Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes. Yes, I will, yes. Yes, Mama, thank you.
I would also like very much to ask the Lady what is the name of your son's Guardian Angel, Ricardo Batalha.
Oh! And what choir is it from? Yes, I will.
The Lady can also tell me what the name is. I will tell you. Yes, I will.
Thank you Mama, thank you very much.
I would like to ask you especially for a blessing for my great brother Andrew, who came from Mirassol with his little son just to bring his heart, his love and these roses that are at the Lady's feet.
Can you give him a special blessing? I will.
(Mary Most Holy): "My beloved children, today you celebrate here the Anniversary of my apparitions to my little daughter Bernadette in Lourdes, France.
I appeared as the Immaculate Conception, as the woman dressed in the sun to say to all of you: The time for the great battle has come. Therefore, all of you, My children, should fight with the weapons I gave you in Lourdes: the Rosary, the penance, the prayer to resist all the attacks and the insinuations of Satan and to truly come unscathed and holy in the presence of My son Jesus who returns to you in glory.
I appeared in Lourdes brighter than the Sun, to tell all My children that this terrible battle between Me and the infernal dragon, My enemy, will continue until the end of the world. And so, My children, you should prepare yourselves because truly the most serious hour of this battle has come! The end of time has come!
And that is why you must pray without ceasing at all times, for My enemy is always prowling and watching over you to see your defects, your weaknesses, and to prepare an infallible trap to make you fall into it, lose the grace of God, and even the salvation of your souls. So watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation.
Be like my little daughter Bernadette who prayed my Rosary all the time, or when her obligations in the convent did not allow her to offer all her work in a spirit of prayer and inwardly pray many acts of love to me and to my son Jesus. Thus she was always united to Me, always united to My son and never sinned. If you imitate her too, you will never sin.
I appeared at Lourdes Grotto brighter than the Sun to call all My children to My mighty army of prayer, penance, and holiness.
And even today here, in My little new Lourdes, I come again to call all My children to fight with Me with the Rosary in hand, fighting the darkness of Satan, fighting sin wherever He is, taking My grace, My Mother's love to all people, to all My children through the cenacles and the Prayer Groups I asked for.
To the sick, the afflicted, sinners take My Mother love to all who want to save, relieve and love. Especially those My children who have the hardest heart and have not yet known My Love, take My Love. For when they feel My Love, then My flame of Love will enter powerfully into their hearts. And then, they will truly blossom like flowers into the Sun of Grace and exhale the soft perfume of holiness to please the Most Holy Trinity.
Persevere in prayer My children and pray a lot because two Punishments are approaching Europe, one from Brazil, one from America, one from Oceania and one from Russia.
Pray, pray, pray because only with the Rosary can you remove these Punishments and still achieve mercy, grace and peace for humanity. With the Rosary Bernadette was saved and became holy, with the Rosary you too will be saved and become saints.
Pray, pray my Rosary, there is nothing I love more than the Rosary. To my little daughter Bernadette I said it in secret and I repeat the same to all of you.
There is nothing I love more than my Rosary, pray it, pray it and you will be saints.
To all I bless with love Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette and Jacareí".
(St. Gerard): "Dear brothers and sisters, I, Gerard, come once again from Heaven today with Our Holy Queen on the Anniversary of her apparition in Lourdes, to say to you all: Pray the Rosary, the Rosary is the heart of the Message of Lourdes, prayer and penance.
With the Bernadette Rosary it has become a wonderful, great, extraordinary work of the Mother of God that until today humanity looks astonished and no matter how hard it tries to understand, it never understands the whole.
Yes, in her the Mother of God has done wonders and has done them in a wonderful way, hidden from the proud of the world, but fully seen and understood by the humble and small. This is the holiness of Bernadette: She is fully in sight, but can only be seen by those who have humility to see.
Do you understand its nature? It is always in sight, but never seen. Yes, this is the holiness of Bernadette and it must also be the holiness of you, a holiness all interior, all profound, all mystical, all made of the pure flame of love of the Mother of God. And your virtues will then shine, shine for the whole world, but only the humble, the pure of heart will see them.
And when you see them you will believe, you will believe in the Mother of God and no one will say that this is unfair to the proud, because the proud are also often given the grace to become humble and see the truth, but they do not want it. They are proud, they are too proud. Their hearts are hard and they do not want to bend to the love of the Mother of God who wants to save them at all costs.
So their eyes are blind, the eyes of the soul are blind and that is why the eyes of the flesh are useless. They hear, they hear the Messages, they see what the Mother of God does, but at the same time they do not see because her pride blinds them.
