Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My children, My flame of Love wants to work in your hearts. But it can only work if you pray a lot and if you exercise yourselves every day in the holy exercise of expanding your heart to Me by praying always something new, doing something new for the Lord and for Me. Trying to work harder to be better children for the Lord and for Me.
If every day there is your effort, if every day there is your donation, if every day there is a step forward, a step more to pray better, to love God more, to love this Mother more, to give yourself to Me. Then, My Flame of Love will grow powerfully within all of you, and then, from you, it will radiate to the whole world converting and saving many, many souls.
The world is in danger, My children go ever more into perdition every day, and My Flame of Love cannot stop the frenetic march of souls to hell, who run to eternal perdition.
Help My children, help My Flame of Love to save all of these My children. Pray much, pray the Rosary, do the censuses and Prayer Groups that I asked for, so that My Flame of Love may powerfully stop the almost desperate and rapid march of souls to hell.
I count on the prayers of all of you and say to you: Prepare, the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart will take place and my children who have now said 'yes' to me, will answer 'yes' to my Messages and will see me gloriously descending from Heaven with my Angels chaining Satan and demons, purifying and renewing the whole earth.
Then My Messages that make no sense to you now will make sense to you and you, My children, will understand how much I have loved you, how truly I have been a kind Mother giving Messages of Love, advices of Love for so many years Here for you. Everything will be clear and then your soul will rejoice with joy because then you will finally enter the Kingdom of my Heart.
I am always with you, obey My Messages even if you do not understand them. One day you will understand everything and great will be your joy for having believed as I do in the word of the Lord without requiring anything as proof, confirmation or explanation.
Then, My children, a great reward will be given to you, a precious crown of eternal glory will be placed on your head. And then, your hearts transfigured into Angels of Light will rejoice for all eternity in the glory of Heaven.
To all with love I bless you today, to all who now hear Me on My Radio, to all who now hear Me on My TV.
To those My beloved children who left everything today, their rest to pray My Hour of Peace and My Rosary with My little son Marcos.
To these My dear and beloved children I now bless and look with Love from Fatima, Lourdes and Jacareí".