Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Message of the Eternal Father

Dear children, I, your FATHER, come today on the day of my Feast to tell you:
I love you very much! I AM LOVE! And souls can only know Me, they can only reach me through Love.
I am the River of Love, I am the Source of Love, I am the Origin and the very Love and only who lives in Love can live in me and I can live in it.
If you want to meet Me, come to me through Love and in Love.
Expand your hearts to my Love, accepting it and transmitting it to all with your life, full of prayer, full of sacrifices of Love, of works of Love. So that all of humanity may finally see, feel, know my Love in your Love.
When all humanity knows my Love, then I will triumph in all hearts.
If you, my children, if you are Love, will live in Love and in Love, then my children far from me will know and feel my Love through your Love.
And so, at last, they will all run to My Arms! And when I embrace them, then, it will be my Triumph and the rebel will be the deceiver, my enemy from the beginning, will have finally lost his war against me that has been going on for millennia.
And then, finally, my Love will triumph for Love in hearts filled with Love.
Be Love and then Eternal Love, that I Am Myself, will come to live in you and through you realize the wonders of Love. To heal is humanity wounded, wounded by sin, wars, violence, evil, selfishness, impurity and such great apostasy and coldness, hardening of hearts, impiety.
Then, truly, hearts will open to my Divine Love and that Love will triumph, healing the wound of this humanity's ungodliness that, by turning away from me, has turned away from the One Source of Love. And so he fell victim to all sorts of evils like war, hatred, discord, sin, destruction.
Then finally Love will triumph and all hearts will know the New Earth that I prepare for you, which will be the Land of Peace, the Land of Love.
AMAI MARIA! She who is the perfect image of my Love.
She who is the perfect reflection of my Divine Love. In Mary, I reflect my Love more purely than the rays of the sun in a very clear mirror.
In Mary, I reflect the rays of my Love and my Divine Charity and make them shine more powerfully and clearly than the rays of the sun in a lake of pure water.
Therefore, anyone who wants to feel my Love, see my Love, understand my Love go to Mary first.
In Her Love you will feel Mine, in Her Tenderness you will feel Mine, in Her Kindness you will know Mine. And then, truly, they will be able to come to me with an open heart of Love and in a good mood to know and love me.
Yes, Mary is my Divine Imam, through whom I attract all hearts thirsting for Love, thirsting for Peace, Truth to Me.
Yes, Mary is my Divine Trap to catch sinners away from me and through Her Love make them captives of my own Love.
Oh, bring Mary to the knowledge of all.
The more she is known and loved, the more I will be known and loved and the more my Love will triumph in the World. Because I sent my Son into the World through Mary myself and I want the World to come back to me in my Son first, through Mary.
She is the Divine Channel through which my Son went into the World to save you and she is the path on which all of us must climb back to me.
Yes, I do. I want you to make Mary known, because in Mary's Flame of Love everyone will know my Flame of Love. And when everyone accepts this Love, then I will triumph, and my enemy will finally be crushed.
Oh! How I love you! I love you so much! I have chosen you, one by one, to be here with Love.
And with Love I ask you: Give Me your 'YES'.
Because although I love My children very much, I can no longer bear so many crimes, so many impiety that are committed every day.
And that is why I will come to purify this world that I myself created and I will come with fire, with a fire more ardent than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Indeed, the fire that fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah will look like a warm summer breeze compared to the fire that I will pour upon the earth to purify it.
Therefore, CONVERT YOU WITHOUT DEMAND! For when this fire passes there will be no stone left on stone.
And woe to those who are outside of my Love, outside of my Grace.
Yes, the Punishment will be terrible! I will send my Light to the hearts, the Light of my Spirit. And then everyone will see their past life and their mistakes not with their eyes, but with Mine, as I see.
And the horror of their mistakes and their sins will be so great, that many will not endure and die.
Yes, everyone will feel how much you have offended me, they will feel my own pain. I will transmit to hearts the Pain I have felt for every sin, for every fault you have committed, my children. And this Pain will be so great that many will not endure it.
Yes. I love you so much! I love everyone so much and I want everyone's salvation so much that I am willing to forgive everything, to cancel everything from the past, and give new life to all those who want to be my children and want to love me.
Oh! I love them so much! That if it were necessary, I would send my Son to the world a second time, so that he would die again on a Cross to save them.
Yes, I can't stop loving them, I can't!
I love you so much! You are my seeds, you are the seeds that have come out of me and that I have planted in this World so that you may know me, love me and bear the fruits of true Love for me.
