Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes, I will, Mama! If you like it then I will show you more often! Yes...
(Marcos): "I did it with great love and I would do it a thousand times again, to please the Lady, to give honor and glory to your name, you who have loved and suffered so much for God. And also, to help save the souls of my brothers. I would do it again, I would!".
And it is true, I love you!
I cry because I love you! If I did not love you I would not cry.
Yes... Yes, I would..."
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite all of you to love more and imitate more my daughter ÀGUEDA, Agatha de Catania.
This my daughter loved God with such an intense and burning love as few pure souls in this world have loved. Imitate her love and you too will love God by becoming Seraphim of love already here on earth.
Imitate the courage of this my daughter who even suffering the worst tortures and martyrdom did not deny my Divine Son JESUS CHRIST. And just as She did not disgrace and did not deny my son on Earth, so my Son did not deny her, nor was He ashamed of her before His FATHER who is in Heaven.
If you want to be recognized by JESUS before the Eternal FATHER and the ANGELS be like my daughter WATER, and do not be ashamed to be true Christians and to confess the faith in my Divine Son JESUS CHRIST before the world, before everyone.
Oh! How I wish you to have a courageous faith like hers! If you have such a faith and a burning love like hers my Flame of Love can finally work powerfully in your souls and through you in the souls of the whole world.
My Flame of love must be transmitted from heart to heart, from city to city, from nation to nation until the whole world becomes the great and burning Kingdom of love of my Immaculate Heart.
This will only be possible with your 'YES'. God respects the freedom of every man and does not force any man to love Him, to serve Him, nor to save his own soul.
He who refuses to give his 'YES' to his Creator, lives freely on this earth for a few years.
But after this life ends, he goes to the place where all those who refused to serve and love their Creator are, those who will pay for all the benefits received from him, especially the gift of life with ingratitude.
And he cannot claim injustice from God, because God is not obliged to accept into his home someone who has never loved him, always despised him and always spat on his love. Therefore, the condemned in Hell know that no appeal is possible anymore.
They have committed the unforgivable sin of despising the love of their Creator, the source and origin of their life and all their possessions.
You, my children, also have this freedom and it is your weakness, because unfortunately you use it only to choose worldly pleasures and thus live far from God despising God's love.
Transform your greatest weakness into the greatest strength by giving your freedom to God, giving the 'YES' to God and seeking to love and serve Him as my daughter WATER did. Her freedom, which could have been her weakness, was her greatest strength because she consecrated her freedom and gave her 'YES' to God.
If you do the same you will be strong like her in faith, and then neither the devil nor the whole gathered world will be able to overthrow you from the path of holiness and rob you of the Crown of Eternal Life.
Then my Flame of love through you will spread powerfully by annulling, neutralizing, blinding, and paralyzing Satan and the demons. And then, many souls will be free of their power and come into the light.
See how the 'YES' of my daughter WATER and Her Flame of love to this day in Catania draws crowds to my Son. And the demons, no matter how hard they try, cannot stop the souls from approaching my JESUS, because my daughter's Flame of Love WATER paralyzes, blinds and neutralizes them.
If you have the same Flame of love and radiate this flame to others, the demons cannot stop people from approaching my JESUS here and my Heart. And then everyone, attracted by Our love will come into the light, will be saved by the light and in the light of GOD.
I count on all of you for this!
And I wish you, therefore, to give 27 of these wonderful films that my son Marcos made of my daughter WATER to my children who do not know her. So that knowing her you can fall in love with her, and through her with my son JESUS and myself.
The more she is known, the more Satan will be neutralized and blinded. The more she is known, the more souls will understand the path of holiness they must follow. And then my Flame of Love will be able to act freely, for the barriers of human resistance will have fallen to the ground. Thus my plan will advance!
Every 3 months you must make a small Cenacle in honor of my daughter WATER on the 5th of each month to honor her and make her better known. All you have to do is pray her Rosary, just present an excerpt of her life that my son Marcos revealed to you in this wonderful movie. And do a little mental prayer contemplating her merits, contemplating her virtues and her love.
And then, truly the Flame of Love of my daughter WATER will bring down the walls of the corrupted will of men, of the hardening of hearts. And my Flame of Love will finally be able to find the free and open way to give course to my wonderful and portentous works of Love!