It takes humility to see, it takes the humility of Bernadette to be able to understand the secrets of the Mother of God, to welcome them, to live them and to bear the fruits of them that God wants for His glory.
May your holiness be so, and may you imitate Bernadette in this great and burning love she had for the Mother of God.
Oh! She was not only the one who loved the Mother of God the most, but she was also the one who suffered the most for the Mother of God, she was the one who burned continually in mystical flames of love for the Mother of God.
And even though the people around her did not see inside her there was a fire that even reached Us there in Paradise and warmed us in her love. Bernadette's fire of love for the Mother of God was so great that if men could feel it they would all die burning and burning at the same instant.
Oh! How she loved the Mother of God! May you imitate her that you have a burning love like hers for the Mother of the Lord. And then, truly you will give her what she most desires here in Jacareí: incessant flames of love.
Many ceaseless flames of love to burn, to burn the whole world, to destroy sin in the whole world, to quench the fire of hatred with the fire of divine love. And also, to burn all that is Satan's empire on earth and on the ashes of his empire bring forth the new Kingdom of the Lord and of the Mother of God, the Kingdom of Love, Holiness and Peace.
Pray the Rosary every day, this prayer that sanctified Bernadette was also My Secret of holiness. In My time there were many vain people who told Me that the Rosary was an outdated, monotonous prayer and that I had to make other devotions and better prayers.
But I never believed in the siren song, I never let myself be deceived by Satan, I ran to the feet of the Mother of God in my cell. I prayed, I prayed my Rosary, she appeared to me and said to me, "Very well, Geraldo Meu, you have triumphed once again over Satan. Pray My Rosary and you will never stop being My favorite son and you will never get lost.
Pray the Rosary My brothers, this is the best I can advise you, because with the Rosary you will have the promise of Paradise made by the Mother of God, you will have all the graces to be saints, you will have the inner energy to overcome all sin and Satan, to despise the world and the flesh of you.
And so, you will give your bodies to the Mother of God easily and joyfully, and when you give your satan's bodies you will be defeated forever.
To all I now bless with love from Muro Lucano, Materdomini and Jacareí".
(Saint Lucy): "Dear brothers, I Lucy, come today from Heaven once again to tell you all: I love you, I love you very much!
Pray my Rosary always because I have great graces to grant you and especially the great grace of purity, of ending within you, of destroying within you the lust of the flesh.
Yes, to everyone who prays my Rosary I will give the angelic purity, I will give my purity and this person will have the strength to overcome all temptations of the devil, of the world and of his own flesh. And then this person will enjoy the perfect pacification of the senses, that is, he will have his flesh in perfect peace, obedience and submission to Jesus Christ and his Mother Mary Most Holy.
The demons will not be able to come close to those who pray my Rosary to offer them filthy temptations, because I will be with Agueda all the time and also with Ines surrounding and circulating this person all the time to prevent the demons from approaching her.
Pray the Rosary of the Mother of God, because today on the Anniversary of Her apparitions in Lourdes, you are all called to put the Rosary in your hands and pray it with an even greater inner strength than before. To truly give yourselves to the Mother of God in body and soul giving her the filial love she desires and to be golden mystical roses that together with Bernadette will reach for the world grace, forgiveness and mercy.
The golden roses that the Mother of God carried on her feet at the Apparitions of Lourdes mean that She is the golden house of the Lord, the Domus Aurea. But also, that She truly wanted children who loved Her and became mystical, golden yellow roses of reparation and penance.
Offer yourselves to her today as these roses for your little abstinences, sacrifices and acts of love, you can help her save many, many souls, take many souls from the clutches of Satan and return them to God.
In the Grotto of Massabiele the Mother of God found in a poor child love, pure and filial love. And so, through Bernadette's 'yes' she did wonders in Lourdes, transformed Lourdes into a great source of grace.
And to this day She continues to do Her wonders there with and through Bernadette. And if you give your 'yes' to Her today too, through you She will begin to make many, many conversions and graces for Her children that will transform the lives of so many into a true Heaven on earth in a sea of grace.
I, Luzia, ask you to pray the Rosary of the Mother of God every day, through it you will become the great Saints that She came to seek and desire Here. With the Rosary you will not need to fear anything, nor worry about anything, the Rosary will work miracles in your life.
Above all, in the time of the secrets of the Mother of God, when the Rosary will begin to be fulfilled it will feed you, the Rosary will heal you, the Rosary will preserve you from the attacks of demons. The demon will even be petrified, paralyzed like a stone when you pray the Rosary.