Be, then, the good trees that bear these fruits, for soon I will come to ask for them, my children. And those trees that do not bear fruit will be cut down and cast into darkness forever.
I am Love! I want only Love! Give Me Love! Give Me Love, and then you will have given me everything.
And when they have given me everything, finally, I will be everything in everyone, and then my Fatherly Love will triumph.
Because through it, I will always fill your souls with Love.
The ROSARY touches the most intimate fiber of my Being. He makes the fibers of my Merciful Love vibrate and when you pray him I cannot resist you. And so I pour on all Grace upon Grace, Mercy upon Mercy.
Happy are those who believe in the Most Holy Rosary of my Daughter Most Precious Mary, because truly to this I will give everything, everything.
And to the one who prays the Rosary I solemnly promise Salvation. I will give all my graces to that soul so that it may be Holy. If she is a sinner she will be converted before death, she will obtain favor before me and truly inherit my Eternal Glory.
My children, time is short, give the messages of my Daughter Mary to everyone.
Multiply the Cenacles and Prayer Groups, because they will be the only light in this decisive hour of humanity when nightfall already begins. Soon it will be deep night and there will no longer be any light. Only in these cenacles will there be the light of my Grace illuminating the hearts.
I love you and bless you.
I bless you Marcos, my beloved son, who has always loved me faithfully and has always sought to transmit to all my great Father Love.
Yes. Thanks to you, little son of mine, how many have known me, how many have learned to call me 'Father', how many have crossed the barriers of caring love, servant love and even love, fear, love-friendship to finally reach the filial love, the love that I want.
For all that you have done, that you have made, be now blessed abundantly.
May your works bear even more fruit to give me honor, glory and praise.
Continue to be the loving son for me that you have always been.
Continue to be Love, because in your Love I reveal mine to all humanity.
Be Love and then you will be everything to me.
I bless you too, beloved little son Carlos Tadeu. Speak more of my Fatherly Love, speak more to My children of my great Love for them all.
Be you also a living reflection of my Fatherly Love.
I love you infinitely, and for you I would be willing to create not only one world, but a thousand worlds. Therefore, never fear, my Fatherly Love is with you and my Fatherly gaze follows you, keeps you at all times and will never, never leave you.
When you pray the Rosary I see in your countenance, the countenance of my Most Precious Daughter Mary praying with you.
In her voice I hear the Voice of Her that rises up to me and that touches the most intimate fiber of my being.
You never make me so happy when I pray the Rosary of Mary, because through her you give me all honor and praise for the wonders I have accomplished in her.
Continue, My son, continue and love the son that I gave you. Through this you will feel not only all the Strength of Mary's Love towards you, but also all the Strength of my Love, because in this Love son who is from Heaven, who is divine, you will feel all the strength and all the intensity of Mine.
And then you will feel how much I have loved you, how much I have created you, how much I have loved you throughout your life, even when you didn't know me or think of me yet.
Yes, I thought of you with Love, I was watching over you all the time. And it was I who also with your son Jesus transformed you, I made you the most beautiful gift for my Daughter of Mary.
And she in turn will make you the most beautiful gift she will give me the day she comes to bring you to My Arms.
Oh! How much I wait for that hour! When I will definitely embrace you and never leave you again.
Yes, you will be the most beautiful gift with the son I gave you to me for all eternity. So follow faithfully all Her Orders.
Let yourself be loved, let yourself be loved in the Love of the son I gave you will know the beauty of my Love and the more you dive into that Love, the deeper, the more intensely you will discover the hidden pearl my Son spoke of.
That nothing is more than my Love for which everything is worth everything, is worth leaving everything, selling everything to possess this pearl. Then your soul will finally discover, because I am Love and in that Love you will consume yourself and burn for all eternity.
You are my comforter! When I am sad for the sins of the world I look at this Shrine and I see my beloved Marcos working for me and for my Most Precious Daughter Mary. And my Heart is consoled.
And I also look at you, at you in the Cenacles that you do for my Most Beloved Daughter, for my Son Jesus and for me. And then, My Tears stop running and my Heart, my Being, rejoices, rejoices, vibrates with joy, for you beloved Son of mine.
Keep going, I will be with you as I was with My Prophets. And through you I will speak and heal your land.
To all I bless with Love. ALL are my beloved children.
I now bless you all generously".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace.
Continue to pray my Rosary every day. For the Rosary I will save you and your families and I will give peace to the world.
If you pray my Rosary the Angel of Peace will come quickly, give Peace to Brazil, give Peace to all humanity.