Understand my children, that time is short and the return of my Son is very near! You play and in the meantime all events are already predisposed to the fulfillment of the SECRETS that I have revealed to some of my children in some parts of the world and also here.
And all of humanity will be surprised by what will happen. And then, what will become of those who spent all day in the squares laughing, mocking and mocking God?
Be converted without delay and prepare yourselves for what will happen to accomplish the great World Change, that will prepare the world for the coming and the descent of my Son JESUS in His SECOND ROUND with power and glory to finally put an end to this iniquitous humanity and make the NEW WORLD OF LOVE and NEW HUMANITY finally emerge, freed from sin and Satan and completely surrendered and consecrated to their Lord of Salvation and Peace.
Continue praying my Rosary every day, because through it you can easily follow my daughter Águeda and all the saints on the Road of Holiness.
It has never been heard that anyone who has prayed my Rosary was not a Saint, a great Saint! So pray my Rosary and in a short time you will be able to overcome all the obstacles that prevent you from running and even flying on the path to holiness.
Pray my Rosary! As you pray it the graces of the Mysteries of my Rosary descend silently into your souls, like a dew from Heaven, transforming them from desert into a garden of holiness and truly transforming you into the garden of rest and delight of the Supreme God.
To all I bless with love and especially to you my little son Marcos, thank you so much for the movie of my daughter Águeda that you made a decade ago and that so many souls brought to me. You can't know now and you don't want to imagine how many souls have known the road to holiness thanks to this movie.
And know that even people from other countries who don't speak your language understood everything because of a very special grace that I put in this film that you made in so much suffering, tribulation, but also with so much love, faith, and obedience, extreme dedication to Me.
Yes, my son, many souls have come to the light through this film and as many as there are souls who have come to the light and who will still come as many as there are crowns of glory that I will place on your head in Heaven.
I already know what you are asking me now in your heart: If you can share these crowns with your beloved Spiritual Father Carlos Thaddeus.
Of course! The crowns are yours and you can give them to whoever you want and since you want to give them to him, they will also be shared with him, who is your true consort and who must receive through you all the goods and benefits of Heaven always and more.
You moved me, touched me deeply your tears and what you said after the movie of my daughter Águeda. I like it so much when you open your heart and show your feelings, against that there is no defamation, no denial that can resist, because it is your feelings, it is your soul, and your heart that you see. Heart formed, molded, molded by myself.
And this beautiful heart, full of love for God, full of love for me and for the Saints, makes the very beauty of God, and my beauty, shine even brighter. I molded his heart so that he would appear before the world and draw the world into the Flame of love of my Heart.
Be always like this, and speak openly of all your feelings, because the more the world sees your feelings and how your heart is molded by me, formed by me, the greater will appear the truth of my Presence Here, and the world will see in you my Glory.
To you too, dear little Carlos Tadeu, I bless and thank you again today. Thank you, for all that you have done for Me.
Thank you, for your tiredness in traveling so many and so many kilometers, along so many roads to get here.
Thank you, for the many Cenacles you have done for me, even though you often carry a heavy, trying cross, and so many other things, so many thorns that my Enemy sows on his way to make his journey more difficult. But you advance out of love for me, thank you.
Thank you, for so many Rosaries and Rosaries prayed, sacrificing rest, sleep and even leisure for love of Me.
Thank you, for so many days dedicated to me, preparing the Cenacles instead of resting, or else distracting you. These precious hours that you spend preparing my Cenacles, are like real hymns of love, that enchant my Heart, that enchant the Heart of my Son Jesus, and that remove many painful thorns from my Immaculate Heart.
Thank you, for so many miles to bring to my children my Image of graces and blessings, my Messages of love, striving to save so many souls!
All of this My child is written and recorded in my Mother's Book of love, where I record all the acts of love, sacrifice, all the acts of generosity and giving that my children do for me, for my Work of Salvation and for the Salvation of the souls of my children. And on the day of the death of each of my servants, of my apostles, when the devil opens the book from which he records the sins of each one, I will open my Book too and show the Eternal Father all these sacrifices of love that my dear and obedient children make for me.
