love from Muro Lucano, Materdomini and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "See you soon Mama".