And when you pray the Rosary from Heaven it will come down special graces to you that will sustain you and free you from death and also from being grabbed by demons and taken with them into the eternal flames.
With the Rosary you My brothers, will quickly climb the ladder of holiness to Heaven, the virtues will sprout in you as if by miracle. And you will give many, many fruits of love, beauty and also filial love, filial obedience to God.
Through the Rosary the Angels will come from Heaven to protect, bless and accompany you. With the Rosary entire regions of the earth will be saved by you and in the triumph of the Mother of God you will have the revelation of every city, every person and every soul that was saved by you.
Pray it, pray it, pray it.
To all I bless with love Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".
"Beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, today I give you the special Message of my Immaculate Heart.
My Son I am always by your side, you already see the fulfillment of My promises and of My graces beginning to happen. I will do even greater wonders for you and through you.
Fear nothing, fear no one. All those who make you suffer will be punished by My son and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven if they do not do severe penance.
You, my son, must go and bring my love to my children always more. This month you must speak of My Apparitions in Lourdes, of My Message of Lourdes to all My children. You must also make known to My children the videos, the films that My and your son Marcos Tadeu made for Me.
Through these films souls will see how great My Love for humanity is, how much I want to save all My children and how much for all I am health of the sick, I am refuge, I am Mother, I am Love.
Son continue reading the book Imitation of Christ and today I ask you solemnly: Read also Imitation of Mary, which My son Marcos will send to you. Through this book I will teach you greatly to grow in holiness, I will teach you the secret of many virtues that will make your soul grow much and sanctify itself quickly.
Also My son, I want and deeply desire that you in this month of February, spread especially for My children the Messages of God the Father given here in these Apparitions. So that My children, remembering all that the Eternal Father said here, may fall even more in love with Him and give their hearts to Him.
Son, know, know clearly that in the three days that I lost my son Jesus in the Temple, nothing and no one could comfort me. The Eternal Father did not reveal to me where my son was, nor did my Guardian Angels.
I wandered the streets looking for My treasure crying and fearing that the time had come for Him, that they had already killed Him, and that I could not have been present at the time of His sacrifice to love Him, comfort Him, and help Him. So, what consoled My Heart were the continuous visions I had of My little son Marcos and also of you.
And the Eternal Father continually revealed to Me that great suffering I was going through. That great pain was for the salvation of humanity. And it would also generate their conversion, their sanctification, their burning with love in My Flame of Love. And also your union with Me and the great glory that you would give to God and to Me with your life full of prayer, penance of obedience and service to Me.
Ah my son! As my tears rolled I saw you and you dried my tears, I dried them. My Tears dried up because I saw you praying the Rosary with great love to my Immaculate Heart and taking my children to pray it to me also.
I thank you because you consoled My Heart two thousand years ago and now you continue to console Me every day. You are my comforter, the comforter of Mary. So son, go ahead and fear nothing.
Be aware that on the night of February 6-7, 1991 the Guardian Angel of my son Marcos Tadeu was sent by Me, to anoint him while he slept, to anoint his eyes so that the next day he could see my light, to anoint his ears so that he could hear My voice. To anoint his body so that it could open to the mystical light of My Grace and My Heart.
And I also sent your Angel Eliel to come to you and pour on you a good dose of the Love Balm of my Immaculate Heart.
Yes son, he poured it out on you to preserve you from great sins, to preserve you also from falling into errors and sects. So that you could finally wait in peace for the moment when I would approach you and that was already marked in the divine designs to then touch your heart, conquer your heart, burn and fill your heart with love.
Thank you son, thank you for all that you have done for Me, persevere, the anointing, the balm of my Heart has been poured out on you. And I will pour out even more the more you love Me, the more you serve Me the more I will pour out My Graces on you, and on all those who help you, understand you and love you.
I bless you today with the love of Lourdes, Fatima and Jacari".
Also to you My dear son Ricardo Batalha, I thank you once again for this beautiful crown and all my children who helped you to make it.
I promise that for each one of these beautiful hearts that you have placed here in My crown, I will also place in your crown so many other mystical stones of glory, of light, of eternal beatitude.
And I promise you, My son, you will stay together with Me and with My son Marcos in a very beautiful, very big house. And truly there at My side you will sing with Me the glories of the Lord and receive My blessings and wonders for all eternity.
Stay in My peace, have My peace, I love you very much".
(Marcos): "See you soon Mama, see you soon Geraldo mio, see you soon Lucia".