I will open your book, my son, the book where I record every prayer, every sacrifice, every cenacle, every effort, every thought of love you have for me, every hour dedicated to me. Every hour of sleep, of rest, of leisure, sacrificed for me, renounced for me.
And I tell you, when I open my book, the Eternal Father will cry as he sees how many sacrifices of love you have made for me, for him and for the salvation of my children. For all of this: Thank you, thank you, thank you!
And thank you, especially for being here, giving joy, consolation, not only to my Heart, but also to the suffering heart of my son Marcos, you are my balm to him, you are the medicine of my Heart to heal him of so many pains accumulated over so many years.
Be the good medicine, be the good balm. I thank you for this, and I thank you especially for having accepted the mission to take care of him for me, and to do my times with him, when I am not speaking to him at the Apparitions.
Through you I want to love, protect, guide, strengthen even more this son of mine who still has a great mission ahead of him and much to do, also much to suffer. And in those moments of suffering, you will be my Mother hug, as well as the heavenly Father's hug for him.
For this I thank you for your "YES" given and renewed every day with Love. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
And to all my children who love me, obey me and fight for my plan of Salvation, to all of them too, I now lovingly bless PELLEVOISIN, LOURDES and JACAREÍ".
(Saint Águeda of Catania): "Dear brothers My, I, WATER, rejoiced in coming today to bless you and to give you my Peace!
Be, my beloved brothers, the tourmalines of true Faith, Constancy in Faith in the Lord.
Be the tourmalines of Constance, persevering every day in God's love, in prayer, in your consecration to God.
When you were baptized, you were consecrated to God, you are the property of the Holy Spirit, His Temples.
Live like His Temples: in love, in prayer, in God's grace every day, deviating from evil as I always have, in order to remain always in love, in Friendship, in God's grace.
Be the Tourmalines of Constancy in the Faith, in this Times in which the Faith of the elect is hard tested: by contradictions, by the scandal of the apostasy of priests, bishops and popes; when the Faith of the elect is hard tested and beaten by the sufferings and crosses that are not lacking, nor will they be lacking until the definitive Triumph of Our Mother and Our Queen.
At this time your Constancy of Faith must appear, to give to the world a brilliant testimony like mine, that Faith and love overcome and surpass all things; I have triumphed from Quintiano, from the Devil, from Hell and from the world by the power of my love and my Faith, in the same way you will triumph from the Infernal Quintiano who at all costs in these times want to distance you from the Lord and from Our Lady, Our Queen. By leading you to experience the worldly pleasures that deceive, wither the soul and cause it to die in mortal sin.
You will triumph from today's Infernal Quintillian, and from this world that has become 100 times worse than in my time with the same weapons with which I have triumphed: the weapons of Faith, of prayer and love, of penance and of a life each time but intimate with God and with Our Holy Queen for prayer.
Oh! I prayed Mental Prayer in my garden, and how those prayers strengthened my Faith!
There was no Rosary yet, the Mother of God had not yet revealed this Most Powerful Prayer against Hell and sin. Therefore, I only had the Mental Prayer to avail myself. And those prayers strengthened my soul, making it a true tower of faith!
If you, my brothers, are persevering in the Mental Prayer and the Most Sacred Rosary, which is very powerful against vices, sin, the Devil and Hell.
There will be no possibility that you will not save yourselves and reach Heaven.
And here in this blessed and sacred place, only here, do you learn, know all this, these infallible weapons for the Salvation of your souls.
Give thanks and praise to God, who was benign with you, was benevolent, was merciful and kind as never was with other generations. Praise Him for this, and love Him much more for this being the tourmalines of Faith and Constance in the Lord.
If your Faith and your love is firm, strong and ardent, you will be tourmalines of such great beauty that all other souls, when they see the beauty of your souls, will desire this beauty, divine beauty, the beauty of Heaven, the beauty of God, present in your souls.
And they will also want this beauty that I possess in such a great degree and that even today enchants and enamors the multitudes that come to me in Catania. And so too, you will attract all souls and all hearts to the Lord. For this beauty that comes from heaven, conquers the flesh, conquers the world, conquers hell and transforms even the most dark swamp into a beautiful garden of holiness and transforms the soul most adorned by sin into the most precious tourmaline to please and enchant the Lord God.