Pray against Communism.
Pray my Rosary to destroy all the plans of Satan.
Pray, my children, because every day the apostasy advances more and every hour I lose one more child.
Work, my soldiers, my warriors! And don't miss a day without doing the Cenacles and the prayer groups everywhere.
Yes. Go! May there be many Cenacles, because only they can heal this land wounded by wickedness and such a vast rebellion against God and His Love.
Only these Cenacles can be the balm, the heavenly dew that will heal this earth. And it will make it a desert, a swamp of sin, again: a garden of Grace, Beauty and Holiness as in the beginning of Creation.
My children, go ahead! The Secret of La Salette will advance further steps. That is why you must move and run quickly, flying everywhere, carrying My Messages.
Get to know my Secret of the Salette, my Appearance in La Salette to all My children. Because La Salette is the cry of my Mother Love. La Salette is the Triumph of my Love.
There, through my Love shed in My Tears I show to all humanity how much I love My children and in my Love all My children can feel the Love and Affection of God.
Therefore, make known My messages from La Salette.
Give 25 of La Salette's Films, from each one my son Marcos made, to My children who do not know this My Apparition.
So that, finally, My children may know My Sorrows, My Tears, the Secret. And finally, all of them give me the 'YES' of Love that I hope and want, so that through them I can act powerfully and make the great Miracle of my Flame of Love happen in humanity.
Keep praying my Rosary every day!
Whoever prays my Rosary will never be condemned.
I bless you all.
I bless you, my beloved little son Marcos.
Your words at the beginning of the Cenacle, thanking me for the Miracle that I did for you 27 years ago, touched the most intimate fiber of my being, of my Immaculate Heart.
Yes, my Heart vibrated, exulted with Love and joy.
I know, my son, that with your life throughout all these years you have thanked me and corresponded to such great Grace that I gave you.
You are the son that I can always count on and I know that your Love will never disappoint me as it never has.
Move on, being that ardent son of Love for Me.
Yes, in the redundancy, in the excess of Your Love for Me, My children will also feel the excess of My Love for them.
And so my son, all of them, will give themselves to me in Love, for Love. Then my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Through their Love that generates new souls forged and reborn in Love, to love me in Love.
To you too, my beloved little son Carlos Thaddeus, I bless and thank you for coming. 599,000 thorns have come out of my Immaculate Heart in these days that you are here.
Yes, how you comfort me! I bless you for this and say son:
Know that when we were in Egypt, Joseph, Jesus, and I. A woman moved by Satan and also consumed by the envy of my Supernatural Beauty, of my Virtues.
This woman began to slander me in the neighborhoods where we lived.
The clamor of that slander was so great that many people physically attacked me on the street.
I supported everything with Love. And I offered it for you.
Yes, they even slapped me.
I offered everything for you.
I knew it was the work of my enemy. And then I prayed to the Lord intensely asking Him, if it was His Divine Will, to treat me rigorously, allowing those women to assault me so that I could suffer more for you and offer My Pains for you.
Yes. The Lord answered my prayer and allowed those women to continue mistreating me for almost 3 years.
Yes. The Lord answered my prayer and allowed those women to continue mistreating me for almost 3 years.
They even assaulted me by pushing me to the ground and throwing objects at me. All this I offer for you son. So, if Mama suffered so much for you, you must believe in your Mother's Love. She will never leave you, because you are the son of My Pains.
Always trust in my Love go ahead carrying my messages to everyone, because in saving the souls of my children you always predestine yours to a very high degree of glory in Heaven.
Always love the son I gave you, because he is the greatest grace of your life. He was truly created by the Lord and formed, nourished, forged by me in the forge of my Immaculate Heart.
So that with all the ardor of my Flame of Love, you may finally know my Love, my Flame of Love, and with this Flame you will one day be in the Seraphim Paradise burning with Love, which will give the Lord and also Me, your Mother, the eternal warmth, the tender ardor of your Love.
Yes, with it, you will learn to love Me, you will learn to love the Lord, you will learn to be Love: Flame of Unceasing Love.
And so son, you will finally give me the Love that I have searched all over the Earth and found almost no soul.
And then in you my Love will rest and rest at last!
I bless you with Love and all My children.
Yes, from FÁTIMA, from LA SALETTE and from JACAREÍ".
(Mary Most Holy after touching the Sacramentals): "As I said before, wherever one of these rosaries and holy objects arrives, there I will be living with the Love of the Father realizing the great wonders of the Lord.
I once again bless you all to be happy.
Go in the Peace of the Lord!"