Dear Marcos, I bless you generously now and thank you for this beautiful film that you made of my life.
Yes! You comforted me enormously with this Film, because my Heart, although happy and joyful in Heaven, was pierced by a sword, because I was not known as I wished. Because being known and loved, I always draw all hearts to my Divine Spouse Jesus. And for many centuries he was so little known and loved in other nations outside of mine.
And you with this my Film took me to places where my name had never before come, and the souls seeing my Faith, my love, my Obedience to God, fell in love with me, with my heavenly beauty, and gave the "YES" in my "YES" to the Lord. For all this, my beloved brother, I bless you and thank you.
And I truly say to you: As many as souls are saved by this film that you have made of my life, as many as the crowns of jewels, of heavenly jewels that I will place on your forehead, on your head in heaven.
Forward! Keep making me known and loved, because my beauty conquers hell, conquers the world and makes the Lord triumph!
I also bless you, my beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus. Know that when I was in my prison and Saint Peter appeared to me, Saint Peter showed me you and my beloved brother Marcos in a mystical vision. And among other things he asked me to offer for you not only the pain that I was feeling in place of my cut breasts, but also, the pain that the next day I would suffer.
St. Peter showed me everything: how I would be burned, dragged over cutting pieces and my face would be totally disfigured, until then, not bearing the pain of my wounds, I would die of pain, of very sharp pain.
And he asked me to offer all these sufferings for you, to give strength to you, in the great Mission that the Mother of I am my "YES" and I decided resolutely to die the next day for love of my Lord and also for love of you. So that through the sacrifice of my life, you could receive all the graces necessary to be Holy, to fulfill the Immaculate Mission and to reach the triumphant Heaven crowned with Victory.
Know then, that I have loved you for many, many centuries! And I who have suffered so much for you, will never leave you to the one who is the fruit of such great sufferings.
And let no one marvel at the Lord revealing to so many Saints, to so many Martyrs, the existence of this beloved brother of ours, and let us also ask that we offer for him our Martyrdom and our Merits. For it was revealed to Us that he would come into the world in that time which is 100 times worse than the world was in my time, and he would need very special graces to endure the trials and bear the whole cross that would come from the "YES" given to the Immaculate Conception and Mission.
Therefore, the Lord for whom there is neither past nor future and everything is an eternal present. The Lord has shown it to us, so that by offering for Him our pains and supplies we may deserve for Him the great graces necessary to be able to fight in this time when the hardness of men's hearts reaches such a point that even the demons themselves are astonished.
If he does not have these very special graces, how will he do in the face of the hardness of men's hearts that overcomes the hardness of the biggest rocks on earth?
So let no one be surprised, these graces were prepared beforehand many centuries ago to strengthen him and also to strengthen Our beloved Marcos.
This has to do with the Secrets, but you cannot know them now, it is enough for now to know that this is the Will of the Lord to collaborate with these chosen Servants for the fulfillment of the plan of the Mother of God. Whoever does this will be rewarded; whoever hinders or does not help by being able will be punished.
God is Just, and will reward the minimum effort, even a glass of water given to His elect to help them announce the Good News and fulfill the Lord's plan. Also, he will not fail to punish those who by pure malice and villainy wanted to spoil the Plans of Salvation of Souls carried out by the Lord.
So brothers, help! Help the elect of God and you will have the merits of Servants of God, thus collaborating in the Work of Salvation and becoming participants of the superabundant merits of those whom God loves and chooses to help you conclude the great plan of Salvation of His children and humanity.
I, Agueda, love you all very much and I will never leave you because I love you with all the strength of my Flame of Love.
Pray my Rosary always! Then I will be able to reach and pour out many thanks to you.
To all, I bless you now with love from CATANIA, SIRACUSA and JACAREÍ".
(Marcos): "Beloved Mother, the Lady and Saint Águeda, will you please touch these religious objects that we have made for the prayer and protection of your children?
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries and images touched by me and my daughter Águeda arrives, there I will be alive, carrying the great graces of the Lord.
To all, again I give my Peace, I give my Blessing, and I cover it with my Cloak of Love.